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Everything posted by budullewraagh

  1. i say new york should cecede from the union
  2. classes. although they would be biased
  3. nope, but it's a strong oxidizing agent. in normal water there is no [math]H_2O_2[/math] well, the peroxide makes it a strong oxidizer and a little less concentrated (acidically speaking)
  4. we need people to be politically educated in order for them to vote
  5. oy. under the patriot act, i think kerry should arrest bush, ashcroft and rumsfeld
  6. yes, but i am entitled to my opinion
  7. apparently it doesn't make the shameless shameful
  8. that was my opinion. i did not force it upon anybody. i am not forcing my faith or beliefs or opinions upon anyone here. i believe that when a government forces their beliefs and faith upon its population, it has stepped beyond its limits
  9. sorry, but a bush supporter has no right to say that
  10. STOP THE HATE. if you say kerry should be arrested for some stupid lack of reason, i can surely make a case of treason against bush. i found this site on my own, just so you know. END THE FLAMES
  11. the amount that the rich spend is irrelevant to their taxes i'd like to have the perfect president, but it's not going to happen. as a result i compromise. personally, i believe that the social issues we have been discussing are less important than the economy and foreign affairs. don't be a dumbass. bush is a twit. i could do better with foreign policy than he has. in fact, a tic tac could (refer to maddox's post).
  12. actually not really. depending on the concentration and volume of your sulfuric and the volume of your peroxide what you'd get is a very, very dilute mixture of a little sulfuric acid, a little hydrogen peroxide and a bit of peroxymonosulfuric acid (pirahna bath). it's not worth it if you use such low conc peroxide
  13. maybe somebody should be punished for treason
  14. i say arrest you for being anti-american under the power of the patriot act. how do you like them apples?
  15. are you stupid or did you not actually go to that site? it has the records in plain sight, buddy.
  16. refer to phi's post now tell me why bush won't let his service records be released. oh wait, i have the answer already! apparently it is because he cheated his way out of going to vietnam AND didn't even serve!
  17. budullewraagh


    Hahahahahahaha We Will Not Have Dumbasses Walking The Streets With Uzis! Hahaahahahahah Why The Hell Do We Have So Restrictive Chemical Bans That We Cannot Obtain Any Source Of Nitrate, Chlorate, Sulfuric Acid Or Magnesium Pencil Sharpeners Yet We Allow People To Buy Assault Rifles? Lol Rofl Rofl Lol Lolly Lol!
  18. what the bloody hell? if you are voting ONLY for social issues, i have bordering no respect for you at all. SOCIAL ISSUES ARE NOT AS IMPORTANT TO THIS ELECTION AS THE REPUBLICANS MAY PRETEND THEY ARE. the supreme court made its ruling on abortion 15 years ago! thus, it doesn't matter if you support or oppose abortion. as for gay rights, that is waaay back on the list of priorities. every citizen will be granted justice, however, and there is nothing the neo-conservatives can do about it. sorry, but you lose. throughout history, progressive movements have always triumphed over conservative oppression. guns is not an issue of importance. however, the left opposes having fool rednecks walking around with ak-47s and uzis waving confederate flags and attempting to cecede from the union. we also kill 13,500+ people per year with gun violence in our great nation. meanwhile, everybody in canada has a gun or three and they kill around 65 of their own through gun violence anually. personally, I do not want people to be able to hold off hundreds of police with 2-3 insanely powerful weapons. if one says they wish to defend their house, they can stick their gun barrel places. that's simply STUPID. if people defend themselves with uzis, people also attack them with uzis and actually knock their houses down and kill 15-20 random innocents rather than leaving a bullet hole or 5 in the wall. as for taxes, sorry, but thanks to bush, we're broke. we have record defecits and the world bank hates us with a passion. yes, they may at any time just decide not to lend us money, and then we're screwed. bush got us into this, kerry will get us out. bush has lower taxes than kerry will, but hey, at least you will know that your tax money isn't going to the vice president's pocket, the road outside your house will actually be well kept, and you won't lose all your money to a few millionaires economics is a more important issue. our economy is worse now than the depression! yes, during bush's tyrrany, we had record defecits and the stock market fell farther than anytime before (yes, more so than the great depression). foreign policy is a more important issue. as of now, the world hates us because we frankly couldn't care less about them. that is not how you make friends, you know. wave your "rebel" flags all you want. when you get blown up, you won't have the time to cut the ignorance. if we get all isolationist we will fall behind the world. that's no good. we can't just ignore north korea. we must have a plan for iraq. we must deal with saudi arabia. we must make sure that afghanistan works. we must apologize to europe and the united nations.
  19. wait, nevermind. apparently nowadays they use a phenyl oxalate, hydrogen peroxide and a salicylate catalyst reaction shown below: http://pubs.acs.org/isubscribe/journals/cen/77/i03/figures/7703scit4.ce.gif check here: http://pubs.acs.org/cen/whatstuff/stuff/7703scit4.html for more info
  20. aha! the ingredients are hydrogen peroxide, oxalyl chloride, and dyes
  21. curses. oh well, i'll be looking for glow stick ingredients and ways to extract the peroxide
  22. i think youre thinking of [math]N_2O[/math] it's a strong reducing agent
  23. powell is certainly following suit. if you have looked into cheney's stupid zealotry, any references to powell involved him opposing cheney. powell didn't speak at the convention either
  24. and you probably heard that from an uninformed neo-con
  25. agreed
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