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Everything posted by ultma
5 times the limit in one go wouldnt be good if you are pregnant, now rember thats iv into the blood, is the limit set becuase greater than the limit in one go can cause harm? it all comes down to the person aswell. how good is a mg/kg/day basis if its affecting your brain? thats alot of shark for one meal it also depends on water quality my country has good water so its probly less, and shark isnt injected iv. But i would say you are right. most of the world has moved away for Hg amalgum so there must be a reason, is it possiable that some of the Hg from fillings can escape? as for thimersol able to cross the blood brain barrier where alot of it will be converted into ionic Hg(from ethyl Hg), ionic Hg resides in the brain for longer yeah but its probly no biggie but you think they could use something better, still i would avoid at all costs if i was a pregnant women
wonder if this has anything to do with what this guy said about mice eating grain grown with superphos he was more concerned with mineral balance but this could also explain it http://www.zealandpublishing.co.nz/Cancer%20book.html "One day in 1932, Percy helped a neighbouring farmer kill about 100 mice. These mice had been eating stored wheat, grown on soil heavily fertilised with super-phosphate. To Percy's horror he saw ugly cancer growths on all parts of the bodies of the dead mice."
it all depends on the type of Hg aswell inorganic salt organomercurial elemental organicmercurial being the worst dimethyl mercury is something I wouldnt dance with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethylmercury Minamata, will someone please think of the cats http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/dimethylmercury/dmmh.htm but I also think there is some research that suggests we need a base trace amount of Hg aswell as for the autism thing most of it is bad science (like blaming increasing cpu speed for increasing HIV infections) but the omish thing is a little freaky
true it does seem like a rumor but i bet it plays a part with dental amalgam and dietry Hg there are some studies on mercury and Alzheimer's Disease there is 25ug of Hg in a flu vaccine the daily limit is 0.1 ug/kg/day this is direct into the blood stream and able to cross the blood brain barrier where alot of it will be converted into ionic Hg, ionic Hg resides in the brain for longer Are pregnant women encourgaed to have flu vaccine's in the USA, but yet they told not to eat fish higher in the food chain. I bet ther is more Hg in a flu shaot that a piece of shark true it does seem like a rumor but i bet it plays a part with dental amalgam and dietry Hg there are some studies on mercury and Alzheimer's Disease there is 25ug of in a flu vaccine the daily limit is 0.1 ug/kg/day This is direct into the blood stream and able to cross the blood brain barrier where alot of it will be converted into ionic Hg, ionic Hg resides in the brain for longer Are pregnant women encourgaed to have flu vaccine's in the USA, but yet they are told not to eat fish higher in the food chain. I bet ther is more Hg in a flu shot that a piece of shark the eldarly are encoruaged to have flu shots, imparied renal and hepatic function would lead to Hg elimination difficulties
Dots/patterns/fuzz in your field of vision
ultma replied to 1veedo's topic in Psychiatry and Psychology
if it is not Blue field entoptic phenomenon, More like flashing dots these can get worse(more noticeable) with increaseing blood pressure. -
dosnt sound nice they used to use this stuff all the time. I have heard not sure about how true this that if you get three flu vacinnes in 3 years your Alzheimer's risk increases In the body the thio mercuryl group is cleved to relese ethyl mercury, organo mercurails are worse than their inorgainc salts what about babies when they get multidose vaccines they still have this stuff in them apparently(trace or more maybe?), babies have a much smaller body mass and are still developing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thimerosal I dont get the flu and have never had a flu vaccine, glad i havnt now
the butter from indoor cows that dont get grass and sulight has no vitamin K low vitamin D and good knows what else happens when the animal is sick and unhelathy butter is a lousy food? who told you that the TV, the FDA? Butter is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and important trace minerals magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium and iodine. Purchase organic butter produced without the use of hormones, steroids and antibiotics. Raw butter from pasture-fed cows is even better. The saturated fat in butter actually enhances our immune function, protects the liver from toxins, provides nourishment for the heart in times of stress, gives stiffness and integrity to our cell membranes, and aids in the proper utilization of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Butter will add extra nutrients and flavor to your vegetables, whole grain breads, and sautéed dishes. additon of butter/raw cream to your fruit/vegtables helps you absorb more vitamines and minerals How long has butter been around for! Now if you have read studies on butter where did they get it from the USA, factory farmers who dont give the cows trace minerals and feed them quick grow nitrate grass? We have very good butter here in NZ lance, the fats in milk are resistant to pasturisation so even normal butter here in NZ. Two things that the gallbladder doesn't like are bad fats and no fats. Bad fats, like processed vegetable oils, are difficult to digest and put a lot of stress on the gallbladder. The liver produces bile, a substance made from cholesterol that emulsifies fat and makes it easier to digest. The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile, then secretes it into the small intestines when fats are present. If you don't eat fat, the gallbladder won't get any exercise and can begin to atrophy
It has to do with the shapes of solid water with the frog the sugar makes the solid more smooth and rounded, and in humans it becomes sharp and spikey.
