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Everything posted by Physia

  1. I think you guys went a little bit off-topic. Fredrik got it right, it's about a basic synthesis chemistry lab. Thank you very much for the links and information.
  2. It's not exactly about losing wait or getting an accurate measurement of how much calories are found in food. I'm doing a biochemistry paper where I have to get a list of foods I eat for 7 days, and I have to indicate how much calories do those foods contain + the number of cups (fists) I'm eating.. And some other stuff too. For example, let's say I ate grilled salmon today and it is 4 fists. How many calories does salmon contain (per one cup)?
  3. I am not sure if this is the correct section to post this, but anyhow I got a question. How do you identify the amount of calories in foods that are not necessarily canned, but rather cooked at home or bought from a restaurant?
  4. Close enough. Let me try to explain one more time. I am trying to identify the molecules that causes the smells in the produced esters, and thus figuring out which one smells better. I'm trying to do that before even doing the experiment though.
  5. Seeing you guys' replies, I just thought I would share with you the alcohols and organic acids that I will be using in my Synthesis Ester Lab, and you guys can give me an analysis on which you think will smell better: Acids Formic acid (HCOOH) Acetic acid (CH3COOH) Propionic acid (C3H6O2) Butyric acid (C4H8O2) Salicylic acid [C6H4(OH)COOH] Anthranilic acid (NH2C6H4COOH] Alcohols Methanol (CH3OH) Ethanol (C2H5OH) 1-octanol [CH3(CH2)7OH] 2-methyl-1-butanol [CH3CH2C(CH32)OH] Isobutanol (C3H10O) 1-propanol (C3H8O) Isoamyl alcohol [(CH3)2CH(CH2)2OH] Benzyl alcohol (C6H5CH2OH) Numbers are all subnumbers, you guys know that right? Okay anyways, I have a total of 48 reactions. Each alcohol will be mixed with all of the acids. If you guys can, could you give me an idea of which reaction will smell better and a reason for that? Thank you in advance, I appreciate it.
  6. It's fine. I researched about it and couldn't find any information. Maybe I wasn't typing in the correct words in the search engine, who knows. However, my AP Chemistry teacher have told me that there is something that makes a certain substance (alcohol for example) smell the way it does. Are you able to identify that substance? P.S. nice forum, hope I know about his before now.
  7. I need help finding how molecules make an ester smell good after a condensation reaction. Can anybody help? Thank you in advance.
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