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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. not the point. i want to screw over anything that eats me. i have to fight like 10 large animals off every day on my way to school. just in case i ever get eaten, i want them to die...then the other animals can eat the one that ate me and died. then they will all die. it's glorious
  2. well...the best g5 is $3k BEFORE the monitor
  3. there are organic salts i remember that from last year
  4. yeah but for ALL your music? if i want to i just shuffle my songs on my own ipod
  5. adding a solute will decrease the melting point and increase the boiling point actually. search for "colligative properties" for your experiment, i would recommend cooling your solutions and noting the freezing points for each. same thing works with boiling
  6. oh, i completely agree that it is a good marketing idea, although i would much sooner buy a g5 or powerbook g4
  7. well, thing is that my chems are kept on a not-quite-so flammable table on a concrete floor. if my stuff fell or broke or whatnot, it wouldn't cause a fire now, in the case of my room, i realized just how screwed i was. i had this vision in my head that the 97% sulfuric acid, kept in amber bottles, would fall to the floor, burst open, starting a fire (as my floor is made of wood), the free oleum fuming from the acid would rise, hit my KMnO4 and 2 micron Al dust causing an explosion that would knock my magnesium and 35% hydrogen peroxide into the flaming puddle of sulfuric, and that somewhere along the line my sodium peroxide and potassium chlorate would fall into something, causing them to blow up one way or another. thus, i moved my chems to my basement. there are two floors between them and i
  8. yeah, i suppose you could say the HCl ionization is "catalyzed" by water (for lack of a better word). HCl+H2O-->Cl- + H3O+ acid base conjbase conjacid altho i hate thinking of it as H3O+...
  9. aaaaaaah dont get the shuffle or the mac mini. shuffle could be a painful experience because it is all random. mac mini is like a laptop except whoops you cant work with it anywhere
  10. yeah, that's what i'd gather. the more i think of it the more i think they made chlorine heptoxide
  11. actually he said his teacher knew he was playing with chems...
  12. yeah
  13. yeah, he's right. actually there is are two long formulas with a bunch of constants that lange's gives with regard to organics and melting and boiling points but i don't really want to copy them down as they take a few pages each
  14. yeah, we went over that:\
  15. i think the better question is the following: is there a fire hazard if i have 8 oz potassium permanganate, 8 oz magnesium turnings, 1oz magnesium ribbon, 8 oz strontium nitrate, 8 oz potassium nitrate, 2 oz 2 micron aluminum dust, oz intimitely mixed dusted aluminum and Fe2O3, 64 fluid oz 97% sulfuric acid and 1 liter 35% hydrogen peroxide in my room would THAT be a fire hazard? answer is yes, and thats why i moved most of my chems to my basement. with regard to your question, yeah, you have a little bit of a fire hazard but it's not particularly bad
  16. altho it does resonate. it can be Cl=O=Cl (bent structure)
  17. that's really hot. damn i wish i could make cyanogen halides just to piss things off that tried to eat me
  18. i have to say that i prefer colour and i happen to live in new york so go figure. i have the same approach e coli has
  19. on second thought, there is another possibility. depending on the concentration of that sulfuric acid, you could have produced chlorine heptoxide, a volatile yellow oily liquid and most stable of the chlorine oxides
  20. just as a follow-up, you dont need to worry about almonds because the ones sold in stores arent bitter. they check very carefully
  21. the prefix "per" means more than. ex, potassium permanganate means potassium more than manganate, which makes sense as the manganese is +6 in manganate and +7 in permanganate. same thing with chlorate/perchlorate which are +5 and +7 respectively. etc etc etc. take for example sodium oxide. the peroxide is "more than" the oxide. in this case, we have [math]ClO_2[/math]. chlorine likes to take -1,+1,+3,+5 and +7 formal charges. in chlorine dioxide it would be +4 except the bonds switch around in a resonance structure. it is "more than" the oxide. it is also the dioxide.
  22. bitter almonds
  23. yeah, i had a run-in with hydrogen sulfide. i was really paranoid because when the gas had diffused away i had thought it was still possible that my sense of smell was numbed and that i was still exposed to the gas. thiocyanates, but close enough
  24. actually it's 3.98 celsius according to lange's interestingly enough you can calculate water's max density at a given pressure (var "p" in atmospheres) by the equation: tm=3.98-0.0225(p-1) but yeah, at higher temps collision rates increase, thus making it less dense. you would think that the greatest density would be the positive limit as the temperature approaches 0 (yeah calculus) but instead, since water doesn't all melt just above 0 celsius, 3.98 celsius is the temp at which the maximum density is achieved
  25. SO YOU MEAN I COULD GET RICH SELLING CORNSTARCH WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF SOLID NaOH MIXED IN WITH IT? LOLZ! actually i'd laugh if i read an account of someone doing that without being killed
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