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Everything posted by MigL

  1. You are considering the entangled particles and the wave function to be separate entities. They are not. Before the 'first' spin detection of the particle that fixes the spin orientation of the second particle, while entanglement persists, there are no particles, just their common wave function. That is what is meant by 'abandoning local realism'. As for my previous question and Wiki quote, I notice you again read just the parts that suit your narrative. The pertinent part was If you can't know which comes first, how can you determine which sends the 'magical' signal to the other ? Do they both ? Does neither ? This 'magical' signal is becoming more and more like the 'aether'. So many conflicting properties, no evidence, and definitely not needed.
  2. Whoa, take'er easy there, Pilgrim. I have seen"the man who shot Liberty Valence" many times. Here are a selection of quotes from the movie ... The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Wikiquote The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Quotes - IMDb Perhaps you can find your 'quote' for me, or pull up a You Tube clip ? ( always glad to be a secondary issue )
  3. I probably wasn't very clear. But I found this reference on Wiki which explains better than I did ... "The distance and timing of the measurements can be chosen so as to make the interval between the two measurements spacelike, hence, any causal effect connecting the events would have to travel faster than light. According to the principles of special relativity, it is not possible for any information to travel between two such measuring events. It is not even possible to say which of the measurements came first. For two spacelike separated events x1 and x2 there are inertial frames in which x1 is first and others in which x2 is first. Therefore, the correlation between the two measurements cannot be explained as one measurement determining the other: different observers would disagree about the role of cause and effect. (In fact similar paradoxes can arise even without entanglement: the position of a single particle is spread out over space, and two widely separated detectors attempting to detect the particle in two different places must instantaneously attain appropriate correlation, so that they do not both detect the particle.)" From Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia
  4. The Uncertainty Principle is a 'feature' of all wave-like systems. Quantum Mechanics does not allow for simultaneusly accurate determination of conjugate variables, like position and momentum. Time and energy are another pair that follow the HUP. See here Uncertainty principle - Wikipedia.
  5. I would also like a question answered ... I brought it up previously, but it was dismissed. Assume Bob and Alice are in two different frames, separated by large distance. Bangstrom confidently says that Bob makes the first measurement, and a 'signal' then determines Alice's measurement. Special Relativity tells us that there may be a question as to who made the measurement first, as they can only compare their measurements much later. Is this 'signal' then, frame dependant ? Does it travel from Bobs frame to Alice's, when he has made the first measurement in his frame ? And does it travel from Alice's frame to Bob's when she has made the first measurement in her frame ? This is indeed a 'magical' signal. Makes one suspend belief in reality between the two measurements. Which is exactly what we've been telling you !
  6. That has nothing to do with ignorance or knowledge, Peterkin. Until kids reach high school, or get a phone, the parents are their biggest influencers. Once they get to high school, or get a smart phone, their friends, social contacts, and idiots on YouTube become their biggest influencers. You better make sure they are 'grounded' ( confident, respectful and sensible ) before they get to that age
  7. I always thought the 'observer effect' was related to the fact that any observation is an interaction with the system being observed, and would necessarily 'alter' the observation by disturbing that system.. QM is, to borrow a thought from another thread, based on the fact that the quantum domain has no reality ( as we know it ) until we force it to, by making an observation ( interaction ). The HUP is a more concrete effect, that dictates the accuracy to which we can know certain related observables, and is built into the mathematical formulation of a quantum system. It is not dependant on our technical ability to measure accurately, nor is it based on whether we make a 'proxy' measurement or disturb the system with the measurement.
  8. Surely Russian Generals must realize that if Russia uses nukes, even tactical battlefield low yield types, that would be the worst thing that could happen to Russia ( although not as bad as what would happen to Ukraine ). So they have a choice to make. Do they try to prop up V Putin's ego, or do they relegate Russia to be shunned by the rest of the World, and become even more of a 'shit-hole' country ( in the words of a former President ).
  9. I bet your hourly wage went up when you showed up to your next job with a gun ... I'm not against kids helping out around the house and doing a few chores, but I do think their first responsibility is their school work. Also, keep in mind that I'm ( was ) a son, but I've never been a parent, although I treat my two nephews and neice as my own kids, and even helped each of them buy their first house. Even their friends call me Uncle Lui.
  10. 10 year olds already have a job. It's called school.
  11. No. Not 'Road Warrior', or its sequels. The original 1979 'Mad Max', where the bikers kill his wife/family. Count me as another of G Dyer fan.
  12. Try this Bell's Theorem (utoronto.ca) also includes some history and insights into 'reality separate from observation', and non-locality.
  13. Mad Max ? Is that you ?
  14. While Bangstrom continues to assume some sort of magical 'interaction' that does not involve any interaction, Eise has neatly summed up exactly what happens ... It is almost like there is no reality between measurements ( only probability amplitudes ). IOW, No ( ocal ) reality =/=> Non-local reality.
  15. As far as I know, entanglement is a fundamental aspect of Quantum Mechanics, where the quantum state of each particle affected cannot be described independently of the state of the others in the grouping. IOW, the states ( such as position, momentum, spin, polarization ) of theaffected particles in the 'entangled' grouping are represented by a single mathematical wave function, until 'decoherence' occurs due to an interaction. It was 'accepted' theory, until A Einstein, B Podolsky and N Rosen proposed the EPR paradox which violated local realism and/or causality; the original "spooky action at a distance", and Einstein's ( and Shroedinger's ) belief that unknown 'hidden' variables were involved. J Bell put the 'nail in the coffin' to hidden variable theories, and this year's Nobel Prize winners, J Clauser, A Aspect and A Zeilinger, have been recognized for estabilishing that there is no local reality. See here Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia
  16. Clauser, Aspect and Zeilinger were this year's recipients of the Nobel. ( see 'Science News' thread ) For their work in estabilishing that there is no local reality.
  17. This news may be of interest to the participants in the "Crowded quantum information" thread. The 2022 Nobel has been awarded to J Clauser, A Aspect, and A Zeilinger, for their work in estabilishing that there is no 'local reality'. ( which is not indicative of real non-locality ) The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It - Scientific American
  18. There is a big difference between 'shrinking' and gravitational collapse. There is no 'shrunken' star inside a Black Hole. Maybe you should rethink this whole idea ...
  19. Depends what kind of interactions you are considering. Classical interactions have clearly defined and determined trajectories, and classical ( macroscopic ) particles can be tracked all along that trajectory. Quantum particles have no clearly defined trajectory, and, in QED, the 'in-between' is a summation of the probability amplitudes of all possible trajectories. This then leads to infinite probability amplitudes, and must be remedied by renormalization.
  20. Why are religious people always so angry ? Calm down; you know God loves you.
  21. What do you think might be shrinking inside a Black Hole ? almost all of the things you mention, DO NOT happen.
  22. Melting ice that is 'floating' ( Arctic ) does not cause sea-level rise, but melting ice over land masses ( Antarctic and other glaciers ) will. IOW, it will not be linear.
  23. So Black Holes, and even neutron stars, objects with extreme gravitational fields, would shrink the most. Would this effect be evident for the massive Black Holes central to galaxies ? Would this affect the rotation rate of pulsars ?
  24. As if the lizard people, mole people, and extraterrestrial aliens weren't bad enough ...
  25. Apparently it even extends to face coverings, to this day, in Iran.
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