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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. P0WNZ0R3D! so yeah, birch reductions. simplicity
  2. mods......little help here? he sent me a pm with the same message
  3. does the term "birch reduction" mean much to you?
  4. it's things like this that dont make sense to me. if people want potassium nitrate they'll just collect their own excrement and make it themselves. it's also banned from being sold in the us
  5. i read something interesting recently. the government is putting itself in a catch-22 position. if we lose the ability to obtain various precursors their black market value will soar and home chemists will start making them for great profit. that only helps the drug trade
  6. 1. i would imagine under reasonable conditions yes. under some abstract conditions, not necessarily 2. i don't think so 3. if you add calcium to a solution of calcium nitrate, you keep your calcium nitrate and you get calcium hydroxide. if you add magnesium you get magnesium hydroxide and calcium nitrate. if you add the bicarbonate of calcium you get calcium nitrate and calcium bicarbonate. if you add the bicarbonate of magnesium you get calcium nitrate and magnesium bicarbonate 4. this question is poorly worded... could you rephrase with a little more information?
  7. how hot does it get? depending on temp i would imagine you could get an esterfication
  8. if he asks how to make nitric acid dont tell him :\
  9. you have to be kidding me. the yield is terrible. absolutely dreadful, and really the smell is worse. my suggestion: buy some tribasic sodium phosphate. it is sold as TSP or trisodium phosphate, a strong cleaning agent, at many stores. finely grind some charcoal and intimitely mix this, some sand and the TSP. put this in a makeshift furnace. i suggest you pump in a bunch of argon or helium to prevent oxidation. you'll need to heat this mixture thermite-style i suppose. figure out a way to heat it without burning things because if you CAN burn things your phosphorus will immediately oxidize upon formation. the phosphorus you produce will be quite hot and gaseous, so you'll probably want something to trap it as it escapes, perhaps liquid nitrogen or something of the sort. a graham condensor or something similar would work a charm depending on how much you're making. just be careful not to have any oxygen coming in because if you do, you are, for all intents and purposes, screwed. white phosphorus gas oxidizing in the air is no fun whatsoever.
  10. the dissociation constant isnt exactly low.....
  11. best way is to go buy some tribasic sodium phosphate and heat it in a CO2 atmosphere with carbon and silicon dioxide
  12. urinate on manure and leave it out in the sun for awhile and you'll get potassium nitrate as a result of bacterial action. you wont get it from dirt or ashes
  13. their cesium is actually reasonable, but yeah, otherwise they are way too expensive. i can't believe their price for phosphorus when you can just use match books, even if it takes awhile
  14. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is indeed an acid. thus, it can be used in titrations for alkaline solutions
  15. yes, there are polar bonds but the compound itself is not polar. it's just like CO2. the two polar bonds in such a way that they do not create a polar compound
  16. no, not really. if we hurt him more he may just fall over and die. it isnt humane. if we get his blood on our hands it will only piss them off more. example of what pissing people off does: -man walks down the street in baghdad, gets caught in crossfire, gets shot. wife and children pissed off. children grow up to hate america
  17. hah yeah. go through a few hundred and you'll have quite an alpha source:\ thing is that your radioactive samples are alloys with only a few percent being your neptunium/americium
  18. the problem is that the more we hurt him the more pissed off his buddies get. plus, we have his blood all over our hands
  19. yes, it will make OH- ions in two ways. water will form H+ and OH- the H+ and OH- will go to the CaO and form Ca(OH)2 in an acidic solution the Ca(OH)2 formed will make water and salts
  20. exactly, but it gets to the hydroxide by absorbing hydronium. it absorbs hydronium further to form water and the calcium salt
  21. it's all perspective. if we torture people it's ok and a means for saving lives and all. if they chop someone's head off it's a crime against humanity
  22. i have recently discovered beulah. quality indie, that
  23. the pirates soundtrack is amazing. i also like some of the lotr music. garden state and its soundtrack just pwn in general
  24. ammonium suilfate dissociates, but the ammonium cations are hardly positive. the hydronium cation that is coordinate covalently bonded to the nitrogen is attracted more to the sulfate. some of the hydronium cations dissociate calcium oxide absorbs hydronium cations, forming the hydroxide and then water and a calcium salt. calcium hydroxide absorbs less hydronium cations per molecule.
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