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Death by cancer from dioxin isnt a lethal poison dose dioxin that will kill you and has a LD50, water has a LD50 but any amount below that is hardly going to do you much harm. I am am trying to discuss some of the price foundations ideas, some of it seems weird and I didnt agree with much off it at the first but the more I read a lot of there ideas make sense. low amounts of tradional soy isnt really bad if you have a good diet and it is well prepared, ie. phytic acid isnt going to be a problem because you will be getting enough minerals that the chelation wont matter much. But should we be feeding it to babies, should a small boy/girl drink soy milk instead of real milk. What about all the forms of processed soy like soy protein isolate. Moving away from soy, we all know Trans fat doesnt occur in nature and that they are not good, but is high dose's of Cis-mono/polyunsatured fats good (exluding tradional cold expressed oils like extra virgin olive) as i said before the processing is harsh and allows for the formation of realitvely stablised radicals. what about this statement from them "Myth: Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat from animal products. Truth: During the period of rapid increase in heart disease (1920-1960), American consumption of animal fats declined but consumption of hydrogenated and industrially processed vegetable fats increased dramatically. (USDA-HNI)" "Myth: Saturated fat clogs arteries. Truth: The fatty acids found in artery clogs are mostly unsaturated (74%) of which 41% are polyunsaturated. (Lancet 1994 344:1195)" "Myth: To avoid heart disease, we should use margarine instead of butter. Truth: Margarine eaters have twice the rate of heart disease as butter eaters. (Nutrition Week 3/22/91 21:12)" what about the way the american farmers rasie their animals, indoors no grass, while the land is used to grow soy and corn. As i said earlier about indoor dairy it is a strange grey/white colour and has to be made yellow or indoor chickens have small pale livers. The quality of what we eat has alot to do with how it is rasied or grown. why do we disreguard offal and fatty meat now days. they have to fence of the offal pits in rendering departments here in NZ because overseas the tribal people see it as a waste and break in and steal the condemend material. when a carnivore catches its prey the first things it eats is the offal and the fatty parts. but if you want ot keep talking about soy go ahead, I am ignorant when it comes to soy its not really a crop in my country(we use our land to manily grow sheep beef and dairy, not hat modern farming practise are very good for the land and animal, but still its better than indoors) and I was until you pointed out to me under the impression that if you ate a decent sized amount of raw soy beans it would be quite toxic. dont they ahve to roll soy or do something when they feed it to cows to stop it killing them?
thats what the nitric is for AOAC 935.13 wet ash "weigh 2.5g sample into 500 or 800mL Kjeldahl flask. add 20-30 mL HNO3 and boil gently for 30-45min to oxidize all easily oxidizable material(aka fuel). cool soln somewhat and add 10 mL of 70-72% HClO4. Boil very gently until soln is colourless or nearly so and dense white fumes appear. use particular care not to boil to dryness(Danger!) at any time. Cool slightly, add 50mL H2O, and boil to drive out any remaining NO2 fumes . Cool, dil., filter into 250mL vol. flask, dil to vol and mix thoroly."
