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Everything posted by spooky

  1. Guess for the hemoglobin's you could go and see your local vet or butcher for them...other then that I have no idea...
  2. 3,766.....>.<
  3. I encourage you to go ahead with this ^.^ sounds like it'd be awesome.
  4. Thought this just might clear a few things up ^.^ I remember trying to teach the cub scouts (9-12 I think), how to light fires and maintain them and all that...was pretty difficult.....
  5. We found that out at our last camp someone wasn't being so bright near the fire and was throwing flour across the fire at each other..and hence how the flour came to be inside the fire.
  6. We're learning about CNS (central Nerve System) and the PNS (peripheral Nerve system). The other day when I was in class and we were discussing the involuntary reactions, such as the knee bending when a large enough hit goes to your knee. Does anyone know why we have these reactions? Or is it some strange left over from evolution like goosebumps.
  7. Okay heres my idea of what I sort have figured out thus far...Don't know if its right but its possible. L=A (what other letter stands by itself makes any sense in a passage of text?) Z= could equal R but I'm not sure...hope this gets someone started perhaps..
  8. http://www.gothic.org.au/brisbane/index.php - Brisbane Goth Forum, there for the people not the stereotype.
  9. There is one technicality in the Article, As I'm sure your already aware. The Pharaohs declared and ordered the buildings to be built, but its believed that the slaves actually constructed the pyramids themselves.
  10. Hey I'm in 10th grade, I'm 15 years old. I live in Australia. Name - Leanne Degree/Education - up to grade 10 high school Area of science- Biology and Criminology
  11. Heres some of my piccies ^.^
  12. i've seen a cow put down using salt after they gave her a pain killer of some sort. Was helping one of our local vets with an Autopsy at my nanna's dairy farm. But this took like 500 grams or so i think, 250grams is a cup.. There are 6.5 million sets of fingerprints on file in the UK. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6170070.stm An infestation of head lice is called pediculosis. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6111476.stm Up to 25% of hospital keyboards carry the MRSA infection. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6107892.stm
  13. taking air from marshmallows with a vacuum type thing also works with destroying them. Flour burns when thrown in fire. yeah theres some pretty awesome stuff going on in microwaves posted on youtube. ^.^
  14. As a grade 10 high school student, I read a lot, most of my sources are in fact books or hand outs from class. I still use the Internet but I find multiple sources for my main statements and anything I'm not sure of. Its something I see every day at my high school, kids getting away with copy and paste while I'm in the library making do with our books till i can get to the bigger library near by. It annoys me. Because sometimes these kids even get higher marks then me. >.< mentioned it to a teacher once but all they said was the school had to make special "circumstances" for some students because they can't meet the criteria normally. -grumbles- alright I think that'll do for now...
  15. human Teeth. I want to get a controlled environment. I have the time to grow plaque. the only problem is the infection control incase some not so nice things grow from food acids and bacteria. because plaque is a build up of these acids and bacteria from rotting food on the teeth. Yes the dental van is at school at the moment I think I'm going to go and question some dentists in the name of my experiment. Maybe they can sell me a pair of false teeth?... Thinking of asking the uni down here if i can use their library to get info for this experiment. And I have no idea if plaque can be manufactured but it should be possible with heat and time, I have access to a heat source at school and the like.
  16. yeah we did something Like this at my last Venturer scout Camp, we did the straw thing. It took a car running over it to break ours ^.^ good times. Maybe like a box made of straws or something?
  17. Hey guys, My names Leanne I'm in grade 10 in Australia and am searching for an experiment to match my interests in toothpaste. Kinda strange I know. but while I was watching TV last night i noticed that every toothpaste claimed to be the dentists choice. so I want to create an experiment regarding the efficiently of toothpaste compared to each other. The main problem I can see with this is all the variables are going to be really difficult to control. So heres my question how can I create a fairly cheap re-creation of teeth and plaque? I realize that using peoples teeth to actually carry out my experiments would mean that I could come to no certain conclusions due to the changes in situation,plaque and what the person ate from day to day as I test the different types of toothpaste against each other. I've talked to my science teacher about this but he hasn't a clue either as to how i could achieve this. >.< this is for my next experiment for school because we have to try and design our own experiment. any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  18. 101-102=1 102-102=0
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