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Baryon (4/13)
Get a grip on your MIND, and start making it do YOUR bidding, not it's addictive bidding. Strength comes from being STRONG, not caving in by saying "I'm weak". Millions upon millions of people have quit. Find someone you dearly love, truly love, not some BS fantasy, and quit when that person encourages you to do so.
Usual: Print more currency. Risk: Inflationary collapse; Unusual: Use the "Monetary Reform Act", 1983 or thereabouts, signed into law by Reagan, to exchange the entire currency at "any rate deemed necessary and prudent". In other words, steal enough out of everyone's pockets to pay down the debt. In reality, just another form of taxation, or parasitism, your choice. imp
Mooey, the ONE material in your milk which should be most troubling to you has not been mentioned: Strontium 90. When I was a kid growing up, in America, the news posted daily the average levels of Sr 90 in the local milk supply, and advised by age how much to drink, maximum. It is hard for me to believe that, knowing the persistence of Sr 90, it is no longer to be found in milk. Fact is, it couldn't be removed then, never was, and probably STILL can be found to some degree in our milk supply; no one worries about it anymore, sort of like mercury in tuna fish. Sr 90 was produced in large quantities during the above-ground atomic bomb testing, which loaded the air currents circling the globe with various radioactive contaminants, Sr 90 being one of them. Fallout brought large amounts to earth, grazing milk cows ingested it with their food, and it presented in their milk because Strontium is so similar chemically to Calcium. Our bodies assimilate Strontium like they do Calcium, and distribute it in our bones, where it remains irradiating our cell structures for life. Denial of it's presence there is a blatant lie. Question is, how much? If you fear the presence of unwanted materials within your body, get a copy of the book "Our Stolen Future", which illustrates very well how over 90% of ALL human beings inhabiting the earth today present detectable levels of the herbicide 2,4,-D in their bodies. 2,4,-D is chemically so similar to ESTROGEN, that the body picks it up and distributes it throughout. This one material ALONE has done irrepairable harm to humanity. But, enjoy life! However much of it may remain. imp
Cap'n, is that 30 posts AND one month, or 30 posts OR one month? imp
Pray tell, how in the world did you come to be aware of the Great State of Texas' concern for use of laboratory untensils? imp
Find a place which caters to old car buffs, buy a replacement Model T Ford ignition coil, hook it up to a 6-volt battery, and you will have all the activity you desire. (they have the vibrating contacts already built-in). imp
Yes, there are. "Free" Cl in pool water kills small organisms, and in the process alters the Ph level of the water. In arid/semi arid climates, the available water usually has a relatively high Ph to begin with, and the activity of the Cl tends to drive it even higher; hence the need to add acid to bring the Ph down, but never below 7.0. I have never seen a need to reduce the Cl residual by applied means, unless way too much had been added; swimmers can easily tolerate 1ppm, and given a few days time, the residual will dissipate by itself. The generally recommended level to be maintained is, I believe, 0.3-0.4 ppm Cl. imp
Handgun Widespread Availability Increases Suicide Rate
imp replied to SkepticLance's topic in The Lounge
Most often, I simply dismiss the more ludicrous statements and contentions presented, but here, I am compelled to remark on the above: The implication is that criminals will disarm themselves while going about their business if they are assured their victims are unarmed? This is among the most damn-fool lines of reasoning concerning firearms that I have ever heard!!imp -
I cannot help with your quest for "phase-stabilization", but would point out that due to several physical qualities, ammonium nitrate is an undesirable and difficult compound. Extremely hygroscopic, the material quickly becomes a wet and pulpy mass if exposed to the air. It then is relatively useless for anything but plant fertilizer. Indeed, when sold as fertilizer, it usually is made in the form of "prills", small, coated spheres, to resist absorption of water until used. It's somewhat unpredictable ability to dissociate instantaneously adds danger to use as fuel, I should think. This quality has made procurement of the material a scrutinized activity. imp
For me, the frightening part of the super-high gasoline and diesel prices is the fact that ever-more purchasers are using credit cards to buy fuel, thus deepening their debt, since it is very unlikely that any reasonable percentage of them pay the card billing in full each month. The credit card debt is already totally out of control, with the fuel prices pushing it still higher. This situation will only resolve itself in the form of sudden drastic price decreases (unlikely), or an accelerated rate of personal bankruptcies occurring. imp
hobz, here is how I have always pictured this question: knowing that electric charge always tends to distribute itself on the OUTSIDE of a conductor, and that a Faraday cage represents a conductor, the charge distributes itself on the OUTSIDE of the cage, with none existing on the INSIDE. Simplistic, yes. But, for me, understandable in everyday terms. imp
Any chemistry textbook will provide the answer to your 2nd. question. If the answers to all of your questions are handed to you via the internet, you will never learn anything of value. imp
If the contacting surfaces of the wheels and rail did not DEFORM under the imposed load, the AREA of CONTACT would be zero, that is, a a straight tangent (rail) to the curve of the wheel. If contact area were zero, no force could be transmitted. However, in reality, the metal surfaces deform elastically, the amount depending on the load; the finite contact area thus produced allows the transfer of forces from wheel to rail. The same concept is applied in ball bearings- the raceway curvature is slightly LARGER than the bearing balls, which deform under load and lose their shericity to conform to the raceway. Exagerrated, did you know that bearing balls assume an egg-shape under load? imp
All of you have provided thoughtful insight. Several angles I would never have thought of. Thank you. imp
What could Sen. Clinton possibly have been thinking when she remarked that Robert Kennedy was assassinated in June while running for the Presidential nomination?? imp