^^in that link read the section on toxcitiy "It has been reported that people normally consume more nitrates from their vegetable intake than from the cured meat products they eat. Spinach, beets, radishes, celery, and cabbages are among the vegetables that generally contain very high concentrations of nitrates (J. Food Sci., 52:1632). The nitrate content of vegetables is affected by maturity, soil conditions, fertilizer, variety, etc. It has been estimated that 10 percent of the human exposure to nitrite in the digestive tract comes from cured meats and 90 percent comes from vegetables and other sources. Nitrates can be reduced to nitrites by certain microorganisms present in foods and in the gastrointestinal tract. This has resulted in nitrite toxicity in infants fed vegetables with a high nitrate level. No evidence currently exists implicating nitrite itself as a carcinogen." vitamine A is very much less toxic if taken with vitamine D at the same time yes but some things at low dose that dont kill you can be quite bad like say dioxin (or phytoestrogen I dont know the fact it can be use to treat menopause freaks out my gonads)
http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/nutrition/DJ0974.html sorry there was meant to be a full stop the only part I meant to refer to you was that the wiki article said ther were two side to the story yes true a phrase to remember is it's strictly the dose that determines the poison I think it was the eskimos but that has alot to do with the lack of choice seal, fish or polar bear anyone and i think polar bear liver is toxic because they eat seals and it has a high amount of retinol in it another thing to remember every thing has to be working well to get the viatmines from vegtables many factors come into play for example carotene to vitamine A involves many process including absorbtion why not just get vitamine A from the source It wasnt really a study W.A Price was a dentist in the early 1900s he was concerned with the amount of braces and cavities he was observing so he went around the world with a camera and took photos of peoples teeth and dental records from the cultures where roads and heavy trade hadnt come yet he noticed a trend and wrote a book http://www.amazon.com/Nutrition-Physical-Degeneration-Weston-Andrew/dp/0879838167 just part of the theme of processed and refined food not being that great, Al is assoicated with a number of neurological disfunctions you miss the point of the weston price foundation, the animal has to be outdoor free range and healthy, if you look at chicken livers say battery, "organic free range" but still indoor, and pasture feed you will find the pasture feed is the only one thats has a good sized dark healthy liver, not to mention the USDA has decided that chickens are vegeterian. lol they love insects
off course it is. I think I remeber doing this reaction during my studies
yes they do seem to challenge the norm but alot of the work is backed up( i remeber at uni the reason doctors liked polyunsaturated fats was because they were softer and easier to squash with the ballon but they also blocked artireis faster) there are many studies that say good and bad things about soy I belive low dose fermented soy to be alright but not processed soy and no soy for babies that wiki article dosent say unfounded it says there is two sides to the argument "The industry has known for years that soy contains many toxins. At first they told the public that the toxins were removed by processing. When it became apparent that processing could not get rid of them, they claimed that these substances were beneficial. Your government granted a health claim to a substance that is poisonous, and the industry lied to the public to sell more soy." it was quite interesting when weastern price went on his trip he was hoping to find a vegeterian culture that was healthy and strong but he didnt? the lowest fat diet he found was about 30% and some as high as 80% they really like codliver oil and talk alot about vitamine A D and K2(i think it was K2) in the right ratio the same with the omega fatty acids being the correct ration aparently cod liver oil has them in the correct ratio they mention liver as a great source of food gram for gram liver is one of the most nutrient rich foods all the diets had a raw componet and a lactofermented component its amazing to see the teeth of these non "westernised cultures) all striaght broad with little to no cavities the jaw and face was full and strong, they say it was to do with growing to full genetic potential they went to great efforts to feed expecting mothers rich food, people in the andes walked miles to get dried fish eggs to feed to them they claim that low cholesterol diets and anti statin drugs lead to poor cognetive function and alzheimer's. my grandmother in law went on this diet and stopped taking her anti-cholesterol drugs shes a high risk patient thats has had a bypass and after two months her blood pressure was lower than it had ever been! remember science is to question and its not infoulable least we not forget thalidimde and asbestos, particulaly when money is involved with big bussines funded science. http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/pcnutrition.html they mention salt in this link but its quality that counts did you know the anticaking agent in table salt is a Al salt, the iodine additive is potassium iodate most nitrites and nitrates in the diet come from vegtables from the fertilizer thers some good points about staurated fat what are our cell walls made off? phospholipid bilayer with the lipids mainly saturated but some of the stuff seems strange to me but maybe not others http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/dietguidelines.html see the last two points Think positive thoughts and minimize stress. Practice forgiveness. lol seems a bit religous to me http://www.westonaprice.org/basicnutrition/dietdangers.html now the microwave seemed odd to me until i rembered the branch of chemsitry that uses microwaves(reactions that would take days with heating can happen in minuets in the microwave) apparently vegtable oils are oxidised very fast by microwave radiation and almost completly to toxic aldehydes this happens with conventional cooking but much slower, it does increase with increased heat also.
