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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Next time you submit a paper for review, CharonY, and your conclusion sums up a study saying "There were no changes", then you add the following line "But there may be some changes, and we don't know the extent of these changes due to time constraints.", don't be surprised if it doesn't get published 😄 .
  2. JC is claiming that the 'absolute' statement, that there will be no difference what soever once you stop taking puberty blockers, is negated by the next statement that says there very well may be, and we don't know the extent. That falsifies the first statement, so it is not true, and definitely not scientific. He is not saying it is pseudoscientific, your link is.
  3. Adding to Markus' point, if you consider space-time geometry as the 'field' in GR, then the analogy would be the effect on the EM field that you get when moving charges around ( minus the self interaction ). The field, space-time geometry, changes with changes in the energy-momentum distribution. But it doesn't work at all. Your example has a discernible center. The Big Bang does not; it is happening everywhere.
  4. I was thinking about breaking them up before they re-enter the atmosphere, as the recent Chinese booster did. As long as they stay in orbit they pose little danger, as their position is fairly predictable, but when a large mass re-enters the atmosphere and can't burn up, whether it will fall on your head is pretty much a lottery.
  5. Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. Does this possibly make neutrinos a dark matter candidate again ?
  6. Most of this low orbit space debris will eventually come down in uncontrolled trajectories. Quite a few have already; most break up and are small enough to burn up on re-entry, others, like the recent Chinese one pose quite a danger if they come down over inhabited landmasses. These anti-satellite weapons could be helpful in breaking satellites up into smaller pieces, so that they pose little or no danger. Although major players, like the US, China, and Russia are reluctant to use them for fear of giving away capability information.
  7. even if we disregard the physical ramifications of the procedure, such as putting off bone desity increases until later in life when it is most difficult, what about the mental distress. A pre-pubescent boy is put on puberty blockers because his parents and doctor think he may better 'fit in' and be happier as a girl, and want to give him time to explore that possibility. All well and good. Then he gets to high school, where he is the smallest ( height, shoulder width ) boy, with a high pitched voice and no facial hair. His life is made miserable by his schoolmates, who pick on him, bully him and call him names. He finally tries to hurt himself, or even commits suicide. Yet that is seen as intolerance for trans kids, even though had he not been given puberty blockers, he would have been a star atlete, dated cheerleaders, and been one of the ones picking on small, underdeveloped schoolmates ( 😵 ). Why is it we refuse to aknowledge reality, and feel we can modify nature according to our whims and ( sometimes misguided ) wants ? But I guess, that question can be asked of Global Warming deniers also. Are you sure there's nothing further to discuss ? By the way, I'm attempting to be humorous by comparing you to Global Warming deniers. Bill Maher does a much better job with the humor, and if you haven't watched the clip I posted, do so. It won't convince you, but it is hilarious.
  8. A lot of this depends on your definition of 'matter'. Standard matter, like your desktop, while solid and of physical extension, is actually made up of fields, and the quantum mechanical exitations of said fields, otherwise known as quantum particles, which are, at best, probability distribution 'clouds', ccording to our best theories QED/QCD. These 'clouds' don't have a definite size, as Heisenberg's Uncertainty does not allow exact, and may, in fact be dimensionless, in which case your 'matter' is simply fields with nothing of physcal extent. You may state the conservation law as conservation of mass/energy, since those two properties are conserved in one way or another, but there is no conservation of matter, as any reaction which liberates energy ( chemical, nuclear ) will get rid of some ( miniscule ) matter, but its mass is preserved/conserved as energy of the system. Photons have no rest mass because they can never be at rest; they can only travel at c . Their energy is a property of their frequency ( classical wave nature ) and because of mass-energy equivalence we can asign a momentum to such a wave. The quantum mechanical momentum of a photon, while equivalent, is arrived at differently. Don't mix up quantum mechanical models with classical wave models.
