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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I have a problemwith any system that requires equality of outcome, CharonY, and maybe you can explain it better to me. So called 'progressives' are always clamoring that gender make-up of Government positions, or hiring, should reflect the gender distribution of the society. Always saying black males make up a disproportionate percentage of incarcerated population compared to the make-up of society. ETC. This is then used to indicate gender and racial biases, as well as systemic discriminationwithin positions of power/hiring and the justice system. Yet the American incarceration rates are 93% male and 7% female, from a society which is 50 (+/-1) % equal. Obviously the make-up of inmates does not reflect the make-up of the general population, and we should not expect equality of outcome in male/female incarceration rates, as one group, the males, displays qualities which are more anti-social, and deserving of higher incarceration rates. why then, is this ideology of 'equality of outcome' applied to such things as hiring for psitions of power, or 'racial' discrimination, when we see that there are other factors involved.
  2. This is the kind of insanity perpetrated by your Government GOP passes bill aiming to root out 'suspected' transgender female athletes with genital inspection - Ohio Capital Journal "House Republican lawmakers in Ohio passed a bill at 11:15 p.m. Wednesday night that would ban transgender girls and women from participating in high school and college athletics. It also comes with a “verification process” of checking the genitals of those “accused” of being trans." Genital inspections ???? Your daughter ran a little too fast at the high school track meet ? Well, drop your pants young lady, so we can see what you have between your legs ! Why do you guys keep electing such morons ?
  3. My bad. Should have used some emojis for that joke. ( or maybe it was a 'dig', like the following ) From you perspective. From other's perspective, you've often used a roller.
  4. Seems simple enough to me ... Have half of the males running the Government say they identify as females. Problem solved, and 'progressives' are happy. ( 🙂 😃 😆 I'm joking; don't go losing it, Peterkin )
  5. I think we can all agree that the deserving would be police, armed forces and farmers with long guns. The non-deserving would be criminals, mentally ill, and most anyone else living in cities. I guess that makes you a conservative Phi.
  6. It also makes the baddies job a lot easier when attacking the goodies. And if neither has guns, easier still.
  7. They also sell a USB to SATA cable with a separate power supply, so you can run 3.5 in drives if that is where your OS resides. I have never had any issues running 2.5 in HDs or SSDs from good quality USB to SATA cables.
  8. Sorry Koti. I do hope you choose to stay. Your opinion has always been respected, if not always agreed with, by me. I would hope you respect mine, even if you disagree with it.
  9. I can see that happening to 'armed teachers' at the next ( coming soon ) school shooting.
  10. Well, since almost all have taken their leave of this discussion ... From the little I've read about the trial, Peterkin's assessment just about sums it up You could substitute J Depp and A Heard in this scenario and get the testimony given, by both, at the trial, except for the fact that J Depp usually passed out drunk/stoned, before apologising for things he didn't remember doing, and promising he wouldn't do it again. In my opinion, he is an abuser, and when the British press said so, his libel suit against them failed. I don't know why, given the facts presented, he won this lawsuit; if you are abusive, someone saying so is not libelious. I guarantee it will be overturned on appeal. Or maybe he'll refuse the settlement, having already gotten his career back, under threat of having to air out more of their 'dirty laundry' in court.
  11. I don't have statistics to back it up ( as CharonY always seems to ), but I would think men largely perpetrate physical and sexual abuse on their female partners, while women largely perpetrate emotional abuse on their male partners. Historically emtional abuse hasn't been treated as abuse, but the situation is changing rapidly, and I would think this is what Koti is referring to.
  12. Really ? Let's use your example of a 'gay' pre-pubescent child. Does he/she not realize he/she has feelings of attraction towards the same sex, long before outwardly expressing such feelings, and being told they are 'not normal' ? He/she has eyes to look around, and see what the majority ( those we choose to call the loosely defined 'normal' ) of others are like; they just want to be part of that 'normal', and fit in. They blame themselves for not being able to, and that can lead to dire consequences. Maybe we shouldn't tell them they are 'normal'. Maybe we should tell them they ARE different, but that difference is a benefit to society ? If you feel that telling people they are different, and their differences should be celebrated, makes you a bigot, you must be a hoot at the Canadian Multicultural celebrations in May ...
  13. "Is the universe really 13.7 billion years old ?" Doesn't need to be. It could have been created yesterday, along with all the evidence of being 13.7 billion years old. But, since all we have to go on, is the evidence, I guess we'll have to say, yes, it really is.
