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Everything posted by Physia

  1. This is ridiculous. Come on now, everybody has a brain. They should be taught how to use it.
  2. I would like some ideas or some recommendations regarding this new anti-virus. It is not so popular, but I have heard some positive reviews about it. My tech support services teacher recommended me to use it, but I backed down because I'm used to Norton anti-virus already. Have anybody here tried it, or know about it? If so, what do you think? Is it worth a try?
  3. What if there is an old thread that is closed and someone has a fresh opinion on? What should they do in that case?
  4. Hello, I believe I can call myself new in here, since I don't post much. I'm originally from northern Israel (close to the Lebanese border), and I have served in the southern Lebanese army in '94-'95. I hate this crappy 30-post rule for the political section. Glad to be hear; almost close to being able to access the political section heh.
  5. chicken chickened chickens.
  6. 'and' is the center of America and Australia.
  7. I doubt you can think about anything you have no prior knowledge about, so I am going with 'impossible.'
  8. Physia

    Animal Rights

    That should say it all.
  9. Oldies are always good man.
  10. Physia

    I'm a Latino

    I find Arabic as the most meaningful language, especially for public speeches about any topic.
  11. We are fighting world wide terror and not just Al Qaeda. Say Bin Laden was caught tomorrow, does that mean terrorism will end? I highly doubt it. His ideology remains and so do his terrorist groups. The only way to end them is by increasing democratic governments around the world, which in turn will fill in the gap and give very little space for terrorists to operate. If we're going to say that 9/11 was made by the American government, I highly doubt that and here's the reason: There are 3500+ American lives of many different origins and faiths, and the government would not play with those lives for the sake of entering "Iraq." Look at Pearl Harbor and what happened to Japan and the Japanese, rings a bell? The Saudi terrorists part is right, but there are other terrorists than Saudis, and the government (the same one that is working with the United States and the same one negotiating with Israel) are not the ones necessarily building up or sending those terrorists. There are many people over there that are brainwashed and follow the nihilistic ideologies of Bin Laden and such. The thing you need to trust me on and can actually be trusted, is that Saudi Arabia is the most Arab country that worked against terrorists, alongside a western nation who is highly believed to be the "big Satan" by many Islamist extremists.
  12. I would worry about too much freedom. Gay marriage gives a bad image to our enemy. They're religious; gay marriage does not go along with their religion. You'll bring the point of "so you prefer your image to your enemy than the image to your countrymen," I'm sure, so I'll reply to it right now. It's not that; it's politics. Not in my dictionary, no. They are being killed because they believe that a human being shall live free and not under tyrannical dictators or leaders. They are being killed because they are American. And I do notice that there are non Americans in there, but same procedure goes for them as well. I agree with you that they are an occupying force, but this occupying force is accepted by a good percent of the Iraqis. Better yet, this occupying force tends to improve Iraq whereas they are destroying it. Should I call that a sense of humor? They are a death culture and their main principle is "convert to Islam or die." That's how they refer to freedom, in an indirect way. I would actually go by the principles that the Church was built upon, rather than what some materialistic priests think. Churches have been turned into a business my friend, especially in the United States. I wouldn't use these Churches as an example. Actually, I'm not trying to impose monotheistic adversaries upon you, but I'm telling you that it is a subject to consider when speaking about this topic. We have enough freedom, live with it. And according to my logic, dead American troops are more important than gay marriage. If we do not act, who will? You're fighting a death culture; they will spread if we don't act now. Our presence in the Middle East is to decrease their numbers and furthermore remove it and end its existence. All happens through democratic governments. There are more things to worry about than oil. Oil is a tiny reason of why we are there, and no oil is not why these people kill each other. They kill each other because they are being spoon-fed fallacious anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-American propaganda, not forgetting to add the sectarian hatred they have for each other. Our presence in there revived this, but was not the reason of why it started. Ignore them all you want, but you can't ignore the fact that they are there and are capable of growing stronger if we don't act. Actually, I'm not trying to impose monotheistic adversaries upon you, but I'm telling you that it is a subject to consider when speaking about this topic. We have enough freedom, live with it. And according to my logic, dead American troops are more important than gay marriage. If we do not act, who will? You're fighting a death culture; they will spread if