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Lepton (1/13)



  1. How long does one normally see a comet in the nightsky for? From some news articles on astrobiology websites, it seems possible to view parts of a comet and its orbit for around a week, though most seem to use telescopes...
  2. Hello, At http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/packages/smartAnimator/ I input "sw $t0, foo". I can't understand the second and third steps. Why is $t0 broken into t and $0...so what do t and $0 mean by themselves? What do they mean by an offset and why is foo treated as an offset? What is sign extension?
  3. Hi, Is it realistic for a 64-bit computer to have 2^17 instructions? xtheunknown0
  4. Yeah...I can't remember why I posted that...
  5. 1 + y' + z + y'z = y' + z Why does y' + z = 1?
  6. <br /><br /><br /> xyz'(y'z + x)' = xyz'x'y + xyz'x'z' = 0 + 0 Yes, and I arrived at F' = (w + y' + z')x.
  7. From The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture (2nd Edition) pg 155 Using DeMorgan's Law, write an expression for the complement of F if F(w, x, y, z) = xyz'(y'z + x)' + (w'yz + x'). Firstly, I expressed the bracketed expression as x'y + x'z'. Then, I evaluated the left addend to 0. Left with the right addend, I found that F' = (w'yz + x')' = wx + (yz)'x. The book, in the solutions, complements the entire function first and arrives at x' or y' or z or ((y'z + x)((w + y' + z')x)). Why doesn't my method work? xtheunknown0
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