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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. I agree a mass wipage is stupid.They can at least be warned.
  2. But why are small marsupials that important?And when you say small how small is that?
  3. I believe he was talking stupidly in general "no miracle cure for all viruses".
  4. hmm they look like crop circles from afar but on 8m inspection they look like screens from one of tose old radar displayes.Where the line just kepps turning in circles. Strange
  5. More people should have tried it it seems that the japenese immigration officials arent very attentive.
  6. Cats are damn lazy animals.I like monkeys.
  7. Thats why I hate cats they dont do anything.
  8. Why is it that in all your posts you write sentences that contain significant words in them???you dont add anything to the discussion...
  9. What are you trying to say by that? "very much understood"?
  10. You always seem to be defending windoze...
  11. then whats the hardest substance?
  12. I dont see how that helps kether.
  13. Id still call it science because thats what it is.
  14. If i were given a diamond i would wonder why it was given to me.
  15. Well, on earth maybe but nobody can say anything for the whole universe.
  16. When you say edge do you mean boundry or the intersection line of two surfaces?
  17. isnt that from south park? the sad panda thing i mean?
  18. Yet you can jump... You cant run off because the earth is round. And is the universe actually expanding or is it growing?
  19. If a person wants to make a username thats alreday in use they should just email one of the mods or admins and they can just delete that specific user acount you dont need to wipe all of them.
  20. This is a very bad hypothesis, and this line: "The birth of heroes like hercules is the sperm tranplantation in the womb of woman without the physical contact. Mt.olympus is their lab or office." And why the hell do aliens have supenatural powers???
  21. Well, maybe not a coma what if they get a seizure or a holiday but then get kidnapped and sent to harsh labour in cuba.
  22. Astrology thats nothing, i know crazy people that believe in this "God" thing...wow, they say hes all powerful and stuff.Crazy isnt it.He even has this book.And lotsa religions and crap, these days people believe in anything.
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