we don't act now. Our presence in the Middle East is to decrease their numbers and furthermore remove it and end its existence. All happens through democratic governments. There are more things to worry about than oil. Oil is a tiny reason of why we are there, and no oil is not why these people kill each other. They kill each other because they are being spoon-fed fallacious anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-American propaganda, not forgetting to add the sectarian hatred they have for each other. Our presence in there revived this, but was not the reason of why it started. Ignore them all you want, but you can't ignore the fact that they are there and are capable of growing stronger if we don't act. Honestly, I do not intend to promote hatred. There is opposition everywhere; opposition on here makes this forum more intense and fun to debate in. My presence here is not quite much, I come here once in few weeks. However, I don't decide whether I stay or not. Don't warn, just do what you want to do. This is the internet afterall, and each person has his point of view and is entitled to it. A death culture won't respect you no matter what you do. If you stay out of it and act like a little country boy, they'll disrespect you more. High school in the United States is a great simple example :wink:. They are still countries, and everybody's opinion matters. Two thumbs up, you are good at geography. I don't disrespect people in the first place, unless they disrespect me. Therefore, I can't really reply to you, but to answer your question; I accept everybody's opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to go with it. You can make conclusions pretty fast, I hope that satisfies you. A good follower does not take on the internal struggle more than the external one; once you balance the two, you will conclude a good follower. This myth is found in the bible, I believe it's true. Everybody is entitled to his opinion, and since all of this is opinion-biased then I guess none of this is a solid argument. That's according to your logic. Being like them in which perspective? I do not really "hate" homosexuals, so don't run off to conclusions. You surely love to go into conclusions, and let's leave that to the terrorists, shall we? I play my patriotism card from both point of views, whereas you play it from the internal one. Does living between such people make a difference? I believe it doesn't, because simply it is open for you to learn about them, rather than listen to some politicians speak. Learn and interpret, then conclude. Maybe a little vacation in Beirut's southern suburb would be good for you to learn. Otherwise, don't speak :wink:. ----------------------------------------------------- If a law that allows gay marriage was passed and confirmed, then I welcome it with open arms. I am not going to stand on each two gays marrying each other and slaughter them just for the sake of it. I believe in humanity. It is my right to oppose and believe differently than most of you or all of you, just as it is your right to believe what you believe in. You should know that you can't force others to believe in what you believe in, because by doing so you are doing what our enemy is doing. They are forcing us to do what they do, but only the educated and the one that knows how to deal with internal and external problems can deal with their force and use it against them. cheers.
  13. Not the radical Islamists, no.
  14. Peace between Sunnis and Shiites? I suggest you read some more about their history. They will never co-exist with each other, however the United States gave them the opportunity to start up a democratic government. It is their problem to accept it or decline it. We are there as a referee because we benefit from being there. Oil is one reason as many of you like to describe the reason of this war. It's in our right to stop the emergence of new ideologies, isn't it? The ideology that is emerging is the advanced ideology of Bin Ladin. It's not hard to see that. To be simple, these ideologies that are fighting each other, yet achieving similar goals are a resume for the ancient fight between Sunnis and Shiites. We are there to build as many democratic countries as possible, through different initiatives. Our main goal is "terrorism" and the Bush administration believes that terrorism can only be crushed by the "increase" of democratic governments around the globe, and by the belief that people should live free and not under tyranny. Al Qaeda was in Iraq before we went there. I guess you have not heard of the arm smuggling that happened in there, between Saddam and Al Qaeda militants. We invaded a country that is a stronghold for radical Islamist militants and are going towards achieving a democratic government, because that way we will be 1 step closer to decreasing terrorism. The fight between those two fractions that we're arguing about (Sunni and Shiite) is an ancient one and can't be solved, especially not by the United States. The Irano-Syrian axis is there long before we went to Iraq. They are fighting Americans long before Iraq. The bombing of the American ambassy in Beirut in the early 1980's is a great proof. We didn't screw up to clean up in the first place. We can't withdraw and leave our main goal, that is treated as crap by most. And sorry for replying late, I check more intense international political forums than this one, as this is mainly a science forum. I'm happy to be here however :wink:. He disagreed with our politics and threatened us. It was in our best to remove him from power. You are still not getting my main point.
