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Everything posted by MigL

  1. Here you are; dishing out advice, yet you can't even fry up some eggs ... 🙂 😃 😆 I consider Koti a good friend, but I don't believe anybody's standards should be based on Hollywood celebrity types. Cut him some slack, his bitterness is related to past life experiences.
  2. Not saying that men don't get abused. But this trial, along with the many judicial, as well as courtroom irregularities, was simply a popularity contest. JD's defense was mostly "I blacked out drunk I don't remember what I did I apologized for what I did I did not do any of the things Im accused of" The trial will be appealed, and the verdict will no doubt change. And They'll both come off looking like even bigger idiots.
  3. Wow ... still ? People need to wrap their heads around a simple fact. Professional sports are spectator and TV rights driven. That is what pays the bills, provides the salaries/sponsorships, and the fan 'adoration'. And people will watch what they want to watch, no matter what rules you impose, until they perceive unfairness, or a rigging of results ( and sometimes not if it's the WWE ). Nobody will watch chicken races because horses get abused by the jockeys in horse racing; if there was a market they would have done it already. Similarly, more people watch the women's American national soccer team than the men's; that is the market deciding. Tiger Woods is still one of the most watched golfers in the world; what has he won lately ? You can make 'inclusive' rules for trans women to compete with cis women, but I get the impression that people ( society ) perceive it as unfair, and will choose not to watch. That is not an age thing; a lot of people in the next couple of generations also perceive the unfairness to cis women. And what happens to those women's sports ( like weightlifting, swimming, track, etc ) then ? Knock yourselves out; make all the rules you want. People will vote their approval/disapproval with tticket buys, their TV remote, or their mouse/touchpad.
  4. Can criminal charges be be brought at a Congressional Hearing, and associated jail time ( or execution for treason ) ? If not, I don't expect any change from the principal players. They will simply claim they were prosecuted onfairly by the 'criminal' oppposition, again as in past attempted impeachments, and their followers will believe them, again. Who was that black comedian whose punch line was "These people need to go to jail" ? Say what you will about the Cheneys and their political legacy, but at least Liz is willing to put her political carreer at risk, in order to do the right thing. Mike Pence, not so much ... Opinion: Mike Pence, come to your senses (msn.com)
  5. Maybe so. Shall we compare causes, histories, justifications and methods? So, because their cause is not important enough to you, maybe they shouldn't be allowed ? Yes, that is much to be desired. ... and you didn't actually mean this ?
  6. None of which precludes their right to protest, just as other groups have done, and continue to do. What's good for the goose ...
  7. It is not a matter of correcting errors with the theory, but that the theory itself is rubbish. The two basic premises are nonsensical. -You cannot consider the frame of the whole universe, as opposed to a local frame, to suggest that everything is shrinking, as opposed to the universe expanding, because no such frame exists or is possible. -The universe does not expand, nor can its contents shrink, linearly. Expansion is only evident at scales where gravitational attraction is trivial ( and the Cosmological constant can dominate ), so shrinking must only happen where gravitational attraction exceeds a threshold ( galactic cluster scales ). How would you explain this relationship ? Is the shrinking related to gravity ???
  8. The active words being 'made by life on Earth'. We have no idea what chemical processes may have spawned intelligent life elsewhere, because we only have the one data point ( Earth ) to go by
  9. Yeah, your biases are showing. Sure, but when natives block main roads in Caledonia, muliple times over the last 15-20 years and keep the people who live there from going about their normal lives, shopping, working, sleeping, that is OK ? And yes, sometimes those natives are armed; truckers were not Grand River land dispute - Wikipedia A truly progressive society gives even the people they don't agree with,the right tospeak their opinion, and protest. Not just the ones they agree with.
  10. Difference is, even our nutters are polite and well behaved. The Freedom Convoy was basically an excuse to have a party in Ottawa after a year and a half of lock-downs. Until the Government went Gestapo on them. In the US, the nutters would have been armed, and not so well behaved.
  11. "What would happen to our society, if we live for a millenia?" We'd get bored ...
  12. This is an extremely serious subject, which needs to be dealt with. But this discussion needs some humor ...
  13. We all have ideological agendas. Mine being the desire to see Russia humiliated militarily, no matter what the cost in Ukrainian lives. But I don't pretend to tell the Ukrainians they should give up their lives for freedom ( and Russian humiliation ); that is their choice to make. Similarly, the US has two ideologically opposed ( political ) agendas, and you can claim yours is the sane one all you want; it is not to them. I am suggesting that stubbornly sticking to those ideological agendas, on both sides, is being paid for by the lives of your children. About a dozen per one school, every few weeks. JC, Peterkin and I are 'outsiders', we can only point out what we see. The choice is yours to make.
  14. This isn't a game at all; people and kids, are dying. And, I don't know, the time for being 'nice' may be over, and if it is, I don't like the future outlook for my many friends in the US. But what if, instead of vilifying past Republican Presidential hopefuls, like J McCain or M Romney, you had attempted to work with them ? But they were vilified, and everyone now says what they didn't say then; those Republicans that you could work with, are gone. Would that have prevented the rise of D Trump and his ignorant followers ? I guess we'll never know. Is it just a case of they want 100 % their way while you want 100 % your way ? Nobody is winning and getting their way right now.
  15. I await your proposed solution. As the current stance, pointing at the other guy and assigning blame to the other half of the electorate, guarantees that exactly nothing will be done. I'm not American, but you have a choice. Baby steps towards a solution, or nothing. If you decide to be firm ( stubborn ) like the other side,and choose nothing, eventually a Jan 6 event will succed, and you can kiss the 'united' part of USA goodbye.
