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Everything posted by someguy

  1. hmmm ya not committing to the war in vietnam i could see as being reason enough. What could other motives be? other than just some psycho or someone with personal issues. The US seems to have a history of good people being assassinated by unknown "psychos" when they support good ethics and morals but bad greed with loud voices. Most other countries that practice this behavior just send men wearing the right uniforms.
  2. ooh i didn't realize you meant that you would use the bohr model in order to approximate a speed for the sake of argument, sorry, i thought you were commenting on my previous post about sattelites thinking i thought the bohr model was actually the way it is. I thought you just found that number somewhere from an experiment someone else did, i didn't realize you derived it that way. That was a pretty good idea. Apparently the bohr model is pretty good for calculating the energies of electrons for a hydrogen nucleus even in multiple orbits. I don't completely understand why your formulas are that way, I wish i did, but they were still very helpful. Thanks grifter. Klaynos If an object has a certain value of kinetic energy and is negatively accelerated this value would diminish and this energy would need to go somewhere this i see would give out energy but for something accelerating the opposite would occur the object's kinetic energy would increase and so the object would have absorbed energy. this is why i said that electrons could be sharing energy with each other slowing down and speeding up. How come not if they are charged?
  3. ya, i know what you mean about the bohr model being old school, i didn't mean to imply that electrons orbit conventionally i meant only to demonstrate that objects can accelerate continuously without conflicting with the theory of conservation of energy. thx for the values! I've been trying to figure this out for the longest time. I was just wondering one other thing, do you know how they arrived at these values?
  4. I f they accelerate and decelerate they can share energy with each other. I understand how the question is not so easily answered as the speed of a car. but if an electron is not moving, and yet moving, it sounds like they must be magic or something. i am not really sure why you say they must accelerate and therefore require energy from somewhere. a sattelite in conventional orbit accelerates and never requires additional energy. if they are not moving, and acceleration is a change in speed how can they be accelerating? how can they change from one speed to another and yet not ever be at any speed at all?
  5. what do you mean? if they are not propagating what are they doing? why would a reflective box cause a wave to change like this?
  6. light has a speed and it is a wave/photon so if you want to look at an electron as wave/electron then this property itself cannot be a factor preventing speed calculation. Heisenberg states that you can either know their speed or their location so barring technical difficulties knowing their speed by sacrificing knowledge of their position should be possible I think. If their location changes they must be moving mustn't they?
  7. I was just wondering, what sort of speeds do electrons move around at while they are in probability clouds?
  8. Hi, I didn't really read much of the previous posts so this is probably kind of out of context but, I was just wondering, what was jfk up to at the time he was assassinated, was he doing something or planning something that would take power or wealth away from powerful or wealthy people? all i really know about him is his mission to put man on the moon. thx.
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