Im thinking to in the future build a small cottage home on a 2.5 acre piece of land that I own. Its across a bridge from a highway, right beside a main road, and is next to a river (theres also a small stream running on one of the boundries. I want to make it an off grid self sufficient home.
Im thinking about different renewable systems to supply my electricity, and my space/water heating. I was thinking about using high efficiency appliances and photovoltaic power. I would also consider a wind turbine but the land is on the river valley with a large hill one side across the street. I dont think it would have enough power for all my appliances, and it seems difficult to set up. There is alos the possibility of water power but river is controlled by a conservation authority, and they dont allow barriers,dams or mills in the river. And the stream is much to shallow.
Regarding heating I was thinking a high efficiency fireplace, furnace or box stove. To burn biomass like chunkwood or corn, and create heat for a water heating system for the house. luckily there is a well on the property with abbundant water for the tank. The water (pumped in using a solar power water pump)would go from a large holding tank into the water heater then pumped through the house into baseboard type water heaters. Also it would heat the water needed for cleaning.
I want to ask for suggestions or opinions in the creation or other things related to the home.