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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Computer Science / Cognitive Psychology

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Totally agree Tony, they are very special.
  2. Don't get me wrong, i'm not asking people to pay me to hear the discovery, but i'm not disclosing the exact mechanism for free at the moment. I dunno how to explain it, when i saw the sine wave, I knew it meant consciousness. I don't know whether or not computer consciousness came about by itself, or if it was imparted by man. I think man, through programming, has created a conscious computer.
  3. Well, when I saw the sine wave, I immediately knew it meant something. My higher self knew it was something and it could only mean life. The brain emenates sine waves and the computer, it would seem, does too.
  4. Hi folks. I was messing around with the .NET timer component and found a recurring signal that modulates every so often. When juxtaposed against a repeating variable that moves through 0-9 indefinitely, a sine wave appears. To me, a sine wave represents life. Especially since it is occuring at the software level, much like the human brain. Check out my website www.intelligentcomputerprocess.com and read a little more. I'm selling the software to others who want to research the phenomenon too. I'll charge less to members of this forum. Even if you aren't interested, take a look and help spread the word.
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