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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. I dont think that would be a wormhole.A wormhole would make point A as close as point B as point B is to itself, not closer.
  2. ........lol Its funny I should have been banned many times, yet you people ban the funniest people.
  3. How the heck did you think of that? Anyway heres a site: http://www.oneworld.net/penguin/genetics/splicing.html But heres a quote from the site!!!: "No-one can know in advance what might happen and whether it might be hazardous. It is unpredictable."
  4. There was a young lady named Bright, Whose speed was far faster than light. She went out one day, In a relative way, And returned the previous night! -Reginald Buller
  5. Oh, hmm, lazy.Try reading the whole thread next time before making a post.
  6. And these? What do they have to do with doorbells??? :
  7. Make it seem like a police car is going by every 30 secs...
  8. Maybe its an older picture Jordan...
  9. Blond women arent dumb, dumb blond women are dumb.
  10. What company would that be...and you look so funny in that picture AND DONT YOU THINK MY PI SYMBOL IS THE BEST OF THE 100 x 100 AVATARS? <--------------------------MY PI IS DANCING
  11. Eh, if you didnt want to live anymore you could just shoot yourself..
  12. What, I like the music you have no sense of music quality...
  13. This isnt scientfic but its very anoying and possible dangerous... IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF SEIZURE DO NOT CLICK THIS IS MY ONLY WARNING http://www.seizurerobots.com/ LISTEN TO THE MUSIC!!!!!!
  14. My avatar is still 100 x 100.
  15. I think the meaning of life is to complete a certain set of predetermined goals.
  16. Hehe, that avatar is so funny.And no.
  17. Be sure to take your computer with you...
  18. Not completely look at post #34
  19. lol, Dave I cant take you seriously anymore with that avatar... , its just too funny
  20. Nah, I believe in reincarnation...
  21. No, it cannot be resized to complex...wont look good. AND IF YOU DO LOOK AT MY SECOND LAST POST.
  22. I know isnt that a mystery, I believe it is a glitch in the space-time continum.
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