  9. Absolutely right. So why are doctors recommending puberty blockers and gender reassignment much mor often in LA than in Cincinnati ? About a century ago, in Canada, politicians, doctors, and the Clergy did what they thought was best for indigenous kids. They took them from their family and Tribe, and put them in Residential schools. The thinking was that they would integrate better with society. That was social engineering, and it failed miserably. Now we are doing the same with the gender of our kids. I sure hope this version of social engineering works out bettter. So should I ignore my concerns, and problems I see with society,because of others' unscrupulous use ? Sould Swansont not have gotten a degree in Physics because unscrupulous people may use any knowledge gained through his research, to build more efficient atomic weapons ?
  10. Do you have any evidence to support that it does as if you had not taken the blockers ? You made that claim originally, I just questioned it. You require the evidence, and without such, I am allowed to question it.
  11. Pro-choice and pro-life are not incompatible. My interpretation of pro-choice is simply that everyone has the right to choose what is best for themselves, or their morals/ethics. If you are for, or against, abortion, that is your choice to make for yourself, not to impose on others. But can we get back to Alito's draft proposal, and how it will affect state laws in the US ? I'm not sure, maybe JC or Peterkin have a clearer understanding of Canadian abortion laws, but it is my understanding that we have no 'concrete' laws either, just a 'gentleman's agreement' between our political parties that the issue of abortion will not be brought up. So far, it seems to have worked, but maybe we need some legislation, or a Charter 'amendment' to fix things in place before we also get into the situation the US finds itself in.
  12. Please insert the words 'think they' between 'they' and 'are'. Who exactly is this 'freedom crowd' ? And since you include the knowledgeable, accepting and reasonable crowd at SFN, what legislation are we trying to introduce ? An 8 year old will want ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner; will a 'responsible' parent say"My child's feelings will be hurt if I don't give him/her ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, every day, because that 8 year old knows what is best for him/her.",. Is that what you did when raising your kids ? Somehow I doubt it. Or maybe we actually ARE concerned about the effect it will have on female professional sports. Why are youu always willing to misconstrue others' opinions when they clash with yours. Is what is typed not good enough that you need to interpret according to your own biases ? Another example ... Sometimes life is unfair. Sometimes people lose an eye, have no depth perception, and can't play baseball worth a sh*t anymore. Sometimes they have a car accident and become paralized, and can't play any sports. Sometimes reality sucks, is offensive, and keeps you from doing the things you want to do. But to say those are attempts to 'whip up tribalism', blame these unfortunate people for all sorts of things, and send them to the gas ovens ( like the Jews ), is again misconstruing my posts, and way 'over the top' sensationalist. And of course these puberty blockers are 100 % reversible ? Or does the very fact that puberty is delayed contribute to an irreversible development of the child, making them that much more confused about their gender as they approach adulthood ? I think places like Texas are wrong to bring in banning legislation; this is a decision to be made by doctor and parent as to what is best for the child. But see the Bill Maher video clip I posted earlier; why are more kids ( and parents and doctors ) more likely to have children undergo these therapies in California as opposed to Ohio ? Is it something in the water ? Or is it 'trendy' in certain 'liberal' areas ? ( at the same time keeping in mind that it is much more acceptable, and less stigmatized in some areas than in others ) That used to be called 'confusion' about what you are. Now the condition has a fancy, trendy, name.
  13. Sure. Lets base kids physical and mental health on an emotional response, instead of a rational one.
  14. Mass-energy equivalence. Google that after you google Noether's Theorem.
  15. At the age of 8 or 9 ? If you ask most kids what they want to be when they grow up most will say an astronaut or a princess. And if they actually knew, the world would be full of astronauts and princesses. This is a science forum; lets try to be a little more scientific in our analysis.
  16. There is no such thing as a law of conservation of matter. There is a law of conservation of energy, which holds llocally, but not globally. It is a consequence of continuous time translation symmetry; see Noether's Theorem for details. This provides the clue as to why energy conservation does not hold at t=0, the moment the Big Bang initiated. Since all geodesics that make up space-time geometry initiate at t=0, time only has the forward direction, and there is no symmetry at that point, somewhat like the lines of longitude that cannot extend north of the north pole.
