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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Ahh ... Brings back memories of Thermodynamics classes, so many years ago. Haven't heard 'Gibbs Free Energy' for about 40 years, and I work with Chemical Engineers, and a few Chemists, daily.
  2. Not the transport price you need to worry about. The tariffs Canada imposes on cheap, but good, American cheeses, in an effort to 'protect' the Quebec dairy racket ( and one of the reason D Trump went after NAFTA ), is what keeps our prices high. Best prices on imported "Parmeggiano Reggiano", in Canada, is Costco. ( I like hard cheeses, with crusty Italian bread, and 'Amarone' wine )
  3. Hope she runs as an independent in the 2024 elections. If nothing else, she will draw away some of the conservative votes from the Republicans, making sure D Trump doesn't win the Presidency again.
  4. As the energy supplied by the universe's drop ( slow roll ) from false zero vacuum energy, to true zero level, after the E-W symmeetry break becomes less and less, the exponential inflation also decreases. That is simple enough to understand. Much less understood is the mechanism for the recently detected accelerating expansion of the last few billion years. Perhaps oscillations about the true zero vacuum energy level ?
  5. Never heard of Jarlsberg cheese. But I love cheese, and having naturally low cholesteral levels, often eat it to the point of constipation. I used to drink two quarts of milk per day when younger, but now as little as a few ounces with cereal, gives me bad gas and stomach cramps. I have heard of ( and tried often ) Carlsberg beer.
  6. Magnetic storage drives use magnetic domains, while SSDs use 'flash' which stores electrons in 'traps' of 2 or more voltage levels. They are usually cleared by re-formatting, which essentially wipes the index of the stored data. A good recovery program can still read this data, unless over-written, and good wiping programs usually over-write all the data to prevent this ( but that may take a while with >terabyte HDDs ).
  7. My understanding as a Physicist, not a Chemist or Chem Engineer For chemical bonds, which involve electron interactions, the bound state is always lower energy than the free state.
  8. My mistake also. Didn't realize the OP specified chemical bonds. I was also considering nuclear bonds in fission.
  9. Don't get iyour Cosmology from YouTube ( although PBS Space-Time is very good ). Space-time has no geometry ( does not exist ) prior to the Planck era ( about 10-43 sec ), so speaking of 'before' is non-sensical. Information is limited to the speed of light, so no information can be obtained from any region that is not in causal contact ( moving away faster than the speed of light ) no matter how you juggle the information. The last time the universe would have been in causal contact was before the exponential inflationary period, so as to establish homogeneity, but, as this was at 10-35 sec, I doubt there were any civilizations already that could pass on information.
  10. The transforms relate different inertial frames of reference. These frames have a velocity relative to each other, and that is the v you see ( as well as in the gamma factor ), relating the x position to the x' position.
  11. The first proposed mechanism, was by Alan Guth in the 80s, who postulated the Electro-weak symmetry break allowed the universe to drop down to a lower energy state from a previous false zero state. This released energy ( of the drop ) powered the inflationary phase from 10-35 to 10-32 sec. The residual energy of the drop may still be active as the Cosmological Constant, or Dark Energy. There have been many inflationary models proposed since then, as they solve many problems such as isotropy, homogeneity, apparent flatness, and even the scarcity of magnetic monopoles. The inflaton is a mathematical construct which simplifies the theory/calculations; whether real, or not, is not important as it's a 'model'.
  12. Systems tend to their lowest energy state. Sometimes that's a bound state, sometimes it's a 'free' state. Energy is released ( I use exothermic, but Studiot is correct ) to get to lower energy states.
  13. As Markus explained, the geometry is very different. For a Black Hole, the 'singularity' is always in the future. For the universe, the Big Bang 'singularity' is in the past.
  14. Nobody invests this kind of money without expecting a 'return'. Jared Kushner got a 2 billion dollar investment from the Saudi Crown Prince. 'He's Cashing In': Kushner Firm Gets $2 Billion From Saudi Fund Run by Crown Prince (commondreams.org) Maybe the Saudis are buying nuclear information to keep up with the Israelis and Iranians ??? Purely speculative.
  15. Just like in Relativity, Frames of Reference do matter. Nobody is a 'loony' when viewing themselves, in their own FoR. Looniness is only perceived from an external observer, or external FoR.
  16. That would be my thinking also. D Trump has shown himself to be very vindictive, if he feels he's been wronged. These classified files were nothing more than 'leverage'.
  17. Troll ? I was being serious; dialysis is no joke, and is definitely a kidney problem.
  18. Really ? From your link "analogies between the equations for electromagnetism and relativistic gravitation; specifically: between Maxwell's field equations and an approximation, valid under certain conditions, to the Einstein field equations for general relativity." IOW, sometimes they 'look' similar.
  19. Definitely. Failed kidneys will affect your sex life. It is almost impossible to have pleasant sex while undergoing dialysis. On the other hand, excessive masturbation does not lead to bad eyesight. My vision was bad even before I started masturbating excessively 😄 😄 .
  20. I think your 'friend' has you beat. You were only able to string two sciency-sounding terms together ( gravito and electromagnetic ). He was able to string together a whole bunch of nonsense that sounds vaguely scientific ( heatless, pseudo-infinite, spatial expansion, blue shift, etc. ); you're gonna have to up your game to be more non-sensical. Try 'quantum gravitoelectromagnetic, oscillating, differential frequency, heat amplification engine'. He, and just about everyone else, won't have a clue as to what you're talking about ...
  21. That is a weak field limit of the gravitational field. Newton's relation is only valid as an approximation; GR will give much more exact results, except at small scales/hi energies. The 'similarities' are meaningless.
  22. Dimreepr 😄 .
  23. You have to stop taking literature so seriously. Thank God you read the Hitch-hiker's Guide and not the Bible.
  24. That would be Ivana, who is dead and buried. And also in poor tate; my apologies.
  25. Huuh ? This is aa science forum. "Richard Dawkins is especially scathing of astrology, along with ALL scientists." Scientist and astrologer are mutually exclusive; you cannot be both. And 'all atoms in the universe' cannot affect each other, unless they are in causal contact. An atom in the Sun cannot affect you until more than 8 minutes have elapsed. Atoms in our nearest stellar neighbour cannot affect you for a period of more than 4 years. Atoms in the star Mizar will never affect you as it takes light/information 80 years to reach us, and you will be deceased by then. As for the universe being deterministic like clockwork, and everything 'going to happen' since the Big Bang, that is also false because at small scales, the universe is probabilistic. You see, quantum Mechanics is science; astrology is not.
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