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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. Who would spend their time learning about that?
  2. Do you have to respond to all my posts Dave? JK I meant where as in geographically
  3. Wow never would have thought of that. Maybe Ithaxa is tazer owner and wants to find out if the police have any protection against it.
  4. Where did you find the stick?
  5. I got that crap and it sucks.It filled my computer with spyware.
  6. DOS is still similar to command prompt in windows XP and is alos still needed.I recommend Linux over windows though.
  7. Isnt it just fun to wonder Jordan. I wish they didnt work.
  8. Id say space warp teleportation seems plausible.But so does hole teleportation.The others seems to futuristic and have to many problems.
  9. They're both good words.
  10. crazy isnt it.........
  11. He means the amount of enery needed to power the device.Look at this site Tycho:http://www.powerlabs.org/emguns.htm Its good.
  12. Either way the treaty from after the Gulf war said that there had to be a meeting if Iraq betrayed it.I dont know what it was called, can almost remember...Ill post when I have it.
  13. thats happens to me too sometimes.I just lapse into a deep thought and time seems to stop....then something brings me back.
  14. I read about the antihydrogens, neat stuff.Anyway the definition is from the site.I didnt write that it was hypothetical.
  15. A:never,ever,ever, never,ever....never Q:Whats your name?
  16. Wow that made more sense than anything ive read today.
  17. Happy I can help.
  18. antimatter?anyone?hmm antimatter am I wrong heres the definition: A hypothetical form of matter that is identical to physical matter except that its atoms are composed of antielectrons, antiprotons, and antineutrons. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=antimatter
  19. "I'm afraid I cant do that Dave" Dont live in the UK. Must have been nice.
  20. A:analogue all the way.... Q:Black or white? BTW my last consecutive post.
  21. F**k, well I screwd that one up.Hades is the one with the cellphone thread right....???? sorry.
  22. Im sorry I expressed myself poorly.Sometimes this happens havent been taking my medication..... back to topic in.....three.......two.....one....go
  23. Hmm..... A:I love white. Q:Cable or satelite?
  24. Ok lots of people have guns not all of the people but very many have guns.And they kill people with guns, and that bad because they kill many people.And I said before that not only the U.S. but also all countries have problems.I just say that the U.S. have alot, just like Iraq nad South Africa, and Columbia.they all have alot.The only difference is that the U.S. is large and they can control other countries like they did iraq.And that kind of power should have been gone along time ago...whew I almost broke my keyboard.No offence, its just my opinion.Lets settle this and get back to topic.
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