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Everything posted by pwagen

  1. A few short quotes from the developer commentary mode, hopefully they can give you some idea of how they did it. Taken from here.
  2. Interesting. You could have a look at how they made recursive portals in Portal. It's in the "directors comment" run. If you can't find anything about it, I'll have a look when I get home.
  3. I very much like potholer54's videos in general, and this is no exception. A very enlightening watch.
  4. Yes, but do you output the values to the server before or after the server sends the value? In other words, which is more accurate for the server version? A: getValue() displayValue() sendValue() B: getValue() sendValue() displayValue()
  5. Even the ten commandments wouldn't stop christians from killing. I'd hate to drag up the inquisition, the crusades and the witch trials, but there are also examples of this in the Bible. Look at the story of Moses. What did he do after he got the 10 commandments, one of which is "You shouldn't kill people"? Just a little bit later: Quotes from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses As you can see, the 10 commandments is definitely not something that would stop jews (and in extension christians, as they share the same scripture) from killing, raping and plundering, if they believed it was ordered by their god. These examples are things that allegedly happened straight after the jews were told they shouldn't kill. It's not like they had time to forget what the stone tablets said.
  6. Are you sending the value from the server before you are displaying it on the server's screen?
  7. pwagen

    NATO !

    Any special reason for it to be?
  8. Any chance you can supply the relevant parts of the code? Either through use of code tags here, or via something like http://pastebin.com/?
  9. From a scientific standpoint, I guess so. The absence of evidence of a deity makes it hard to actually discuss it objectively. From a philosophical standpoint, I'd like to think it's an interesting topic. On the other hand, some people say philosophy is nonsense because it's not related to the real world, or something. Disregarding people lying to make money, or gain power, no. Whether they have spoken to a god or not isn't important when it comes to this question. If they actually believe they have spoken to their deity, them telling you they have isn't lying. They are, at worst, deluded. It seems quite clear, at least when it comes to christianity, that man can never know God's thinking. Maybe being able to understand God's way of thinking would equate us with him/her/it?
  10. Go have someone check your body values, to see if there's something wrong with your diet. I think that would be a good start. Even though you don't eat excessively, you might eat the wrong things. Others have suggested beer gut, but I'm not as sure since you said you only drink occassionally. So the question is; how often is that? Be honest with us, and yourself.
  11. No one, but I'm working my way there!
  12. Practical joke gone wrong.
  13. pwagen


    You could suck all the air out of a tin can, then drop it into a really deep part of the ocean. Assuming it'll drop all the way to the bottom, it will be exposed to a lot of pressure, and then collapse into itself.
  14. I'm sorry if I missed the answer, but I would like to ask something regarding the original question; how do we know the expansion of the universe is speeding up?
  15. 800 years is a long time for misinformation to spread. If it's an accurate picture, why does he have a crown when he was poor? Same thing with his clothes, it looks like an expensive robe, not something a carpenter's son would wear. Why were there no images from the time he was alive? If he was a person who walked around and healed cripplings or raising people from the dead, why didn't officials take any note of him whatsoever? I disagree with your conclusion then. If christianity spread all the way to Ireland (which is a LONG way from the Middle East) in 400 years, imagine how much might have happened to it in twice that time.
  16. Josephus was born a few years after Jesus' alleged crucifixion, and didn't write his "witness account" of Jesus around 60 years later. http://nobeliefs.com/exist.htm You're probably right about the added mythological adornments. A lot, if not all, of the myth behind Jesus comes from earlier mythology. http://fringe.davesource.com/Fringe/Religion/The-Jesus-Myth.html
  17. It seems that there is a lack of contemporary evidence to suggest most, or any, of the events in the new testament. Which, in turn, would suggest that the historical Jesus never existed.
  18. Anecdotal evidence is no evidence. Did you take any pictures?
  19. I had a look at The Onion, and couldn't find anything of this sort. Therefor I deem it false.
  20. Scientific theories are not ONLY unsubstantiated ideas, simply because scientific theories are NEVER unsubstantiated ideas. It's like saying that a "duck is a bird, but not all birds are ducks". Except in this case, it's more like saying "cars are not ONLY doors, because cars are NEVER doors".
  21. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crubby Doesn't matter much though, as that's not what I wrote. Missing something, however I'm not a physiologist, so can't say what. If you're worried, take it to a professional.
  22. Most likely, as crabby toenails can be a sign of malnutrition of some sort. Look it up with a professional, see what you're missing. Edit: changed wording
  23. Commencement? http://www.thefreedictionary.com/starting+time
  24. Don't know exactly how accurate this is, but it might be of some help.
  25. As an Aussie? Honestly, you can get by almost everywhere with English. While an incredibly large population speaks Chinese, I'm not sure it will ever be a "world language". And I hope not, because I heard it's really really hard to learn! If you really want to learn a foreign language, I would suggest you try to find one that is quite different in grammar and thinking than your own. That way, you'll get an increased understanding of how people actually think in that language. For example, learning Norwegian as a Swede would be quite redundant as not only do they share a majority of their words, the grammar is exactly the same. I don't know if there is such a similar language for English, but I heard French referred to as a "sister language" to English, so in that case that would be out. But I don't know French, so can't say for sure. Also, French is apparently used a lot in business situations around the world, so it might be useful to learn still.
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