"Myth: Asians consume large amounts of soy foods. Truth: Average consumption of soy foods in China is 10 grams (about 2 teaspoons) per day and 30 to 60 grams in Japan. Asians consume soy foods in small amounts as a condiment, and not as a replacement for animal foods. Myth: Modern soy foods confer the same health benefits as traditionally fermented soy foods. Truth: Most modern soy foods are not fermented to neutralize toxins in soybeans, and are processed in a way that denatures proteins and increases levels of carcinogens." In Asia, soy is mostly consumed in fermented form. "The most serious problem with soy formula is high levels of isoflavones. In Japan, soy foods contribute about 25-28 mg of isoflavones per day, or just less that one-half mg per kilogram of body weight. In American women, 45 mg of isoflavones or three-quarters mg per kilogram of body weight per day caused endocrine disruption after just one month. Babies fed exclusively on soy-based formula receive a dose that is four to eleven times higher, based on body weight. A recent study found that babies fed soy-based formula had 13,000 to 22,000 times more isoflavones in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula. Dr. Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand toxicologist estimates that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. PHYTOESTROGENS IN DIETS OF INFANTS AND ADULTS Average Isoflavones Intake----Isoflavone per Kg ofBody Weight* Japan (1996 survey) 10 mg---- 0.17 mg Japan (1998 survey) 25 mg---- 0.42 mg Japan (2000 survey) 28 mg---- 0.47 mg In Japanese women, causing thyroid suppression 38 mg---- 0.60 mg In American women, causing hormonal changes after 1 month 45 mg---- 0.75 mg FDA recommended amount for adults 75 mg---- 1.25 mg In children receiving soy formula 38 mg---- 6.25 mg * Assumed 60 kg for adults, 6 kg for infants Fitzpatrick believes that soy feeding accounts for the alarming levels of premature maturation in girls. This was the same conclusion reached in 1986 by investigators in Puerto Rico, where early maturation is commonplace. The researchers expected to find a correlation with consumption of milk and meat and were surprised to discover that the strongest correlation was with soy infant feeding. Girls who had consumed large amounts of cow's milk as children actually had lower rates of early development." "The soybean did not serve as a food until the discovery of fermentation techniques, some time during the Chou Dynasty. The first soy foods were fermented products like tempeh, natto, miso and soy sauce. At a later date, possibly in the 2nd century BC, Chinese scientists discovered that a purée of cooked soybeans could be precipitated with calcium sulfate or magnesium sulfate (plaster of Paris or Epsom salts) to make a smooth, pale curd - tofu or bean curd. The use of fermented and precipitated soy products soon spread to other parts of the Orient, notably Japan and Indonesia. The Chinese did not eat unfermented soybeans as they did other legumes such as lentils because the soybean contains large quantities of natural toxins or "antinutrients". First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are large, tightly folded proteins that are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking. They can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer. Soybeans also contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinin are growth inhibitors. Weanling rats fed soy containing these antinutrients fail to grow normally. Growth-depressant compounds are deactivated during the process of fermentation, so once the Chinese discovered how to ferment the soybean, they began to incorporate soy foods into their diets. In precipitated products, enzyme inhibitors concentrate in the soaking liquid rather than in the curd. Thus, in tofu and bean curd, growth depressants are reduced in quantity but not completely eliminated. Soy also contains goitrogens - substances that depress thyroid function. Soybeans are high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. It's a substance that can block the uptake of essential minerals - calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc - in the intestinal tract. Although not a household word, phytic acid has been extensively studied; there are literally hundreds of articles on the effects of phytic acid in the current scientific literature. Scientists are in general agreement that grain- and legume-based diets high in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world countries. Analysis shows that calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are present in the plant foods eaten in these areas, but the high phytate content of soy- and grain-based diets prevents their absorption. The soybean has one of the highest phytate levels of any grain or legume that has been studied, and the phytates in soy are highly resistant to normal phytate-reducing techniques such as long, slow cooking. Only a long period of fermentation will significantly reduce the phytate content of soybeans. When precipitated soy products like tofu are consumed with meat, the mineral-blocking effects of the phytates are reduced. The Japanese traditionally eat a small amount of tofu or miso as part of a mineral-rich fish broth, followed by a serving of meat or fish"
they say that it was the banning of swill fed cows in cramped dirty diary sheds in the middle of towns that fixed the milk problem and that pasturisation came after this fact but yet was atributed as the solution. http://www.westonaprice.org/brochures/RealMilkTrifold.pdf soy can be used for HRT so it cant be that good i know of girls who drunk soy milk when they were small who menstarted when as early as 9. lactofermented soy is good because it destroys phytic acid unfermented is not so good. this all comes from the work of weston price in early 1900s he was dentist and was concened with the amount of dental deformities cavities so went around the world investigaeing tradional cultures. http://www.westonaprice.org/brochures/wapfbrochure.html
Has anyone heard of the western price foundation http://www.westonaprice.org/ They have alot of ideas that go against modern nurtion and the advice of the USDA and FDA But alot of it makes very good sense and science Like unfermented soy is dangerous for people and babies it contains things like; phytoestrogen, phytic acid,enzyme inhibitors, antinutrients soy bean is poisonous They are very pro animal fat and offal meats from animals feed grass and allowed in the sun (sorry silly americans who rasie there animals inside on grain) Did you know american indoor dairy cows butter is actually white and has to be artifically made yellow They are also very pro RAW milk, they think pasturisation destroy proteins and cofactors that make milk good and it makes the calaium undesirable since it is easly precpitaed it ends up in veins and artiries. The fat of milk is resistant to the chemical changes cuase by heat and pressur during pastureisation Unsaturated fat is bad:eek: things like vegtable oil(not cold expressed like extra virgin olive, they say its alright in moderation) are steam cleaned to remove foul taste and colours this, makes them quite rancid when you buy them not mention destroys many of the nutrients in the oil, also cis hydrogens are easily cleaved leaving partialy stabilised radicals yum. Saturated fat dosent go rancid! What do you guys think is there truth in some of the stuff from these guys say or are they crazy orgainc nutters with a secret agenda?
