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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. I like how english people say lot.Oh and bloody.Sounds neat.
  2. I am serious, downloaded all the windows updates the night before.Then the next time I restarted it was done for.Probably because they didnt like me not using a proper CD key for windows XP (shh).When I looked at the adwares I had all fo them showed Microsoft for adress.Same with my virus.Then after I got my computer back none of the programs (except for windows) that were made by microsoft didnt work.Even my IE.I dont think it was all a coincidence.
  3. 10 000-200 000 years.
  4. Imagine how difficult it would be to map out the position of every atom in the human body and photocopy it.
  5. I cant see any marked deleted?
  6. Heres a good one:http://www.ahuka.com/dos/ goodluck
  7. if the people want to change the gas prices theyll need a national boycotting gas week.But I guess thats a start.
  8. ....I dont think I saw the posts.well maybe but I dont remember.
  9. Well if the day is today I dont see anyone doing it.In this age anyone can make a crappy boycotting day.
  10. National boycott gas day?I have never heard of that.Whats the reason for boycotting gas anyway.Especially if its only a day.
  11. Whats threads did you see this on?
  12. Yes and no?Whats your career?
  13. Quite; I never said there were problems with pointing out additional methods, I just said that he has to decide. Posts dont express feeling very well....
  14. Do you want to overclock?Or just mess around with hardware?
  15. Did you consult a doctor, I think you should.In my opinion its probably the muscle, did you ever hurt it?
  16. Not just Bush ,Chaney, and Rumsfeld but also Colin powell Condleeza Rice and Tony Blair have some explaining to do.
  17. Well Albertlee has to decide anyway....
  18. If you want to do that for a living, which is maybe nice, whats the pay? Yeah but isnt learning DOS easier that assembly language?
  19. Holy crap Im talking about a normal person who just wants to know...who would look through all the textbooks and stuff....its much easier to use DOS then learn assembly language, thats what the threads about remember.Does everyone think Im stupid.Lol I cant joke about anything around here.You people are far too serious. (that was a joke too)
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