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Everything posted by MulderMan

  1. are you doing gcse yet? if you havent done isotopes then i would start to worry
  2. well i should be getting sodium, iodine, indium, boron and more calcium tomorow hopefully! will post piccies if the camera actually works!
  3. the psychology of the mind is not a "physical" thing though, that could be psysicaly studied - if you get what i mean.
  4. anyway i think this IQ fad is dying out these days. i think people that dwell on a number are idiots.
  5. Anyone in america catch the last epp of enterprise??!!
  6. theres no reason why he shouldnt be treated the same. oh and hes price of wales, not england.
  7. quarks and leptons are two different type of elementry particle, making up other fundamental particles. there are 6 different type of quark and lepton. quarks and leptons are grouped togeather in a group called fermions, which just means that they have a half integeral spin. so for the moment id say that they are the most elementry of particles.
  8. dilithium, latinum and the rest of the star trek ones. theres a list here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fictional_elements
  9. just got sulphur today, nothing to call home about though, just plain old sulphur.
  10. you cannot determine the ph of a solution using litmus paper. only whether a solution is acidic or basic.
  11. society needs to be educated - not turned against peadophillia, its turning into what homosexuallity used to be.
  12. in my last sentance i meant natural.
  13. id go to the companys site to find the symbol. dont forget though that most linux distros are not companys, but communities. so you will only find commercial ones like mandrakesoft (now mandriva), and others like redhat. you buy shares through your bank, providing you are over the age of 18 and have a current account with them. they will charge you per transaction in most cases. http://www.reuters.com/ is a good site for market things, including risk level of investment. and if your age coresponds with your profile your stock will have to be in your parents name, unless amercian law is different.
  14. but who decides what "normal" is. all forms of sexuality are normal.
  15. ive been sensing that aswell as ive been following this thread.
  16. if the young adult feels mature enough to have sex with the adult then i dont think it is perverted. and most people of that age arnet. i personally classify peadophillia as a sexual preference, just like hetrosexuality and homosexuality. and just like the definition of the latter two, it is defined as an attraction. there is a line between peadophillia and child sex IMO.
  17. i just wanted more of a balanced oppinion as i dont know much about the area. i think that if teenagers are consenting to it and these teenagers can think for themselves then they get what they deserve for misleading people. real children are a different matter. by real children i mean ones that cannot make decisions themselves or pre-pubescent. the word "child" can mean a few things.
  18. forgive me if i am wrong but is a sexual preference like being a pedophile preventable, or is it the same as sexuality? e.g straight, lesbian and gay. do these individuals have a choice or is it instinct? how is the definition of pedophile described in the law and psychology?
  19. i say this is a placebo more than anything.
  20. Trust women eh ! Why dont you start an element collection, or add the radium to it if you already have one, or just sell it.
  21. ammonium dichromate decomposition, oh and nitrogen triiodide!
  22. is that the thing people get high off, im sure ive heard DMSO before.
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