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Light Storm

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Everything posted by Light Storm

  1. I Hate Hate. This is a conundrum
  2. /agree What moron thinks otherwise?
  3. Welcome to the forums Sometimes people do learn a lot from arguments. I believe in a couple radical scientific theories that really go against the grain. Even mentioning them can cause posts getting locked, moved and deleted . But over years of having the same arguments, seperating accepted facts from raging opinions I've learned a lot about my own theories and have taken them to new levels each time. When you enter an argument, the best thing to do is keep an open mind about your subject.
  4. Our knowledge of the earths interior comes from Seismic Measurements. That data is used to show the different layers of the earths interior, and also gives us some 'idea' on the density of the materials at each location. So we 'assume' the inner core is made out of pure iron, or is a giant iron crystal because it has a similar density. When they said in the movie that the deepest we have ever gotten towards our earths core was a drill bit, that much was accurate. The Kola Superdeep Borehole project, nicknamed "Well to Hell" was a Russian science project that was in my opinion, absolutely awesome. The project shattered many geological predictions at what we would find at even a shallow depth of the earths crust. They had an initial target depth of 15,000 meters. They reached over 12,000 meters , and the temperatures began to make it impossible to go any further. For the record, the crust is about 35,000 - 70,000m thick. So when it comes to really understanding the internal structure of our very own planet, we literally have yet to scratch the surface.
  5. Who's more open minded
  6. The big bang is an idea based around a singularity comprised of infinite mass that started the creation of the universe as we know it. Hypothesis at best, and forever be. Obviously there are many (myself included) who disagree.
  7. Q: Does hatred cause cancer? A: No Q: Do our personal emotions have an effect on our biology A: Yes, it's well known without quoting references that the "mind/body connection" plays a huge part in our health. Your body will react to stress, anxiety or being upset. It will know something isn't right and could result in high blood pressure, stomach aches/ulcers. Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. In cases of clinical depression, it seems the human body just wants to shut down and suicide it's self. The best thing you can do, is try keep a positive out look on life, and embrace the bad things for what experience they are worth. "That's life" Q: Do our personal emotions towards other people have an effect on their biology A: This is a tricky one to test, discuss or even acknowledge as we would never want to believe we could be hurting one another just by thinking it. One of the best links I can give you comes from the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto Ref: He is an internationally renowned researcher who has demonstrated the effects of individual and collective consciousness and the effects they have on water molecules. In short, a slide with the words like 'love' or 'kindness' associated with them result in positive molecular responses while words like 'hate' or 'mean' result in negative molecular responses. His methods have been verified and repeated by other scientists. His conclusion is that if our thoughts can have these kind of results on water, imagine what they can have on people.
  8. What do you need clarification on?
  9. I bet it would expand lol... I don't know anything about the material, sorry, that was a JOKE! But I do think a teaspoon of anything taken from a star would be insanely unstable.
  10. Truth begins in lies
  11. It's not something any of us ever put much thought into. Sometimes we see a blind person and we see a disability. Those people have often times accepted their disability and learned to live with it. As an advantage, often all their other senses become enhanced to help them make sense from their environment. The sound of rain may not mean much to us, but to a blind person it may description of the space around them. Babies take months to develop their sight. Sight will gradually develop over the first year. The development is sight is just as much as a milestone in early development as grasping, sitting, rolling over, crawling and walking. Our brain needs time to wire familiar images with one another. At 1 month, an image of a bottle is just other colours in a kaleidoscope of the world around us. It's only as our brain understands the definition of objects around us can it begin to connect the dots of what's what. Much like walking/grasping ect, sight is something we really take for granted. Now what happens when we cure the blind? Advances in technology have come as far as allow us to do just that. However cases like in the essay "To see and not see" by neurologist Oliver Sacks show that blindness can not be cured like hitting a light switch. The brain has wired it's self to understand it's world being blind. To introduce sight only switches on the brains ability to see light. The brain it's self will have no memory or understand of what it means. It would be painful, and it would feel like an attack. To be able to see for the first time, would make as much sense as the world around a new born baby. In the few cases where people have re-gained their sight, the patients have found the experience to be deeply disturbing. The movie "At First Sight" was based on that same essay which also sparked the play "Molly Sweeney" which won several outstanding awards. In the bible, Jesus and his disciples enter Jericho and form a crowed of people around them. A blind begger on the street corner calls out to Jesus for help. Jesus calls him out to him, and in front of everyone Jesus healed his sight. The man was cured and had no side effects from being blind. Ref: Mark 10:46-52 What is more likely.... Jesus healed the blind with a say so... or It was a lie, a stunt performed like an ancient magic trick that has been documented for the ages. We see some pretty interesting magic tricks, and some of the best ones are created by planting actors as spectators.
  12. Light Storm


