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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. Yes, my new avatar is a small 75 x 75 of a large grim reaper tatoo that I have on my arm.I found the image and brought it in a few days ago to be tatooed.Heres a larger version.And When I installed winxp I couldnt use the user name linux so Im using linx.But i probably should have picked penguin or something like that. Back to the thread, I cant believ some of the stupid things Ive against gay rights and marriage.Stuff like its "unnatural", and "theyre sinners"...
  2. Well, it proves they like to die in the same general vicinity.
  3. German scientists find a huge dinosaur graveyard.This proves that dinosaurs have inticate death rituals. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/07/08/germany.dinosaurs.reut/index.html
  4. I dont undestand why people would go to such lengths to say that marriage is only between a man and a women.Its stupid and pointless.People have to make decisions for themselves.
  5. Look, this site has answers: http://members.aol.com/profchm/realgas.html
  7. marxism...?
  8. Tesseract

    try this

    I can make one six without messing up, but no more after that.
  9. groove-corrugation masturbation
  10. Back to the topic, sice the universe is in nothingness, where would another universe be?would they collide (assuming the universe is expanding)?
  11. Happy B-Day Eddy
  12. Speaking as a lesbian methodist, you dont believe in a hip female God.
  13. game=activity stupidity
  14. Lets get back to the thread.The point is Mars dosnt exist.
  15. I heard that one before but the engineers were the ones that were smarter.
  16. Euclid's Parallel Postulate Through a point, not on a line, there exists exactly 1 line parallel to the given line. sum (k=1..inf) 1/kn = ? Although others have found that this expression equals PI2 / 6 when n=2, PI4 / 90 when n = 4 and simular solutions for all possible even values of n, no one has discovered an exact value when n is an odd integer (3, 5, 7, ...) (note: when n=1, the sum does not converge, but it does has relations to the gamma constant). Sorry I copied and pasted: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/2977/gauss/euclidpp.html
  17. I believe Canada is a good country because anyone can make a party with just 100 signatures and a few thousand dollars very nice system.
  18. Youve posted that link so many times, I think your making advertising for it.
  19. No, seriously Im not lying can you find anything wrong with my statement?No, there is no proof for either your theory that "Aliens came to earth and experimented to find that perfect living weapon", or my statement that "I tend to transform into a giant killer penguin and kill things".
  20. Isnt the better question why would anyone make a site that gives people seizures??? www.seizurerobots.com/ www.seizurerobots.com/ www.seizurerobots.com/ WOW
  21. Yes I have this problem when I tend to transform into a giant killer penguin and kill things.
  22. I believe they are all rocks, 3D rocks, yet still rocks...
  23. mastering
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