  14. All very valid INow, BUT, everyone wants to 'fit in', and be what is loosely defined as 'normal'. Different is nice when it's your own choice, like pink or green hair; not so much when you can't help the quality that makes you 'different'. And while no one is born feeling 'different', your thoughts and feelings are apparent to you long before they are apparent to an accepting ( or not ) family/friends/society. Maybe we've been going about it all wrong. Maybe we should not be trying to change society to accept this as the new 'normal', and accomodate/accept different individuals into that 'normal'. Maybe we should be hilighting and celebrating those differences, and realizing that the differences, like multiculturalism and a varied gene pool, make our society richer for them.
  15. This is the second trial that J Depp has taken part in. He brought a libel lawsuit against a British paper that had accused him of being a wife abuser, and it was thrown out as the evidence agreed with the accusation. This trial was more along 'entertainment' rather than fact finding. I guarantee that she appeals the judgment and will not pay anything. Both came off looking like spoilt idiots, but this is Hollywood, all publicity is good, and gets you movie roles.
  16. My opinion differs. Society has expectations of children and young adults, And so do their parents and friends. I fully agree with that. But they themselves have expectations of who they wish to be and what to expect out of life. And I'm going to say other's expectations are not nearly as confusing as their own. When you realize you're not who others wish you to be, that is not too big a deal. Happens all the time. When you realize you're not who you wish to be, that can be very damaging.
  17. I said I wasn't confused about my gender/sexuality, but I was certainly confused about other things as I was growing up. Is it wrong to assume other kids may be confused about other things also ? Must be nice that you came out of the womb totally aware of everything, and your environment/nurturing had no effect on you, ( being sarcastic )
  18. I have never been confused. How about you ? ( you post as if genetics, hormonal changes in the womb, and environment and nurturing have nothing to do with gender identity )
  19. Not at all. The 'other side' is one side. People who feel they need to arm themselves for protection, are the other.
  20. Then I guess I don't understand the point of this thread. Whether people accept trans adults or not, is not the issue, nor are competitive professional sports. Kids are not mature mentally, and are bound to be confused about their sexuality or gender identity, and they certainly need acceptance until they can figure things out. On this we definitely agree; kids should be allowed to be kids. But if you can't pass laws allowing kids this 'freedom' when Democrats are in power, and you certainly will not be able to if Republicans regain power, when exactly are you going to be able to implement any suggestions from this thread ?
  21. Sure it does. If you diarm the other side, I don't need a gun to protect myself. In Canada, someone breaks into my house , I reach for the 5iron in my golf bag. In the US, you reach for your shotgun, because chances are, he's armed. Which is more likely to have unintended consequences for your son coming home inebriated at 4:00 in the morning without his keys ?
  22. I think part of our disagreement is that you are (IMO only) overestimating the impact of trans kids in sports. The 3.5 billion was in the section regarding professional competitive athletes. I, and most all my countrymen and women, have no problem whatsoever with kids playing recreational sports, no matter hat gender they identify with. And neither does our Government.
  23. I don't know, so I asked him to elaborate; without the comparisons.
  24. Doesn't require either, as both contribute to the problem, and will get you shot, either by the assailant, or the cops. Most of the time people who arm themselves for protection, don't have quick access, or knowhow to use; the gun is taken away and used on them.
  25. That's pretty good, Zap. Imply that all those who don't support your viewpoint are similar to those whe are against 'inter-racial marriage, gay marriage, women voting, equal pay, women in the military, and others ad nauseam'. There have been two cases where trans women dominated the field in international professional competitions ( weightlifting and swimming ), and have people all over the world asking for better rules. When you consider that is 33% of the six trans athletes ( according to INow ) in professional competitions, you get an idea of how much damage can be done to women's sports. Myself, I don't agree with including those 6, but ruining it for approx 3.5 billion cis women. But I do agree that a way should be found, through rule changes, to include trans athletes. But that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is about teen recreational sports, and ways to include trans teens. My suggestion was to vote in responsible Government that doesn't have exclusionary agendas. While you said teen boys are stronger, faster, more aggressive than teen girls, which would mean you support separating trans girls from cis girls, and trans boys from cis boys. In Canada, and most developed countries, we have no such separation, and Government keeps out of recreational sports for kids. This problem, like gun control, is mostly an American problem. If I have misunderstood your position, please take this opportunity to elaborate on your opinion, without the condescending tone that mischaracterizes those with dissimilar opinions.
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