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Everything posted by r617flynn
This is something i posted here a few years ago, and got mixed responses. I have never looked back to these forums until today. Recently my mind has been wrapping itself back around this idea, and I have thought of new arguments for it. I recently took the idea of how we create fusion / fission, and why we dont have Fission known in the natural world. Also, the end of this post, is something i thought of as i was typing it. This is copy pasted, so if it seems generic thats why. Please id love input, and love to be proven wrong. Anything that is possible, occurs somewhere in the universe. The "Big Bang" , was an explosion from a single point, that spewwed the most basic of elements (hydrogen, helium) into the universe. which eventually combined over eons to form into larger structures. Some of these grew so large, so massive, and grew so hot, that they formed into stars. Stars are basically a giant fusion reaction, where smaller elements are combined into larger ones, and release unimaginale amounts of energy. Humans form of fusion is the atomic bomb. It was possible, occured in the natural world, so we did it. When a star is finished with its cycle and has fused all it has to fuse, it implodes in on itself (the largest of stars), and creates a so called " Black Hole" . They tell us that a black hole, is a single point of "compressed" matter, which is so dense that nothing, not even light can escape its gravitational pull. I find this hard to beleive, a compressed point? what the heck? One thing that us humans have created, which there is NO "known" occurance that we know of in the universe, is something called fission , the process where elements break apart, as opposed to combine, and release massive amounts of energy. We have created this in the form of Hydrogen bombs. For a fission reaction to take place, first we must set off a fusion reaction. When the fusion part of the bomb exhausts all of its energy, it sets off the fission reaction. But why do we not know of fission to occur in the universe? So you need FUSION to create FISSION, as far as we know. So look for the Fusion, and you find the fission. So i did. Star (fusion) burns its fuel, sets off a FISSION reaction (black hole) , all matter is sucked into this hole, FISSION occurs, breaks the matter down to basic elements (hydrogen, helium), these elements spew out in another dimension of sorts , creating another universe, with its own personal big bang , the fission'd elements spitting out from the single point .................over eons, these basic elements forms into larger structures, eventually some growing so large and hot, they form into stars, which fuse elements, until all fusing has occured, in which they set off fission, spewing the broken down elements through the black hole, creating a Big Bang for a new universe. Its a repeatable process, trillions of universes spawning off trillions of others. I imagine our universe like 1 bubble, in a sea of bubbles. Anything that is possible, occurs somewhere in the universe. We made Fission here, with fusion.. We dont know of Fission in the natural world, but we know where the Fusion occurs. Its so obvious. (just added) : Dont black holes emit radiation? Like the sun+ our atomic bombs do... So do the Hydrogen bombs we have, could it be the excess from the elements being broken down into smaller elements? I dunno it all seems to jive well in my head.
OH i just read my private messages, this is from SimCard: " d1c4 head. do u try to eb stupid or do were you born like it? " real mature loser lol and he calls me stupid, read part of his sentence : "or do were you born".... whose stupid?
i was just waitin for some jerk to say something like that...i knew it was coming... thanks simcard the extent of my knowledge in astronomy comes from discovery, science, and national geographic channel, and about 25 DVDs i rented on various subjects, and 1 semester of astronomy which the teacher was a retard.... , i dont read into every theory coming out... me and a freind often debated the universe and its various workings, and i came up with an idea of a universe that is born, then as more n more blackholes form it just slowly gets eaten until it becomes an endless void, then while typing this idea to som1 recently i altered it in my head because i had just finished reading a chapter from Michio Kakus " Parallel Worlds" (im 3 chapters in)... he said that parallel universes could be forming all the time, and i thought , where could they come from, well blackholes could be forming all the time also in the vastness of the universe, im sure many many stars are collapsing at any given time. SO i basically morphed my old idea into something new, posted it, and found out im no the only 1 to think it..... SO no i didnt copy any1.... thanks for being arrogant tho.
