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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. just use percent masses... phosphorus is ________% of PO4-3 thus, you multiply that percent, converted to a decimal by the amount of phosphate
  2. well they arent quit inert, but some "inert" metals are: Rh, Pt, Ni, Pd, Au, Ag, Ir, Os
  3. why dont you search? with latex you can add tags to do things like: [math]MgSO_4[/math]
  4. frankly i think that my ipod playlist would be far more interesting
  5. the anion of the acid being acetate in this example. the anion of HCl is Cl-. the anion of H2SO4 is SO4-2, etc
  6. you're joking, right? i hope this is just a homework question or something because 45lbs of zinc must be bloody expensive. i suppose that if you were to concentrate your vinegar it would be helpful, as it would react with zinc to form the acetate and hydrogen. mineral acids would be undoubtedly much better. make sure the anion of the acid isnt going to harm your plants though.
  7. well, add silver nitrate and the chloride will produce a white ppt while the hydroxide will produce a brown ppt. get some pH paper or an alkaline indicator and the hydroxide will be alkaline. heat the water, add as much NaCl as you can, then cool it to room temp. after much electrolysis, heat again and add more NaCl, then cool to room temp and continue electrolyzing it. you may encounter difficulties concerning the common ion effect, but you will produce a good lot of NaCl. when you're done, distill the water and you will be left with NaOH
  8. the dollar is remarkably weak, mind you. forgot to mention that
  9. what plastic? what conc of sulfuric?
  10. zinc is a reasonably good reducing agent, so it should oxidize and thus corrode quite easily
  11. it's called inflation
  12. ahhhhhhhh! i read that and cringed, then looked down
  13. shall we be a little reasonable here? first, james probably learned violence from his parents. second, james' father/mother wouldnt try to disarm him, but would probably reason with him. but that is so outlandish. are you saying that disobedience always involves patricide? it only does in very extreme cases
  14. blushing? i'm laughing
  15. good, because my gf works with indium and its perchlorate all the time
  16. "Actually discipline is important. Discipline doesn't have to equate with harshness or punishment. Think about it. How did you learn to discipline yourself? Chances are that your parents disciplined you first by expecting certain behaviors from you." no, i agree that certain measures must be taken to get kids to do certain things or to not do certain things. im just asking for clarification as to what these certain things are. "These can only be the words of a child,or one who has never brought up children" not necessarily. children should disobey when their parents are in the "wrong". parents can be "wrong," and children can indeed pick up on their parents' mistakes. they should question their parents from time to time; it challenges their parents to substantiate their stances and if they cannot do so, then it is obvious that the parent is in the wrong. otherwise, the child gains a deeper understanding of why they are being treated in such a manner. children should not be made slaves for their parents. children should not be servants. children should be their own individual selves, guided by their parents. as they grow older, they learn more and more on their own through experience. they should ask questions, and do from early on in childhood. why then can they not question their parents? the least a parent could do is listen and respond.
  17. i second that. im not following either "I think some of what has been happening in this thread is joking and teasing because people -- even the left -- are not necessarily comfortable talking about sex -- and talking about pornography and children is even more uncomfortable." hey, i'm completely comfortable
  18. not necessarily. and what is the need for discipline? what requires discipline?
  19. think of mass spectrophotometers
  20. "I just looked at your profile...shouldn't you be averting your eyes, underaged one? Porn is for tasteless adults, only." no, not really
  21. yes in both cases
  22. just get some KOH; K2O hydrolyzes to form KOH
  23. haha good call, swansont. my parents have yet to speak to me on sexual issues. one day i looked down and asked myself "hmm, what does this do?" well, not quite, but you get the drift. porn is educational and helps one figure out what does what and how it happens. otherwise, that first time would be very, very awkward
  24. im tempted to crush and heat some of my flaked KOH
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