  15. Our war in Iraq is a type of success in some perspectives. We increased the tensions between Shiites and Sunnis. Let them kill each other. We're there as a referee, referees get hurt sometimes. We've turned terrorists groups against Al Qaeda. We're finding more evidence for the Irano-Syrian axis involvement in Iraq, and that includes Hizbollah terrorist guerrillas controlling Beirut's southern suburb in Lebanon. The opposite will happen if we back up. Nobody will clean our crap for us, we need to clean it before we leave .
  16. We're fighting a monotheistic religion, in an indirect way, but I would like to leave that out of here for now. Their beliefs are anti-gay marriage, in fact any monotheistic religion that I know of only supports marriage between a male and a female. Allowing gay marriage in here gives a bad picture. I refuse that. You're a patriot when you do good for your country and show your full support to it . Not exactly; rumors are false, yet they are strong. Both ideas have something in common; the United States. They're being killed because they are Americans. We're in a state of war for the time-being, you can notice that right? On foreign soil or on native soil, we're carrying arms to fight for a specific goal. Why did we invade countries during World War II? In fact, why did we carry arms and fight? It wasn't our war, was it? You can disagree with the government and politicians all you want my friend, but you can't deny the atrocities the other side of the world committed towards the troops and the United States. To do so is plain treason.
  17. Too much freedom burdens the people. People should make choices to help their society and not put it backwards. In the United States, there should only be work, education, and politics; nothing more and nothing less. Gay marriage is disgusting and goes against our motto "In God We Trust." American soldiers are Americans and are being killed because of that. They believe in freedom, and they die because of that. That's not irony.
  18. Rushdie is a great author.
  19. Can't lose what's not your goal. The goal is not to free Iraq or kill some terrorists, the goal is to create a stronghold in the Middle East and control it as we wish, or to our benefits. We are succeeding in that, slowly slowly and step by step. Khomeinism and Bin Ladenism will fall to Big Evil Satan "America," by there wordings. Those who say there is no "war on terrorism," or there's no war even, need to re-think more about the issue. Those 3000+ death toll for the American troops in Iraq is not an illusion to criticize or a game to play, and their blood will not go in vain. Their blood will bleed from the teeth of the terrorists when their leaders rot in spider-holes, just like any other filthy dictators. cheers
  20. Nationalism, sexism, and religion are three different issues. Can't merge them. cheers
  21. You'll notice that humanity is being destroyed by your own hands sometime, too late yet you'll notice . Gay marriage is not a good picture about the United States of America, greatest nation in the world. If you fail to notice that we were, still are, and will remain the greatest, then you lack a sense of patriotism and need to just get out of this country for its best . Let's hope our authorities will bring us peace and harmony, and not just another disgusting phase of this lovely life; this time illustrated as gay marriage. Politics my brother, politics and religion are more important than anything at this moment. There are people out there, including the American troops, are being killed for who they are and what they believe in. I don't think that can be substituted by gays getting married, can it be? cheers
  22. No, I want other countries to remember that we are still over them .
  23. In the way that other countries think less of you because you allowed gay marriage. It is the same as me dissing a homosexual (for example) at school, work, public, etc. Other people's voices are important, as us being a superpower. It doesn't take priority, it is a priority for us to be dominating in all means. Man and woman were made to marry each other, and bring new lives to earth. Take "Adam And Eve" Christian myth for example, I doubt it has any homosexuals getting married, but as I said it is a myth and it is highly believed to be untrue, except in the religious sense. That's my opinion anyways, you don't need to take it as a serious matter, for it is not in my hand to control this matter, and decide whether it should or should not be. cheers
  24. Gay marriage put the United States behind other countries, therefore we must condemn it.
  25. Pullout is not an option, so there's no need to worry. The leaders know why they went to Iraq and why they won't get out of it. There are reasons that can't be told to people; the reasons they gave are just media talk. Debating by if's about the pullout from Iraq, the consequences are horrible. It is evident that the Sunnites and the Shiites are going back to their old days of constant conflict. However, that will also spread around the Middle Eastern region, and possibly around Africa and the east. Our mission in the Middle East is not yet completed. Unless it is, there's no pullout.
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