  16. I would guess the same. While your joke is certainly funny, it is in no way indicative of the situation. How many days till the next mass shooting ? Do you not realize that your house is already on fire ? The 'compromise' is which rooms are you going to try to extinguish. You start with one and then try for more, but at least you're doing something and moving forward. Yet you guys ( democrats ) are just standing around, pointing at the republicans who brought the gasoline into the house, and saying it's their fault ( see Phi's post above, which I won't address as he'll just accuse me of being conservative , or a trumpet; he likes labels ) Don't drink Molson's, although it is much better than Shlitz lite. And I don't think our frends to the south realize that by the standards of pretty much every other democratic nation on Earth, you cannot be taken seriously. It is not simply the fact that in 2016 you elected Bozo the Clown as President, but the fact that he continues to have great influence over nearly half of your electorate. You can choose to dismiss the Republican party as right wing extremist nut jobs who cannot be worked with, but what do you do with the nearly half of your population who mistakenly see him as the saviour of your country ? Do you dismss them also, and exactly how do you do that and get anything done ? We Canadians have our problems, but during the pandemic, provincial Conservatives worked together with federal Liberals; where did that happen in the US ? You guys are deep in this gun violence shit, and you take offense to 'outsiders' ( Canadians, who are basically just like you, but much nicer and more willing to compromise ) who might view the situation much more clearly, giving their opinion of a way forward. If I could reference another thread, this goes to prove that Jordan Peterson is right about a few things. Ideas 'offend' people, as exemplified by your reactions.
  17. What would be biological signatures that could be detected at astronomical distances ? ( don't answer right away if you need some sleep 🙂 )
  18. Taking into consideration my never being married, I have to ask ... When you guys have a disagreement with your wives, do you say"This is the way it's going to be. And the reason it hasn't been OK till now, is all your fault." Or do you try to find a compromise solution, and move forward ? Are you guys not realizing that Republicans and Democrats are 'married', and both part of your country ? The situation will never get better if you guys continue hating each other. You tried divorce once, it was not amicable; only the undertakers ( not lawyers ) got rich during the Civil War.
  19. I'm afraid you missed the implications of Swansont's post, CharonY. We have only become 'interesting' to extraterrestrial observers within the last 100 years. During that time we started broadcasting our presence, and intelligence (? ), with EM signals like radio, TV, and others. These signals, being information, can only have travelled about 100 light years distance. Beyond that distance, we are still unknown and uninteresting.
  20. You know why Brazilians produce so many great soccer players ? Every little kid, no matter how destitute their family, loves the sport, and they will play it, often without shoes. I guess the Brazilian race ( ? ) is more adept at soccer ...
  21. I see. It's obviously easy to find blame and point fingers, but extremely hard to actually do anything to better the situation ? Status quo then, I guess.
  22. And yet another safety consideration becomes politicised. Vaccination, to save people's lives, became a Republican vs Democrat issue. Gun control, which would save kid's lives, and allow people to walk the streets unafraid, is a political issue of Republican vs Democrat ideology. It seems the problem is not the vaccines or gun control, but the stubborness of Americans to 'stick' to an ideology, even when so many lives are lost, and simply looking to place blame on the opposite side instead of looking for solutions/compromise to begin changing things. Republicans blame Democrats for being soft on crime and wanting to get rid of police so they need to be armed to protect themselves. Democrats blame Republicans foor opposing gun control legislation and allowing kids to be killed in weekly school massacres. Nobody blames the number of available guns in the US ( 400 million, with only a million registered ), that makes policing so dangerous, and contributes to the 'shoot first, ask questions later' mentality of cops in the US. Or the gun sales to kids themselves, or the losers/ misfits of society who cannot get laid, and think the solution is to massacre others. Or the mentally ill who still need protection from all their 'imagined' tormentors/wrong doers. Or the easy availability of 30 round clips, that can be fired off in less than a minute, ostensibly for 'target practice' or 'hunting'. Etc Etc. When does the madness stop ? When all your elected politicians say to the NRA " Take your political lobbyists and contributions, and fuck off" Everyone is up in arms when we lose kids to the war in Afghanistan, but turn a blind eye to the larger number of people lost to gun violence over those same 20 years.
  23. As far as I know, Neon, being a noble gas, is unsuitable for manufacturing or doping electronics/semiconductors. It is however, one of the noble gases used in the lasers that provide the UV lithography for masking/etching semiconductor layers. Hablas Espanol tambien ?
  24. All depends on the purpose of these 'gangs'. A 'gang' that plays cards and golf together, is a social club. A 'gang' that runs women, a protection racket, or sells drugs, is not. And I don't see how you can decriminalize it. Keep in mind that most progressive revolutions have 'eaten' themselves, when some revolutionaries did not think the simple progressives were radical enough. It happened with the French Revolution, which had just and noble causes, but eventually became an excuse to chop off anybody's head who had disagreed with you. Or the November ( Orthodox calendar ) Revolution in Russia, where the Bolcheviks usurped the power and ruthlessness of the Oligarchs, and after massive killing sprees, replaced them. If I had to, I would classify myself a social liberal/progressive, but because I like to question some of the ideologies/methods, I'm not considered 'progressive' enough by those who spout ideology verbatum. Off to the guillotine with me ( and a couple of others ) then!
  25. Yes, causality is a bitch. Any two way FTL motion would undoubtedly violate causality, as it would be a 'time' machine. It would be more useful to discuss science based transportation modes, as opposed to science fiction.
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