oh did i? or did i think of it myself then find out it was already an idea.... f off loser
dude how come i post something like this, and mad ppl make their own posts basically copying mine, same thing happened to my other post
hmmm expanding on that lance... and takin part from a similar post i made on another forum... There are energy outputs around blackholes.... OK i was thinking.... Only large stars form blackholes, large stars that are made of HEAVY elements.. Our universe started with mostly hydrogen and some helium, which would make no sense as far as my hypothesis goes because if a large star formed a new universe when it collapsed, then it would transfer its elements 1st, heavy elements, not hydrogen or helium. UNLESS it broke them down through a fission process, which would give off immense energy, which could account for the energy outputs around blackholes. Im not sure fission occurs naturally anywhere, but fusion does in stars, maybe fission does occur,in this process. Does that make any sense? im kinda tired and just went off the top of my head...i think im onto somethin tho
i like that idea of evolution.... It is only the biggest stars that form black holes right? so the original elements going into the new universe would be heavy 1s? (im really just speculating here, and goin off the top of my head) ... and didnt our universe START with only hydrogen and some helium... so that almost wouldnt make sense that they would be the 1st elements...maybe i just killed my idea? Or maybe they could break down the heavy elements as they transfer through, but then there would be crazy radiation in the start of the new universe...or maybe not.... who knows, just typing as i think....
HG that kinda just confused me... im not sure what you mean...
yea i took a course in astronomy, but the prof. was so old and a horrible teacher, im sure he used to be a good teacher, but im pretty sure he had mild alzheimars... one class he told us the moon was moving slowly away from the earth, the very next class he said it was gettin closer...and that was only his most obvious mistake...made me lose interest in the class / school.
wow i thought of this myself, its an idea that i have been developing since 2005 (when i started college), i spent more time thinking about space then in any of my classes, and failed out. This is crazy that otehr people have this same idea, its just developed over the years, and just the other day i turned it into what is stated above. It started at just the universe eventually would die out by all its matter being eventually sucked into blackholes, then i was thinking, maybe it goes somewhere? WOw im amazed that other ppl have this idea
sry alan, i wasnt specific, that message was too Snail for his rude reply. Your reply is the kind of feedback i was lookin for, although im not sure ur right on that 1. More feedback PLEASE
thanks for the useless reply, actually i realized i posted in the wrong forum, so i reposted and wrote it different. thanks again for wasting yours and my time by replying
i have a clever idea as to how parallel worlds may be springing up "as you read this sentence.", as Michio Kaku & others say could be possible Hawking says a black hole is an infinitely small infinitely dense point in space. The big bang supposedly sprang from an infinitely small and infinitely dense point in space. OK here it is. A star collapses, forms a black hole. Lets say instead of the matter being sucked in and stored in the center of the black hole, it actually has formed a parallel universe, and the matter being sucked in by the black hole is pumped into the new universe, expanding it. A good and simple way to picture this is with 2 balloons, 1 filled and about to explode(a universe), the mouthpiece is connected to the mouthpiece of another empty balloon, the mouthpieces are both opened allowing the air to flow freely(black hole forms), and the full balloon expels its air through the pathway of the 2 mouthpieces and fills the second balloon(new universe). Feedback please -Ryan Flynn
Blackholes are just transfer points of matter. Lets imagine the "big bang" was the result of the formation of a black hole in another universe. From a central, infinitely small point, an explosion of matter streams out, and our universe is born. On the other side a black hole is formed from in a massive collapse of matter, into, and through the center of the blackhole,this immediately opens up the process of our new universes expansion. So our universe is live and expanding, taking in a steady flow of matter as it expands. This would mean there could be potentially an unimaginable amount of universes, all branching from a previous, and maybe the oldest of the universes simply die off, sucked of all their matter,and its almost like a constant wave of universes, forming in a burst of matter and then slowly draining through its own natural process. I think its interesting