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Everything posted by stleo019

  1. 1)Membrane lipids from 4.74*109 erythrocytes form a monolayer of 0.89 m2 in water. The surface area of an average erythrocyte is ~ 100 mm2. Show that the membrane is a bilayer. 2) How many moles of K+ will diffuse across the erythrocyte membrane in one minute under the following conditions:[K+]in = 100 mM [K+]out = 15 mM Surface Area of erythrocyte: 100 mm2 = 100*10-12 m2 Permeability P of K+ = 2.4*10-10 cm-sec-1 If the erythrocyte volume is 100 mm3, what percent of the internal K+ willl leak out in 1 minute?
  2. Draw the following structure: -cis-9-decenoic acid -saturated FA w/Tm <30 C
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