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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. 1)Why would someone bother to want to know , or actually guess the person to be called? 2)Its not added reponsability, its normal responsability, that the whole point , its not he choice of one person to do the choosing anyway its a whole lot of people. 3)I didnt want to edit my post.To lazy.
  2. And its not really a drastic change, it uses the same government, same congress, same prime minister but the MPs follow what the people say, from their votes.Then they put their hand up for the will of the people.
  3. I suppose on the phone you would ask for their name, date of birth, and social security number.
  4. I still dont see the babes in the first one , where are they?
  5. Good point about that, I didnt think people would be so sinister.
  6. I think he wouldnt be around to write the post.
  7. Id say your confused...
  8. Can you expalin that a little bit better?
  9. Why is that important?
  10. Can anyone explain where the babes is in the first one I see the leech now?
  11. The problem is democracy is for all people and not all the people can have those options, and you need money to organize all the votes.Every year there would only be about 20 votes at the most, and if a proposal is passed by some citizens on a new law or changing another law there could be more.
  12. Exactly I said it wasnt a paradox...
  13. If anyone cares heres a really good site for M-theory and string theory: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/qg_ss.html
  14. Hmm thats strange I dont see any of those things in the light and shadow images. .
  15. This also reminds me of Zenos arrow paradox that states how do we see motion if the frozen picture of a moving arrow is the same as a stationary arrow?Wich I dont think is a paradox anyway.
  16. The other dimensions are there for the same reason that the others are...I think you cansider the dimension in relation to humans...because they can be percieved dosnt mean they arent affecting each other, most of the unexplained things can be explained by other dimensions. Hmm, can someone that knows somethingabout other dimensions answer better. Until then look at this tesseract!!!http://pw1.netcom.com/~hjsmith/WireFrame4/tesseract.html
  17. There are a few reasons why this dosnt happen: 1)Unless this is brought to congress or senate or even the president says something about it nthing is going to happen, there has to be an executive somewhere to start the reform process. 2)The people are concerned with outside politics nowadays, they complain about the road but dont take the initiative to do anything about it.Some people are concerned but most are to lazy or uninterested in the situation. 3)The process would take to long, people are nonchalant about the place their tax money goes they rush and are nonchalant about the money.They also dont want to wait or have any distractions from their daily work schedule, they want everything to be ok and taken care of.Especially in cities where its most needed like in New York. 4)The asphalt workers are not quite concerned about the qualty or urgency of their work, they get paid if they get the job done anyway.And its not exactly the best or most favourable work some diseases can arise from this kind of work and they have some very bad days (working in the sun).They also have to contend wiht the fast paced schedule. I hope this dosnt seen negative I just see to many problems with this kind of work.Does anyone else have an opinion or will you let me have the last (and first) word.
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