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Everything posted by MigL

  1. If you attempt a meaningful post on a science forum, you should, at least, know the difference between mass and weight. If you don'twish to continue being ignorant of such matters, maybe you should ask. Might save you some more embarassement.
  2. You'll have to teach me how you did that. Every time I lock myself out of the house, my cat just looks at me from inside with disdain, no matter how much I implore her to open the door.
  3. I think V Putin should be scared. Hopefully he will be removed from office, sooner rather than later. And if he attempts to go nuclear, saner heads prevai, and he is killed.
  4. You are right, Swansont, veto was the wrong word to use, but the situation with the East Med is still unclear since the US pulled their support in January. As for Keystone, it was meant to join up with other pipelines to get oil to ports in the Gulf, where the refineries and ports for shipping are. While it would have been nice if places like Germany had started their transition to green renewable sources decades ago, 'what if' scenarios don't help with the current situation/problem of dependence on Russian resources.
  5. Would like to hear those arguments, Joigus. When you have time, of course.
  6. Whoa ! Who has time to read all that ? I'll address your first point about how closely electrons can pack ... ( which is different from being in the same 'state', and governed by the Pauli Exclusion Principle ) No. It has more to do with spin. Half integer spin particles, or fermions, obey Fermi-Dirac statistics, and cannot be 'stacked' on one another. Integer spin particles, on the other hand, are bosons, and obey Bose-Einstein statistical rules, and can be stacked on one another.
  7. He would have had to be suffering from a Covid infection since the late 90s. Ever since the destruction of the city of Grozny. Battle of Grozny (1999–2000) - Wikipedia Of course, back then the Russian military was a lot more capable and fearsome.
  8. Regarding energy policy, INow, a Couple of missteps by J Biden ... Israel has an abundant supply of natural gas from off-shore wells, and is already supplying gas to Egypt and Jordan. They have capacity to spare, and plans were in the works to build the Med East pipeline to Europe. Until J Biden vetoed it earlier this year. Canada wanted to build a pipeline to the Eastern seaboard, where gas could be liquified and shipped to Europe. Again J Biden vetoed their construction. They might not have helped in the short term, but would spare Europeans from having to deal with the devil ( V Putin ), and keep enriching him and his cronies. Might still be time to revisit those vetoes. On another note, if Belarus sends in troops to support the Russian invasion, does that give other countries 'wiggle room' to send in troops to supprt Ukrainian resistance ?
  9. More like Russia sprang forth from the Ukraine. The original people, who settled/cultivated the area of present day Ukraine called themselves the KievanRus, where the 'rus' denoted their red-haired Nordic ancestry. Kievan Rus' - Wikipedia The steppes of present day Russia were the domain of the Mongol, or Golden, Horde in the South, and mostly barren Siberian wasteland to the North. Well at least this time you chose toexplain instead of simply downvoting. Much appreciated. What kind of description is it to call someone's behaviour 'dick'-like, and then have that post magically disappear, so that my angry response is the only one visible, and I look bad ?
  10. Supersymmetry was also proposed as a way to get rid of all the excess energy of the vacuum predicted by QFT, by destructively interfering all the contributions by regular particles with those of ssparticles. This would have effectively made vacuum energy equal to zero, which also cannot be right as we have a very good approximation of the vacuum energy required for expansion, about the order of 10-8 ergs. And since QFT ( with just regular particles and a Planck cutoff ) predicts a vacuum energy of 10112 ergs, we have a vacuum catastrophy of 120 orders of magnitude.
  11. For the OP to make sense, one must first establish that the universe is 'fine tuned'. No such thing has been established, so it is a bit presumptuous to call it a problem.
  12. For all intents and purposes, Russia, and V Putin has already lost. They have become a pariah state, which most of the world has turned its back on, and, what was expected to be an '11 min' action to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine has exposed deep weaknesses in the Russian military forces. All they can do now is contnue punishing the Ukrainians, and make blustering threats with their nuclear arsenal. Sooner or later, the military, if not the people, will remove V Putin for all the useless harm he has done.
  13. I wonder if that spike in popular support for Russia in 93, corresponds with B Yeltsin standing on top of a tank, holing the Russian flag, in defiance of the hard-liner Generals who wanted a return to Cold War ways. I guess those Generals finally won when V Putin took office.
  14. It was 'justified' at the time by having the measure of a colored slave as a fraction of a man. In which case it was 'self evident' to them that slaves were not fully men, and therefore, not equal. It takes some pretty tangled thinking to justify such brutal acts. ( and it goes on, to this day, in the Kremlin, to justify war on Ukraine )
  15. D Trump is an imbecile and a continuing joke. However idiots like T Carlson and T Gabbard ( who I have lost all respect for ) are taking this opportunity to attack President Biden while making excuses for V Putin. And they call themselves patriots ....
