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Everything posted by murulidhara

  1. Do we have an aura of electrical or magentic field around us? If so can it be measured or photographed?
  2. I read some yogis ( saints ) can perform levitaion ( ie floating in air aboave the floor by controling of breath) and some can walk on water? Can this really happen? Can science explain these phenomenon?
  3. I want to know how pain killers like analgin , stop pain. Do they really removel pain or work on our nervous system to block the sense of pain. ? What is the diference between sedatives and analgesics?
  4. thanks Murulidhara
  5. What is the significane of using Red color for danger? is it the wavelength or any other factors Thanks, Murulidhara
  6. Thanks for the advice. I think it is better to buy a new telescope. Regards Murulidhara
  7. is it the same phenomenon as persistance of vision which is the case of motion pictures? Murulidhara
  8. Hello, I am interested in constructing asimple telescope. I have no idea at all. Can anyone guide me to construct a telescope to view planets as a beginner. Or guide me some links. Murulidhara
  9. This is question regarding vision ( illusion) When we swith on a table fan we see in the begining clockwise and anticlockwise movenents. Why is it so? Is it due to persistance of vision? And alo at very high speed we can see the other side as if nothing is there?
  10. Thank u sir Murulidhara
  11. When we put some glycerene on potasium permoganete wrapped in filter paper it catches fire. What is the reaction going on. Can we do similar experiments with other chemicals for example white phospprous? Thanks Murulidhara
  12. Thank u very much for guiding. I will learn more about searching the web. In the web site mentioned it is told that highest quality of whit gold should be of atleast 17 Karat. Some questions about Karat. Is karat a unit of purity? How it is defined? We know that pure gold is of 24 karat? Diomond is also measured in terms of Karat. Are both of them same (units)? Some instruments called Karatometer is available in the market. Can we use the same instrument to measure purity of different items ( gold and white gold) in terms of karat? Thanks Murulidhara
  13. These are my questions on dreams: 1) Whe we get dreams ? 2) I read in some book that daily we get dreams only thing we con not recollect. Is is true? 3)Does dreams have ny relation with past or future events? thanks Murulidhara
  14. Thank u sir. As u said Prited circuit manufacturers use press for cutting / drilling. Thy use tools as per requirement. I was thinking water jet drilling cheeper. For professional grade PCBs they use cnc high sped driling machines with carbide drill bits. Regards Muruli
  15. Thank u sir. I want to know wheter water jet can be used to cut copper clad sheets (cooper foil cladded on eopxy which is reinforced with glass fibres) whis are used to fabricate printed circuit boards. Thikness varies from 0.8 mm to 3.2 mm. thanks
  16. What is white gold? What is its composition? where it is used? Murulidhara
  17. Can water jets be used for cutting and drilling materials? If so for which materials it can be used? Thanks
  18. Why we get tears when we cut onions? Which chmeical brings tears? What is tear gas? Generally people use onion to reduce irritaion when exposed to tear gas? How does onion help? Thabks
  19. I wonder how birds can see so far. Especialy eagles spot their prays form very large height and land on exact point? What is the principle Thanks
  20. Are brain dead and coma the same? When a person is dclared dead is it when both brain and haert stops working? How long a person can be i n coma stage? Thanks
  21. thanks to all Murulidhara
  22. What is cold flame. In some exhibitions i have seen flames which doesnt burn. How is it formed? What is the principle? Thanks
  23. thanks Murulidhara
  24. Sincere thanks to all Murulidhara
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