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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. hah there you go; just create a carbon dioxide atmosphere by combustion reactions. cheap to do, as well...altho you'll start to feel really weird after a few mins, then you'll pass out
  2. nah i wasn't pulling your chain. i understand the bias in all of those sources, but i will also add that they aren't all that biased
  3. ah, speaking of bill o'reilly, anybody seen the maddox on him? say, did you ever go to "conservatives for freedom"? (url is:http://p222.ezboard.com/bconservativeweekly ) they HATE Me there. i joined it and challenged their political ideals...every day...in many threads. eventually they banned me. it was amusing while it lasted. they're so incredibly closed minded and neoconservative so i couldn't convert any of them.
  4. bbc, 60 mins, associated press
  5. of course. i checked it out once and they were constantly flashing "TERROR SECURITY RATING: ORANGE"
  6. foxnews is conservative media. o'reilly will screw over kerry
  7. hah. i would imagine he'd be up for some thermites
  8. hmm, i've always wanted to sublime raddishes... (walks away)
  9. impossible; you cant reduce krypton
  10. hmm, i actually was thinking about using seaweed. apparently, if you acidify it with sulfuric acid it will form iodine anions. then add an oxidizer like hydrogen peroxide and you get iodine. anybody know how much iodine you get from various amounts of seaweed?
  11. sorta. i heard that they could hit california but not much farther.
  12. that's kinda sketchy; i know o'reilly will glorify bush and give him easy questions while intentionally trying to mess with kerry
  13. wait, how does heating the residue get rid of the cations?
  14. budullewraagh


    hehe, so you think. i'd have the advantage as i would be the one who knows the person is after me and the person after me wouldn't know where i would be. so i could be like "WHABAM!" and throw a bucket at him that has a combination of sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid, which of course at rapid rates is yielding loads of chlorine peroxide, which will blow up in the intruder's face. it'll be memorable. come on, you can see it happening.
  15. but you see, doing that in the first place is bloody immoral
  16. of course. i would never endorse that; we'd get our asses kicked. they have an army of 6.3 million troops, nukes and tens of thousands of artillery pieces
  17. heh, i wish i could believe that dave. if you read richard clarke's book, you'd understand; cheney told the cia to do everything possible to find a link between iraq and bin laden after the 9/11 attacks. when they couldnt find anything he sent a memo stating "WRONG ANSWER" and made them try again. bush had been trying to justify war before then also (refer to clarke's book) then why not attack north korea? kim jong-il is so much worse than hussein. you cant attack a nation just because you dont like their leader. look what happened to the us
  18. what the hell? CHRISTIANITY IS THE HIPPIE RELIGION! seriously. it's all about PEACE, LOVE PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS! he knew the intelligence wasnt true before the war. when he got into office he immediately tried to find a way to attack iraq. you know the conspiracy.
  19. sadly i dont have an iodate source:\ for the extraction i'll need some conc sulfuric, sodium hypochlorite and a bunch of coffee filters and glassware not terribly awful
  20. sorta, except the electrons are closer to the carbon than the silicon
  21. yes, yes they are, i just noticed. i guess i'll have to isolate the 5% iodine from tincture of iodine and oxidize the 5% potassium iodide in it as well
  22. figures. i'd like to see somebody make a lead silicide
  23. budullewraagh


    not if the criminal has a gatling gun. and remember, now, that same 12 gague pump could just as easily be used by criminals. i don't have any weapons in my house. if i ever notice intruders, i'll probably do a quick and easy chloramine synth and threaten the intruder with a bucket of peroxymonosulfuric acid
  24. actually, on his site, he mentioned: the plot thickens
  25. of course. in fact, silicon COULD form a triple bond
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