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Everything posted by MigL

  1. I have just one question ... What the H is a furphy ?
  2. While 'binding energy' may be a bit misleading, a sum of the masses of the neutron's three valence quarks would be about 12 MeV, as opposed to the total mass of the neutron of 939 MeV. The difference is due to the QCD strong interaction, as 'naked' quarks cannot exist in hadrons, and you always have to consider gluons, virtual quarks, and their kintic energies. Quantum chromodynamics binding energy - Wikipedia
  3. Soccer is about the only sport I watch, these days. I do enjoy watching women's soccer also, and am very proud of our Canadian national team. Also our men have qualified for a World Cup position this year, and expect to be able to see a few WC games when North America hosts in 2026. Have you ever watched the Spanish national team play ? They usually have 75 % possession because their co-ordinated 'tic-tac' style of play, and their passing is extremely accurate. A good soccer game is akin to chess; a lot of strategic setting up, and only shots on net that count. Yet to North Americans, used to hocky, basketball or football, that seems boring. Women's soccer is not there yet in the sense of strategic play, but it is, nonetheless enjoyable to watch. I watch women's beach volleyball for that.
  4. Probably means a cut in pay for the men to bring them down to the women's level. Soccer ( Euro football ) will never be a major American sport. Too much fake/imagined violence, and not enough real violence, as in Hockey or Am. football.
  5. Every body appreciates the printed classics. A lot of the new printed stuff is garbage 🙂 . If you say so. Keep in mind that I mentioned two members who expressed a desire to re-purpose sports as 'games', and one of them has replied, and not objected to that characterization. Is that a 'strawman' ? I was not replying to you, I said 'some members', and then named them. I was not replying to an imaginary argument. So maybe by 'strawmanning' you mean someone doesn't share your worldview ?
  6. Sorry Joigus. You snooze, you lose.
  7. There may be cases where it is preferable to treat mass/energy as a complex value, just as there may be cases where it is preferable to treat mass/energy as negative ( Effective mass ? ), but no, I don't believe the concept of complex, or negative mass/energy has any physical meaning.
  8. Technically that is not the strong nuclear force. The strong nuclear force is the color force of QCD. What holds nucleons together is 'residual' color force, which is more easily modelled as an exchange force ( Yukawa ),
  9. Matter is definitely not energy. In the example given by Edgard Neuman, the proton he considers, is a volume occupied by three quarks, fundamental fermions, which make up approximately 2 % of its mass. The other 98 % of its mass is binding energy. So yes, one can certainly make the argument that mass is energy. While not true for rest mass, which is mass in the specific frame where it is at rest, one could consider mass and kinetic energy the 'same' property measured in differing frames.
  10. The fact that the simple term it has to be condescendingly explained to women. ( if you're being serious )
  11. While some of you guys may want to re-purpose sports as 'games' that all people should be able to play, the rest of the world is pushing back; they want sports where elite athletes compete against each other, and where some of us simply watch them and enjoy their performances. Sporting competitions will not change, no matter how much Peterkin or Dimreepr want to 'play'. So trans athletes have to be incorporated, somehow, into the existing system, in a way that is fair for all. It would be madness to include the 6 trans athletes ( I remembered INow ) at the expense, and detriment, of thousands, if not millions, of women.
  12. This is all part of the modern phenomenon of re-defining words to suit an agenda. Republicans are trying to re-define 'progressivism' as something bad; as simply change for the sake of change, or change to a worse outcome. Most people ( who don't watch Fox News ) know that is politically driven, and it actually refers to the improvement of the human condition.. I would also suggest the term 'populism', has been re-defined by a liberal agenda, to mean something just short of fascism, while in effect it means a government serving the needs, and representing all the people, including commoners; not simply the elite affluent/intelligentsia, who don't necessarily believe the 'commoners' deserve representation.
  13. Yup. I know what you mean about Phi. ( 😃 😄 😂 )
  14. I'm Canadian. Alcohol is lgal here. As it is in most parts of the world. And Nancy Pelosi has nothing to do with its legality here, or in those parts of the world. So, again, if you have objections to the actions of the current American Government, start a new thread.
  15. Maybe you should stop buying cheap Chinese irony meters that give false positives. My Candian made one only goes off occasionally, when reading posts like the above. Or possibly, you should recalibrate your meter by reading the first couple of pages to see what people's concerns actually were. It could be, that this whole time, you've been needlessly replacing meters, and tilting at imaginary windmills. From my third post on this topic ( my first two were regarding accusations and lack of discussion ), March of 2021 ... Ironic, isn't it ?
  16. I'm glad it only took 35 pages to convince you that new classification criteria are needed, as male and female don't work, no matter what you identify as. Keeping only male/ female without separate option for trans athletes, would disadvantage most all cis women, and you'r not misogynistic, are you ?
  17. I've resisted re-joining this discussion because it has gotten silly. We started off comparing physical performance advantags/disadvantages of trans athletes to cis male/female athletes, and are now comparing the performance of horses, and whether it's affectd by the gender of the rider. There are many sports which depend much more on skill than physical prowess; horse racing/riding may be one of them. Some sports require a combination of the two. Professional golf, for example, allows women to tee off from a shorter distance, as they don't have the physical strength for the longer drives that men have. Yet, in every other part of the game, where skill becomes more and more dominant as you get to the putt, women are equal, if not superior to men. Weightlifting and swimming, on the other hand, are examples of sports where physical prowess is much more dominant than skill. And those are the kinds of sports where some of us felt the need for separate divisions for men who transition to women, as that would outclass cis women and negatively impact their participation in those sports. Separate classifications for trans athletes are not needed or required for all sports, just those heavily dependent on physical prowess. So let's keep the discussion realistic. ( and no, INow, it has nothing to do with the way you pee 😄 )
  18. How does this pertain to the OP, the legality of alchol. Seems to be more of a political commentary; and off topic.
  19. Probably not many members ( other than a few obvious wing-nuts ), but quite a few are bought and paid for. Quiite a few would probably do the right thing, but it would cost them their office/election. So much easier to re-pay the NRA's support with citizen's lives. ( am I being too cynical now ? )
  20. I wish it had been three years since th last shooting incident,unfortunately, these happen on a regular basis, and nothing ever changes. Buffalo is a little close to home, and I knw quite a few decent people there in my younger years; the 'crazy' has spread all over.
  21. Energy is related to the configuration of a system, and defined as the ability to do work, What then, is the meaning of 'negative energy' ?
  22. Kind of cloudy in southern Ontario. Meh; it's only a shadow.
  23. When you see the results of months, if not years, of work, to achieve something that most thought was impossible, you just can't help getting excited.
  24. I only gave examples of non-German beers brewed in the German tradition. And I'm not that old.
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