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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Of course it's not science. It is an interpretation of the science into 'common' deterministic ideas. ( which are more familiar to us than quantum paradigms ) Do you think the other popular interpretation, that a cat in a box can be dead and alive, simultaneously before wave function collapse, IS real science ????
  2. There is nothing 'over the line' about the Many Worlds Interpretation; it is just as valid as the Copenhagen Interpretation. Quantum Mechanics is NOT classical, or macro, mechanics.
  3. Yeah. A lot of dictatorships learned how to oppress their people from J Stalin ...
  4. Why do you do that ... You don't know how to express an idea mathematically, so you reach into a bag of 'scientific verbage', and say "This represents what I'm trying to say". When actually, it refers to something totally unrelated.
  5. I don't beleive I, or the link I provided, said that ... Read it again.
  6. Is something 'real' if it can be explained away depending on interpretation ? On the question of local versus non-local decoherence ( because there is no non-local interactions ) Quantum nonlocality does not exist | PNAS "I show that quantum nonlocality is an artifact of the assumption that observers obey the laws of classical mechanics, whereas observed systems obey quantum mechanics. Locality is restored if observed and observer both obey quantum mechanics"
  7. We're just giving him enough rope to hang himself ...
  8. A light cone doesn't 'represent' anything physical. It is a plot of time vs distance, and if the units are seconds, on the time scale, and ct , on the distance scale, then light is constrained to travel on the 45o slope separating timelike and spacelike motion. See here Light cone - Wikipedia
  9. you don't recognize sarcasm ? Why not ? You've already made up all sorts of stuff. And 'eigenstates' makes no sense. That would make dimensional analysis interesting, but extremely wrong, because the vertex of a cube are not a force in any way imaginable.
  10. I have read about retribution for possible assassination attempts. V Putin may be getting worried/paranoid.
  11. Before you go, can you at least explain what units a 'conservation of energy force' is measured in ?
  12. So, since the metric is a function of time, then time itself has to be a function of time ??? I don't follow your reasoning.
  13. They have all died under mysterious circumstances Assassination or strange coincidence? At least 11 high-ranking Russians have died suddenly (msn.com) but they keep missing the right one.
  14. If you can't draw it, then you don't understand it !
  15. MigL

    Sweden Democrats

    Most continental European political parties have 'roots' in fascisim or communism, as a lot of them came into being 75 years ago. There was a large swing to the left, and communism, during the 50s and 60s in a lot of countries that were previously right wing fascist. Most major parties have 'evolved' and converged towards the center , but some fringe parties are still 'hard-core'. Interestingly, America, which helped control the 'swings' of European governments in the 50-60s, has seen its political parties diverge.
  16. As an older, somewhat educated person, I stay away from social media ( forums, which exchange ideas, are my weakness ). Young people have never experienced the old style informative, not opinionated, news, and get a lot of self re-enforcing opinionated news from social media. The 'splinternet' makes it easy to find like-minded people who share your opinions, no matter how extreme, and 'splinter' us into different groups. Social media is possibly the biggest social engineering experiment ever, and although the internet was initially hailed as a way to bring us together, it could turn out that it ruins society as we know it.
  17. MigL

    Today I Learned

    I'm surprised nobody is stealing panels off the building. The old Science building of my university ( Brock University was only 10 years old when I got there ) was a former Corning Glass lab. When the new Science Complex was built, the old one was demolished to build townhouses.
  18. But according to all the Putin apologists, all Ukraine had to do to avoid the war, and all it destruction and killing, was to give in to V Putin's 'demands'. And now, no doubt, the Ukraine would be a territory of Russia, and an emboldened V Putin would be invading Latvia, Estonia, Romania or Bulgaria. ( Hungary is already a vassal state )
  19. Then why do you keep drawing these useless pictures which mean absolutely nothing ? And why do you keep using non-standard terminology which supposedly means something, only to you ? None of your posts make any sense. Might I suggest that if you can't make sense, you don't know what you're talking about ?
  20. Atomic clocks are a frequency standard. "The caesium standard is a primary frequency standard in which the photon absorption by transitions between the two hyperfine ground states of caesium-133 atoms is used to control the output frequency." From Caesium standard - Wikipedia It seems you don't know what frequency is either.
  21. Tape ???? How long ago did you work there ? The OP is rather open ended, so you may have been a bit brutal, John ...
  22. Then why do you think it would make a difference ? A Einstein based GR on the assumptions of homogeneity ( same in all locations oruniformity of structure ) and isotropy ( same in all directions or uniformity of properties ) of the universe.
  23. I think you hould quote all of Joigus' post But even if he could What information, other than the collapse of a mathematical construct ( wave function ) of a model, would you be able to send ?
  24. The Event Horizon is essentially a mathematical construct, however, it is also the manifestation of the space-time geometry. As such, it is modified by properties like mass, charge and ang momentum ( in size shape and complexity for lack of better descriptors ). I don't quite understand the Beckenstein-Hawking mathematics, but it is a statistical mechanical interpretation of 'micro-states' of an EH ( as opposed to the previously believed single state of the 'no hair' theorem ) which leads to BH entropy. ( these micro states also arise in LQG, where they have a geometric interpretation ) As the EH is not an 'edge' to space-time, but rather a 'threshold', any curvature continues along with the global geometry through the threshold; BHs do experience gravity from external objects. What is a 'graviton' wave ? Gravitons are the supposed result of a quantum field theory of gravity. Our current theory, GR, is classical; unless you are S Hawking, it is best not to mix the two.
  25. Most people ( myself included ) have no formal training in the application of ( mathematical ) logic. But they watched Mr Spock on Star Trek, and think that using the word makes them sound authorative. Rational, reasonable and sensible imply that a decreasing amount of thinking has gone into forming that thought or opinion, but there may be no formal logic involved at all. Then again, I'm sure some amount of thinking goes into irrational, unreasonable and insensible thoughts and ideas also, in which case none of them mean what we intend them to mean.
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