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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. Doesn't quantum teleportation involve the destruction of the original?
  2. I have a 4 cd case of slackware from 96', and Im going to install it on my other computer that i want to format, just to see how it is, but Ill still have a windows partition on it.Anyway whats a good Linux distro for internet use and downloading and such? I used to be a Micrsoft fan, but they are really starting to p*ss me off, and im not to keen on Mac either.I need something fast, that has support for AOL internet.
  3. Definatly A, I respond to any new posts...
  4. It would be fun paintballing there :DYou could even shoot at Mars.
  5. Its my second favourite Galilean moon...my favourite is Europa.Its my favourite because I like the name. I dont live in Antarctica, and even if I did it couldnt be in a military base. If you want to get a good phisical exercise and lots of gravity you should be considering Ganymede more than Callsito, there youd get a really good work out... This isnt really an urgent matter, unless you are actually going to Callsito.and I doubt that muscle powered flight would be possible on Callisto but maybe on Phobos.This is strangely similar to a science channel episode I once saw...
  6. Some statistics about Callisto (my second favourite Galilean moon): http://www.solarviews.com/eng/callisto.htm#movie And I think a better moon to colonize would be Phobos or Deimos, firstly because theyre closer and second because theres not as many meteorites hitting the moon. http://www.solarviews.com/eng/phobos.htm
  7. At this rate its going to take years (50-150) before we can teleport humans...
  8. My Top Ten List (and favourite actors in each movie): 1)(tie) The Godfather (1,2,3,) & 2001:A Space Odysey-Marlon Brando & Douglas Rain 2)Goodfellas-Robert De Niro 3)Pulp Fiction-Samuel L. Jackson 4)(tie) Contact & Pi-Sean Gullette & Jodie Foster 5)Alien-Sigourney Weaver 6)Eraserhead-Jack Nance 7)Cube-Andrew Miller 8)The Shawshank Redemption-Tim Robbins 9)Krull-Ken Marshall 10)Lord of the Rings (first)-Ian McKellen Updated List (in no order):: Yojimbo Ran 2001 Cube Krull Shawshank LOTR Pi Contact Eraserhead The Great Dictator Contact the godfather The seven samurai Goodfellas Pulpfiction Alien Dreams sanjuro 12 angry men Kung Pow English Patient ect....... Documentaries:: Bowling for columbine Rodger and me Farenheit 9/11 supersize me and movies that i dont like:: Spiderman 1,2 Schindlers list AI Titanic Troy The Last Samurai Ikiru Hero The day after tommorow Armagedon Twister Kill Bill 1 ect........
  9. I did this problem before and memorized it, it took a while for me to figure out where each queen goes ine each column though.
  10. See Qwiks link, and its faster than the other processors, the AMD 64 has hypertransport technology.
  11. Yes, Ive never taken money that I have found.
  12. Probably...seems that way in the movie.
  13. The XP line of AMD CPU's are completely different from the 64bit AMD's theyre different processors.But both work for the windows XP OS.The only difference between the XP line and the 64 line is that the XP has 32 bits.
  14. They may not be "the" correct answers but they're "my" correct answers.
  15. turing test?
  16. I dont understand the part where you explain things...
  17. I would be nice if i could inderstand your words...
  18. I know what it is I meant I didnt know that a sip would kill you...
  19. I am very confused.
  20. If you would return the things to the time where universe was created then you would hear a big "BANG" then you die.
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