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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. Yup, you dont want to waste too much time thinking.
  2. Much better.
  3. i vote stupid, but then again thats what I always vote.
  4. well my uni started problem based learning... Mcmaster
  5. если мы начать разноязычную резьбу My russian is a bit of.
  6. I suggest you try ace mega codecs pack.That should have something in it.http://www.softpedia.com/public/cat/11/2/7/11-2-7-10.shtml
  7. heres one: When was the last date before October 2, 2001 that is also a palindrome? Or: Of three men, one man always tells the truth, one always tells lies, and one answers yes or no randomly. Each man knows which man is who. You may ask three yes/no question to determine who is who. If you ask the same question to more than one person you must count it as question used for each person whom you ask. What three questions should you ask?
  8. Willkommen zu den wissenschaft foren.
  9. 1)no 2)yes
  10. Yup I cant get it either.
  11. Heres one: There are 120 members in the Israeli parliament, and 40 committees. A committee can be assembled only when the number of committee members that are now present in the parliament hall, is odd (so that votes would be decisive). Is there a way to assign the parliament members to committees, so that in all times, except for when the hall is completely empty, there would be at least one committee that can be assembled? Or this: Let F be a finite field and c, d positive integers. Suppose for each x in Fc+d we have a real number v(x), such that for each c-dimensional affine subspace of Fc+d, the sum of v(x) over all the points in the subspace yields zero. Prove that v(x) equals 0 for all x in Fc+d.
  12. after 7 years the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take affect. Do you think it will do any good? And the ratification chart.http://www.climnet.org/EUenergy/ratification/calendar.htm
  13. I think the clone idea would be better, or even more interesting making another living creature and transplanting the brain into that.Like an eveolved human...
  14. It would cost a bit of money though.
  15. Not now no.
  16. but isnt that the idea of quantum teleportation.
  17. You could live forever...mostly.Youd have to watch out for EMPs.
  18. I believe they teleported an atom a few weeks back.Im not saying we can teleport things now I was asking if it would work.
  19. But how do we put it there could teleportaion work?
  20. Exactly now you go it.
  21. I am confused by what your trying to say.
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