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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. it's KCl. i has no explosive properties
  2. i don't appreciate being labelled illogical or a follower, or inconsiderate
  3. did you figure out the difference?
  4. i suggest you read linus pauling's nature of the chemical bond. lots of physics involved, but if you can read it and understand it, you'll get a lot out of it
  5. mods!!!!!!!1111 SOF!!
  6. KIO3 is expensive:\ i wouldnt blame the guy if he wanted to try to purify his solution
  7. they're the same. we wont consider the sea of electrons from metallic bonds
  8. naah, gotta be fair with these kids
  9. no need
  10. mulderman.....care to retract that statement?
  11. aaaaaaugh you gave away the answer
  12. haha! so you call that "this?"
  13. budullewraagh

    Help Please!

    what class are you in? try it.
  14. try it yourself. just think and tell us what you can come up with
  15. well i had assumed he wasnt an employee at an analytical lab...and he lives in toronto. the atmosphere is not so bad over there :\
  16. we aren't here to do your homework for you. if you have a question about homework, post it in the homework section. we expect you to put some effort into trying to find an answer.
  17. jdurg.....there are hardly any nitrogen or sulfur oxides in the atmosphere... and only 1% of the CO2 will dissolve, 1% of which would form H2CO3.
  18. there's actually a formula in lange's handbook. there's a constant for every radical, etc. it's crazy but brilliant
  19. good. now if they could only convict bush's close friend ken lay. oh, and they also have to make sure homosexuals don't get married. god forbid. and abortions? it's not natural!
  20. so true. and it's so much easier to memorize. btw, what's up with your sig?
  21. great. where are you going to school?
  22. if you are going to be a chemist, stoich will haunt you until it consumes you
  23. well i was talking about things like nitrations.
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