when in a airtight room you die from CO2 poisoning assuming the LD100 of CO2/kg was the same for both mouse and elephant the mouse would die first since it had a smaller mass, but that would also depend on rate of breathing and volume of breath my guess would be the mouse hass lots of small breaths while the elephant has few large breaths my moneys on the mouse to die first
no one really knows it could be due to many factors like dissolved oxygen for example Hotter water having less dissolved Oxygen than cooler Thats rubbish: The hotter water drops faster intialy due to the temperature difference beteween the water and the surroundings so eventualy it would reach the same point the coolder water was at and then drop at the same speed the cooler water did
n = C x V V = n/C C = n/V amonunt(mol) = concentration(mol/L) x volume(L) ie. mol/L x L = mol n = m/M M = m/n m = nxM amount(mol) = mass(g) / molar mass(g/mol) ie. g / (g x 1/mol) = 1/(1/mol) = mol You can use these two in combination to make up a stock solution. Say I want to make a 2M NaOH solution in a 2L volumetric flask n = 2 (mol/L) x 2(L) --------*( (molxL)/L = mol ) n = 4 (mol) 4 = m/M m = 4 x M ----------*(M = molar mass of Na+O+H = 40(g/mol)) m = 4(mol) x 40(g/mol) ---------*( (molxg)/mol = g ) m = 160g So 160g in 2L of water will make up the 2M NaOH solution Intersesting fact on a side note if I add 500mL of Ethanol to 500mL of water what will my final volume be?
I couldnt find a method for Ni in Cacao products in the AOAC. but ther is for Tea which could be applied but of no use for a school assigment since it requires AA. basicly wetash(wet oxidation using HNO3(69-72%) then HClO4(70-72%), caution not for the inexperianced:eek: ) a well mixed sample(either by freezeing and graiting or heating to 50C and mixing then take test sample) then intial dilution then filter and dilute to known volume then detect with AA at (232.00 nm for Ni) with matrix matched stadard solutions to avoid interferance from Na and K. Now the APHA stadard methods for water and waste water has two chemical methods for determination of Ni these could be applied to the wet ash diltuion. The Heptoxime Method and the Dimethylglyoxime Method. in these methods the (water) sample is HNO3-H2SO4 digested with H2O2, so i dont know if wet ashing with HNO3 & HClO4 would be classed as the same or you would to do the extra digestion step after or just the Nitric Sulphuric digetsion instead these are both colourmetric(heptosime and Dimethylglyoxime used for colour development, heptoxime method of choice) so you would need a spectrophotometer capable of 445 nm or you could do crude comparison by eye. It involves treating a portion of the sample (containg 50-250 ug of Ni) to seperate Cu and Fe then separation of Ni followed by the colour devolping step. then compared to standard curve. If you want exact details I can post them tomorrow.
Using a Oxidation Reduction Potential to asertain low level Dissolve Oxygen I have read somewhere that the relationship is linear. can anyone expand on this as to the formula etc how high of a ORP would you expect to see before a positive DO reading in a aerobic waste water pond
I need to know of possiable methods for the determination of the quanity of blood in a mixed waste stream (industrial waste from a meat food processing plant). Ideas of the top of my head would be to measure Fe and TKN and find out the ratio of iron to nitrogen of the particular species that is contributaing the most blood Does anyone know where I can get a protein seqence of hemeoglobin for particular species eg ovine, bovine Would there be any other easier or better methods to do this say like some ort of immuno assay. Your ideas and feed back will be very much appreciated.