  16. This is the first time Germany has sent offensive weapons to a country at war in more than 85 years. Even though they were implored to do so by their EU and NATO neighbors in previous conflicts such as Kosovo, they still felt the 'shame' of their 12 year ( 33 to 45 ) Nazi past. Russian leaders are calling Ukrainians Nazis, even though the Ukraine is a more democratic society than present Russia. The Russians should learn a thing or two from the Germans, as they have 45 years of cold war oppression of Eastern Europe to be ashamed of.
  17. That, and the fact that time symmetry is the foundation for energy conservation. Time speeding up in the forward direction, and slowing in the backward direction, implies no process is reversible.
  18. From Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia "In January 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision in McCorvey's favor ruling that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides a "right to privacy" that protects a pregnant woman's right to choose whether to have an abortion. But it also ruled that this right is not absolute and must be balanced against governments' interests in protecting women's health and prenatal life.[4][5] The Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the three trimesters of pregnancy: during the first trimester, governments could not prohibit abortions at all; during the second trimester, governments could require reasonable health regulations; during the third trimester, abortions could be prohibited entirely so long as the laws contained exceptions for cases when they were necessary to save the life or health of the mother.[5] The Court classified the right to choose to have an abortion as "fundamental", which required courts to evaluate challenged abortion laws under the "strict scrutiny" standard, the highest level of judicial review in the United States" Then the SC modified their interpretation again, in 1992 "The Supreme Court revisited and modified Roe's legal rulings in its 1992 decision Planned Parenthood v. Casey.[9] In Casey, the Court reaffirmed Roe's holding that a woman's right to choose to have an abortion is constitutionally protected, but abandoned Roe's trimester framework in favor of a standard based on fetal viability and overruled the strict scrutiny standard for reviewing abortion restrictions."
  19. I live 15 min away from Niagara Falls which provides electrical power for a lot of the North-East. I would be expecting a large thermonuclear EMP , about 10 000 ft up, to take out the power gri I remember thinking what a moron G W Bush was when he was President, Koti. Then along came D Trump, and made him look like a genius. Now V Putin is making D Trump look like a reasonable man. We'll see if Xi Jinping eventually makes Vlad look good again ...
  20. Of course there were abortions, but there were no laws regulating them ( I may have mis-spoken in my original post ). When laws were introduced, the SC decided they were Constitutional ( or no one ever challenged them in court ). As social mores changed, beginning with the 60s sexual 'revolution', birth control, etc., the SC re-interpreted those laws to limit Government interference in a woman's right to choose. The SC, in effect, chaned the applicability of the existing laws, while the laws ( and Constitution ) did not change. You could make the semantic argument that the SC does not actually 'make' the law, but they can certainly modify its extent and applicability.
  21. Come out of your bunker, and stop being such a pessimist.
  22. It will be interesting to see whether the Russian Command has an equivalent to General Milley, who, in the last crazy days of the D Trump Presidency, took steps to make surenuclear war would not be started during one of Donald's hissy fits, and went as far as contacting Russian and Chinese counterparts to reassure them. Hope those counterparts he contacted in Russia think the same way, and some will choose to walk away from the brink. Maybe we should be urging the Russian military to stage a coup ... I hope the last couple of days has taught you that there are State Presidents who are much much worse than yours, Koti. Stay safe. ( and open your house to some refugees 🙂 )
  23. This shouldn't be that difficult ... Late 1700-1800s, there are no abortion laws, so nothing to decide whether constitutional or not. Early 1970s, there is laws regarding abortion, and in 1973 ( Roe vs Wade ), the SC decided that those laws were unconstitutional in their application ( the amount of Government restriction on a woman right to choose ). The laws were not rewritten, nor was the Constitution, but the SCJs decided the applicability of those laws. That is why most of us prefer liberal leaning SCJ, who change their opinions with changing societal norms, and not SCJ who advocate beating your slaves, or going back to making abortion illegal under any circumstance. The elected representatives who make the laws are responsible to the people that elect them, SCJs, on the other hand, are appointed, yet have a large sway over how laws are interpreted and applied. You didn't use to sound like a snowflake every time you responded to me, Zap. I hope the above was more 'un-dick-like'.
  24. How about reading your own link ... "Medical literature and newspapers in the late 1700s and early 1800s ... Reproductive care including abortion was unregulated in those days." IOW, no laws.
  25. I forgot to mention Chechnya.
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