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Everything posted by MigL

  1. That is a weak field limit of the gravitational field. Newton's relation is only valid as an approximation; GR will give much more exact results, except at small scales/hi energies. The 'similarities' are meaningless.
  2. Dimreepr 😄 .
  3. You have to stop taking literature so seriously. Thank God you read the Hitch-hiker's Guide and not the Bible.
  4. That would be Ivana, who is dead and buried. And also in poor tate; my apologies.
  5. Huuh ? This is aa science forum. "Richard Dawkins is especially scathing of astrology, along with ALL scientists." Scientist and astrologer are mutually exclusive; you cannot be both. And 'all atoms in the universe' cannot affect each other, unless they are in causal contact. An atom in the Sun cannot affect you until more than 8 minutes have elapsed. Atoms in our nearest stellar neighbour cannot affect you for a period of more than 4 years. Atoms in the star Mizar will never affect you as it takes light/information 80 years to reach us, and you will be deceased by then. As for the universe being deterministic like clockwork, and everything 'going to happen' since the Big Bang, that is also false because at small scales, the universe is probabilistic. You see, quantum Mechanics is science; astrology is not.
  6. He did return 15 boxes of classified material back in early 2022, but there were suspicions that he still held more at Mar-a-Lago. Suspicions are not enough for a search warrant, and there is speculation that the DoJ and FBI were tipped off by an 'insider'. Apparently D Trump is very paranoid of being surveilled and wire-tapped. Rumours are even suggesting Ivanka or Jared as the moles, in an effort to save their own skins. What the Feds did NOT find was any sign of Melania.
  7. I thought the walls of the bathrooms at Mar-a-Lago were wallpapered with classified documents ? What was the Trump/Republican rallying cry 5-6 years ago ? "Lock her up" regarding H Clinton's possibly classified e-mails. Why is the 'Law and Order' party so upset when the law is applied to them/theirs ? LOCK HIM UP ! ( did he actually change the law in 2018 for this type of crime from a one year incarceration to 5 years ? )
  8. Pick one ! Either dictatorships, left wing or right, cause the most deaths, OR democracies do. Stop arguing out of your ass ! It's getting annoying and tiring. ( oops ! are my views censoring you ? )
  9. Agreed ! Nine pages of endless arguments. When are you going to start presenting facts to back up what you preach ?
  10. You're right; my mistake. As many as 80000 Russian soldiers killed, or wounded, in Ukrainian conflict. As Many as 80,000 Russian Forces Killed, Wounded in Ukraine: Pentagon | World Report | US News
  11. Exactly my view Stringy. It is much easier to control the 'news' in distant parts of rural Russia, but if deaths from the affluent metropolitan western areas of Russia started to mount, controlling the news would become much more difficult.
  12. While I can agree with the first statement about left wing dictatorships being responsible for a lot of deaths, I have to question the second statement, that democracy is a soft, and left, form of government. Your first statement mentions the many left wing dictatorships that are NOT democracies, does it not ? The third statement does not follow at all, and is completely wrong. In the first you mention how left wing DICTATORSHIPS have been disproportionately responsible for loss of life, yet the conclusion you draw is that democracy has "the worst record of bloodshed out of the competing systems of government". You seem to be confused ... and incel.
  13. I am not D Trump. I know there are many people in the world more qualified, and suitable, of surpassing , or replacing me. I used CharonY as an example of one such person, for the reasons specified; so there is no resentment and no threat to me from my PoV. .However if I was surpassed or replaced by someone who is not more qualified than I am, I might perceive it as unfair, resent it, and see it as a threat. Alternatively he/she could be a type that, either through lack of education, or lack of morals, considers people who are different ( skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.) to be his inferiors, and wronged, or threatened, when those people surpass or replace him/her. I don't see any mismatch.
  14. Again, you should read the link provided by Markus. You will find information such as "Although this way of calculating mass (known after its authors as “ADM mass”) has proved useful, it doesn’t allow physicists to quantify the mass within a finite region. Say, for instance, that they are studying two black holes that are in the process of merging, and they want to determine the mass of each individual black hole prior to the merger, as opposed to that of the system as a whole. The mass enclosed within any individual region — as measured from the surface of that region, where gravity and space-time curvature might be very strong — is called “quasilocal mass.”" Do you have an aversion to reading ?
  15. 70-80 000 Russian soldiers dead by latest estimates. Mostly from rural areas of Russia, where there is little opportunity; where life is hard, and death comes easy. Nobody sems to care about these kids. But V Putin's forces must need to replenish those dead soldiers if he wants to hold, or seize more, parts of Ukraine. The problem is he cannot order a General Mobilization, as that would mean conscription for everyone. And when the more affluent Russians from St. Petersburg and Moscow see their kids going off to Ukraine for the 'Special Operation', and not coming back, there's going to be some explaining to do.
  16. It doesn't. But the papers it references might ( I haven't read them ). Due to gravity's non-linearity, mass cannot simply be weighed , as the gravitational 'field' is also a source of gravity, and the two are difficult to separate. Gravity gravitates, and the 'field' adds to the energy-momentum ( mass ). The article discusses methods for 'isolating' the mass from non-linear effects. And methods for using that isolated mass to determine angular momentum. Maybe you should read it ...
  17. I would also like to add to CharonY's ( always ) excellent post, that the 'threat', or resentment, is perceived, and so must be examined from the PoV of the perceeiver. If someone surpasses me for a promotion, or any status altering movement, and I know that they are the right person for the job, there is no perceved threat. CharonY could be a wheelchair bound, Pakistani, lesbian woman for all I know, yet I don't resent, or feel threatened, by his ( her ? ) position as moderator, or his ( her ? ) title of Biology expert. Now, if Peterkin was awarded the title of Physics expert ...
  18. Identity function is a process, additive, multiplicative, etc., that leaves the original value unchanged. If the value returned cannot be the same as the original, it has no 'identity', and no other operations are valid. Sorry I'm not using 'flowery' mathematical language, but identity function is usually used in set theory. Or maybe I'm just not remembering correctly.
  19. Is any operation valid without identity ?
  20. So, I'm guessing the D Trump Presidential Library is very sparse.
  21. And I said For gross contaminants, like 10 k or 14 k gold, lab grade equipment should work. But you may be right about higher purity grades.
  22. Except that mass is also ambiguous. Some of these problems seem so simple, Markus, such as quasilocal mass, in GR, being indicated by the difference in curvature of a two-dimensional sheet relative to Minkowsky flat. The hard part seems to be finding a method for which mathematical tools are available so as to allow computation. More of a mathematical problem than a physical one. Then again, at this level of theory, there's very little difference.
  23. I guess it is true. The human mind looks for patterns and connections; and often finds them when they are not really there.
  24. various types of gold are alloyed to silver, copper, zinc, etc. This affects the density. I would think accurately weighing the sample, and determining its volume by water displacement, would yield a density which can be compared to pure gold. It would be as reliable as your weighing/measuring equipment.
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