    Most Christians prefer the lies about Jesus in the new testimate over the lies in the old testimate which where pretty much made up by Moses.
  13. From what I've read on the Gravimotion it doesn't just step outside the box, it ignores the box. In a nut shell, it looks at the universe from a very quantum physics level. Unfortunately quantum physics is a very specialized type of science that needs it's own realm of rules and understanding. Painting the bigger picture with those same rules doesn't make sense. Matter may not be understood on a quantum level, but it's what makes up our reality.
  14. I think what above posters where eluding to... What is your reason for creating this statement?
  15. I think you missed the point I was attempting to make. While we have a pretty broad perspective on looking at the bigger picture, we are failing to notice the wall or building that it's handing up in. A program would never understand what code is making it work, just like our conscience has zero control over the roll our genetics are playing out in our life time. In the grand universe of everything that is, something might be setting the foundations of laws we recognize and calculate. It's not until you get down to quantum mechanics that the laws we take for granted start going out the window. Someone once told me for the size of the universe to be infinite, there would also have to be infinite micro space. For any amount of volume, you will always be able to multiply it or divide it by 2. We recognize levels we think are at the bottom which starts and plancks and dives into super string to m-string theories where multiple dimensions exist and time takes on different meaning. Where I'm going with all of this is that no matter how far down we think we know, or how far down we can theorize to, it's is all contained within the realms of this reality. If existence as we know it has a blue print or programming code running in the background, its what makes our reality possible and will forever remain outside of our understanding. In a 2D word where you only have a flat plane, consistence there would never be able to understand how the 3rd dimension works. If you considered us to be living in a 3rd dimension reality, there could be a 4th happening that would remain outside our understanding.
  16. GoogleFight Bruce Lee = 4.14m Chuck Norris = 1.48m While Bruce Lee may be able to walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land!
  17. Ironically, Suicide bombers are often targeting western diplomacy because they are ligiemtly feeling their way of life is under attack. I'm not saying what they are doing is right. But if you think we live in 'freedom' or 'peace' trust me when I say you are wrong. We are each under the thumb of economic oppression and money makes the rules, not people. I'm all about freedom of speech, and freedom to share beliefs with one another. I don't mind if Christians want to open their own schools and teach what ever they want. I have the choice on where I would like to send my children. Not to long ago, 'Anti Christian' organizations starting posting 'Anti God' campaigns all over the city. Stuff like "God didn't create man in his image, We created God!" What they where doing was just as bad if not worse then any religious cult that sought to 'save' the masses. Everyone should have a right to share their beliefs. In fairness, they should be open to hearing alternate perspectives. I've personally been black listed by any organization that would knock on my door. Trust me... They don't like it when you start opening the eyes of followers to the real world.
  18. If this text blurb as you read it represented life as we know it... we couldn't possibly begin to understand the programming code running in the back ground. Let alone the programs running behind that one, and then the hardware behind that. the point I'm attempting to make is that if there is a 2nd dimension to our 1st, it would forever be outside of our understanding.
  19. Professional photographer... my hobbies coexist with my hobbies... However the girlfriend is often asking me to put the cameras away when we go on Vacation. Heading down to Vegas in a couple of weeks. I read up a few articles on how photographers balance recreation with their trade
  20. Not sure how... but for some reason I still roam free
  21. "Truth Begins in Lies" That would kind of make sense under Rabbinical Judaism which calculates his life to be somewhere between 1391-1271BC. The Laws of Moses where discovered in a temple in about 625BC. So if my little theory that Moses did exist, and was a teacher of some sort, his story went word of mouth a few generations before it got bastardized into ink 800BC you say. I don't know if you ever played the game where you whisper something into someones ear and have them pass it on, but it's interesting what the last person says it was when compared to what the first said. But details aside I do believe the man was a murderer I do believe the man murdered children I do believe he talked to plants I do believe he was a hypocrite I defiantly believe he was a lier And I defiantly believe he was totally insane. The fact that followers of Bible base the foundation of their morality on that guy is beyond me.
  22. Well... clearly I am undone... someone should just pack up that field in science called Astrobiology. Clearly they are all wasting their time. lol!
  23. Just so that we are clear on what you are asking... You need evidence from me, to confirm that there is life here on earth... ... lol
  24. Reality Reason: Genesis wasn't written by God, it was a story based on original teachings of Moses.
  25. Based on the premise that we are having this conversation The question to wether or not life can exist is defiantly not 0 Now, if someone where to ask me the odds of time lines co-exsisting where sentient beings where close enough to contact each other, I would start tossing out possibilities.
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