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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. About every two weeks I run an antivirus scan, antispyware and adware scan, defragment my computer, and run evidence eliminator, that erases all recycling bin files and cookies,unwnated things, yadayadayada.
  2. Anyway Sayonara whats your best computer? I want detailed explanation and statistics. 40000 files scanned.
  3. Does it really matter?* *yes
  4. So your saying I should do what?The thing is that I have to connect to the internet using AOL (like dialup) I dont have a constant connection.
  5. Wow....I own a computer store so I have 103, yay.
  6. Whats your best computer?
  7. Id rather have performance other than security any day.Mainly because of my safe habits.
  8. No the point of that is that it was faked and didnt happen as reported. and Im seeing the other point of the story.I have the exact same chair to.Anyone can buy one for a dollar at a garage sale.
  9. So my computer does better without a firewall? Then thats good.
  10. Without what running?
  11. Thats because IM THE KING OF VIRUS FREE COMPUTERS! 20000 files done.
  12. Hmm that makes sense but I think I have enough ram to go around.I have got to get a sound card though.I have too much RAM wasted.
  13. I only recieve e-mail very rarely from my family I dont have any junk or spam ever nor do I use outlook express.
  14. I have 10000 files scanned and no viruses so far.This is going to take a while though I have at least 200000 files to scan.
  15. Whats the point of having one of those?
  16. I meant that was to late but I did it anyway.Even though I have no viruses.
  17. I go to whatever I want on the net, I have no active antivirus or spyware and I dont get any problems.I dont really pay much attention to ther latest worm/trojan/virus on the news.I didnt do anything for the sasser.
  18. Jeez how do you people get so many viruses?I dont think you need that much protection.
  19. XP professional why does thta matter?Im going to run an antivirus scan right now, and Ill show you the results.
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