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Everything posted by MulderMan

  1. thats strange because in school we use potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. i just got my magnesium this morning. its in like a square block this time, not on a strip role. came part of a 'flint and steel' fire starting kit like ya used to use in scouts n that. see if i can find anymore bargains on ebay, just emailed RGB with some q's.
  3. couldnt this be achieved fractionally under normal ambient pressure? im not really farmilliar with them.
  4. MulderMan


    i think its more to do with our own interpripation of beauty. i find for more people it is subconsious though, they like a face, but cant pick out features.
  5. the only place it has any sort of ads is the "Powered by phpBB 2.0.10 © 2001, 2002 phpBB Group" at the bottom, but you need that for the gpl lisence. maybe your thinking about the ads companies put in on hosted forums. does anyone know when invision board stopped bieng free?
  6. http://www.phpbb.com - its either that or invision board, but im not sure if that still free.
  7. would this be something to do with virtual memory and the page file?
  8. the ionisation chamber. make sure you dont get it out of a smoke detector in your house though! but considering the chances there would be no batteries in it...
  9. to be honest i thought the fight club thing was made up, like in most movies. i might try to make soap one day when i have finished my element collection and microwave plasma ball. poor cat...
  10. im taking the SAT's are different in America than England then? just took a bubble test for modular gcse on earth materials - lazy examiners make the computer do all the work marking . the only thing i like is that they are multiple choice.
  11. vials and caps?
  12. i just thought that i could have the elements in the same sort of vial, to keep neatness n everything.
  13. agian to my question of vial-ly things to keep them in, what do you use?
  14. coca-cole. whats this mountain dew?
  15. where is it possibe to buy these vials in england? I mean to collect the elements in,
  16. i thought ghost hunters take EMF/Gauss meters with them because the ghosts give off an EMF? not the wiring in the house but that would play a part in it.
  17. o i meant that in a backup sense!
  18. lots of people have recomemded that and say it does improve startup time, i might get round to it later!
  19. take your hard drive with you?
  20. mines fairly cluttered - ok very cluttered!
  21. I think that most people will still keep hanging on to there floppys and cd's. like alot of people i know still use floppys because they think its a waste of space to put a 10kb word doc on a 700mb cd, even i do it.
  22. I read that in new scientist this morning, they said the blue-disk will be obsolete before it even takes off. looks like this is the way to go!
  23. i had a look on amazon and the book looks a bit old and rare.
  24. MulderMan


    i think i heard it on the news a minute ago.
  25. so anti-matters actually real, not theoretical? i thought it was all star trek...
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