  17. This is almost ridiculous ... Gravity affects light, forcing it to travel along geodesics, and reducing/increasing its wavelength when moving radially, but it does NOT affect photons in a way that is predictable. Gravity and its model, GR, along with EM waves, are classical models. Photons, on the other hand, are quantum mechanically modelled. The two are currently incompatible, and often confused.
  18. It is about turkey/chicken eggs, not human 'eggs', but I found this interesting, so I thought I would share Parthenogenesis: Embryonic development in unfertilized eggs may impact normal fertilization and embryonic mortality | The Poultry Site I'm not sure human 'eggs' can do the same, but I definitely know sperm cannot. You never know if you 'do', until you 'try' first. ( sorry Zap, attributed that quote to you; it should be MSC )
  19. whole idea of 'pro-choice', is that everyone has their core beliefs. I may be against abortion, personally, and would never urge my wife/girlfriend to abort a child, but I only make that decision for myself; everyone else has the right to decide for themselves also, and they may want to abort their pregnancy, for whatever reason is important to them, People have the right to be 'virtuous' or 'hypocritical' in their beliefs and values, which means that MSC and TheVat are consistent in their reasoning, and so is Zapatos in his. Trying to force your beliefs of what 'pro-life' means on others, is not 'pro-choice'.
  20. Come on, INow ... When this thread started concentrating on professional athletes in sports, you said you wanted to discuss trans kids being legislated out of recreational sports. You then started another thread to concentrate on that issue so that this one could remain about competitive professional sports, and the inclusion of trans ( all 6 of them ) athletes in various divisions of the sports. Now you want to concentrate this thread also on the same subject as the other thread you opened. We already have one; why not post your concerns about trans kids recreational sports involvement there ?
  21. Here you are; dishing out advice, yet you can't even fry up some eggs ... 🙂 😃 😆 I consider Koti a good friend, but I don't believe anybody's standards should be based on Hollywood celebrity types. Cut him some slack, his bitterness is related to past life experiences.
  22. Not saying that men don't get abused. But this trial, along with the many judicial, as well as courtroom irregularities, was simply a popularity contest. JD's defense was mostly "I blacked out drunk I don't remember what I did I apologized for what I did I did not do any of the things Im accused of" The trial will be appealed, and the verdict will no doubt change. And They'll both come off looking like even bigger idiots.
  23. Wow ... still ? People need to wrap their heads around a simple fact. Professional sports are spectator and TV rights driven. That is what pays the bills, provides the salaries/sponsorships, and the fan 'adoration'. And people will watch what they want to watch, no matter what rules you impose, until they perceive unfairness, or a rigging of results ( and sometimes not if it's the WWE ). Nobody will watch chicken races because horses get abused by the jockeys in horse racing; if there was a market they would have done it already. Similarly, more people watch the women's American national soccer team than the men's; that is the market deciding. Tiger Woods is still one of the most watched golfers in the world; what has he won lately ? You can make 'inclusive' rules for trans women to compete with cis women, but I get the impression that people ( society ) perceive it as unfair, and will choose not to watch. That is not an age thing; a lot of people in the next couple of generations also perceive the unfairness to cis women. And what happens to those women's sports ( like weightlifting, swimming, track, etc ) then ? Knock yourselves out; make all the rules you want. People will vote their approval/disapproval with tticket buys, their TV remote, or their mouse/touchpad.
  24. Can criminal charges be be brought at a Congressional Hearing, and associated jail time ( or execution for treason ) ? If not, I don't expect any change from the principal players. They will simply claim they were prosecuted onfairly by the 'criminal' oppposition, again as in past attempted impeachments, and their followers will believe them, again. Who was that black comedian whose punch line was "These people need to go to jail" ? Say what you will about the Cheneys and their political legacy, but at least Liz is willing to put her political carreer at risk, in order to do the right thing. Mike Pence, not so much ... Opinion: Mike Pence, come to your senses (msn.com)
  25. Maybe so. Shall we compare causes, histories, justifications and methods? So, because their cause is not important enough to you, maybe they shouldn't be allowed ? Yes, that is much to be desired. ... and you didn't actually mean this ?
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