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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. You mean switch conciously?
  2. Then you should talk to a doctor.
  3. Yes, I had just thought of it.
  4. "No serioulsy probably nuclear plants, which really dosnt help much with pollution.Still this is better than using gas."
  5. I dont know, the powerful intellect of everyone on this site. No serioulsy probably nuclear plants, which really dosnt help much with pollution.Still this is better than using gas. Unless someone can create cold fussion to power it.
  6. Nobody is allowed to own antarctica but theyre selling plots on the moon?Whose idea was that?
  7. Yes but you dont need the fuel making plants right in the middle of a city. Also burnig fossil fuels isnt the only was of obtaining hydrogen.The developers are now thinking of extracting it from water.
  8. Yes but it helps the problem of mass polution.Especially haze.
  9. Um draino, contains ammonia.he porbably made it out of that and battery acid.
  10. Or is it NH 4 NO 3? I should have studied chemistry more.
  11. What do you mean NaClO3 dosnt react?In my opinion I think you made NH 3.
  12. Can you still cahnge it?I would the the coil gun idea would be better.
  13. Well I dont think NaCl is able to clean the pennies. Salt mixed with vinegar or lemon juice cleans the pennies becasue the two chemicals make hydrochloric acid.If you want to know heres the equation: HC2H3O2 + NaCl --> HCl + NaCH3O2 CuO + HCl --> CuCl2 + H2O
  14. Sometimes I do that when I have to copy something (long) down.I see the words and remember them then wite them on the page.But I lose track of ime and when I come to, im done but have no recolection of time spent.Wierd. Is this the same thing or different?
  15. Did you learn this at medical school???
  16. Per gallon...wow I wish.No, its per litre (its alot). Its about 92.2 here.Cents (not dollars) being on the left.
  17. I remember right before the war (Iraq) that the gas prices were right about where they are now (at least where I am).Whent the war started gas prices shot down a whole 20 cents (alot).The lowest I had seen in a several years.Now with the official war over for some time, the gas prices are shooting way back up again.Here its almost at one dollar!
  18. Better than whats being done on solar powered cars.Look at this site : http://web.mit.edu/solar-cars/www/
  19. "I dosnt matter how many posts you have only how well you brag to other people..."
  20. Lol, thats the biggest load of crap from google ever.Funny. HiDeHiDeHo...lol
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