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Light Storm

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Everything posted by Light Storm

  1. Lets break this down for you, Milky way contains 100-400 billion stars. Based on what we know so far it's estimated to have at least 50 billion planets and at least 500 million of those could be located in a 'habitable Zone' You take even 1% chance one of those 500 million has some sort of life on them, you have 5 million planets You take even 1% chance of that 5 million that another planet could have intelligent life on it, you have 50 thousand planets in our galaxy alone. Pretend, the milky way contains the low end of that estimation for stars at 100 billion. 50,000 planets that could support life is 0.0000005% chance (Chances of winning the lottery is higher!). I would like to think odds are more favourable, but I'm a skeptic at heart. There seems to be growing evidence that Mars could have supported life in it's very distant past. And if one system could have not 1, but 2 planets that could support life... odds get increasingly better. (All Links Wiki)
  2. Here is the catch: You can not hate anything you are not in someway in love with. The two emotions have a lot of similarities. “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.” ~ Elie Wiesel quotes
  3. I sometimes log into various forums to discuss Expanding Earth Theories with people that are interested in hearing about them.
  4. Math! Because life is possible on one planet, it's safe to assume it could happen else where. Based on the number of systems in our galaxy, even with a minuscule percentage chance leaves thousands of systems that could support life. Odds are favourable that popular mythology is no different from the beliefs the ancient Greeks or Egyptians that believed in interesting stories created by the cleverness of a few and based on the fears of many.
  5. Moses single handily wrote the 10 commandments. Well... I think what it says is that he went up into the mountain by himself, and was inspired by God... (Those talking plants again, I think it says he went without food or water for 40 days) to set the 10 commandments into stone. Basically he reflected on himself, and made a list of everything he does wrong, and then made it rules that no one else was allowed to do those things. Jesus, obviously seeing moses as some sort of fraud, went around and attempted to reason with people that their original teachings where just a few fries short of a full happy meal. Jesus basically scrapped the 10 commandments by saying the only thing that is important is that you Love God. Through that, everything else would supposedly fall into place. He would go around and say things to the effect of 'You have heard it said Eye for Eye, and now I tell you, when someone smacks you upside the head, let them smack you up the other side of the head as well.' Are you Jewish or Christian? One Law is by Moses, the other is principle or moral said by Jesus... hence the years of wars between unhappy extremists. They often also don't know their bibles very well... one book and they can't even get it right. lol... I would read the entire thing cover to cover, take important notes on who wrote each book of the bible, and why they wrote it. You will quickly discover the entire thing isn't that much different then the type of crap politicians pull out of there arse to gain control or power over groups of people. The fact people still buy into it after thousands of years is epicly sad.
  6. Little bit of rain here is the capital of BC...
  7. Check out www.googlefight.com Ultimate answer key for 'Vs.' Questions.
  8. The standard Gregorian calendar has less todo with planet alignments, and more to do with religious propaganda. I sincerely doubt it would be possible to replace the accepted system with one regardless of how much more sense it would make. The layout of keys on most peoples keyboards was originally formulated to slow typing speed down so they wouldn't jam keys together in a type writer. That obviously isn't the problem anymore, but the layout has undergone universal acceptance making it very difficult to change for everyone. Changing the modern day calendar would be far more difficult to re-write.
  9. I second that statement, however I might exchange 'bull' for 'elephant'
  10. I'm all about alternate theories to 'infinite amount of matter appeared and exploded' but I'm not sure about this one. What is the outside force pulling it apart?
  11. Time doesn't exist, you certainly can't run it backwards
  12. Think they will give up their beliefs when the only thing that happens May 21, 2011 is possibly a new beer commercial airs on TV?
  13. It's fixed!!! Ninja Kicks Samurais BUTT with 17,600,000 over Samurai with only 720,000 Round 2... Ninja Vs Pirate With only a hit of 8,580,000... Pirate didn't have a chance.
  14. I could be wrong, but it kind of looks like typical belemnite to me. ref: http://www.corton.ukfossils.co.uk/
  15. Here is a better question In my extremist alternate reality where anything goes, you decide to watch me on my path from the moon You pull out your stop watch I travel by you at 10 trillion kilometres per second (1 light year) You stop your watch at the end of second 2, I'm back at my starting position. Did I appear to by moving in slow motion? How many times would have your heart beat in the time I was gone?
  16. Some people can't handle the truth You mean like the research done by the National Geophysical data Centre aka NOAA http://www.ngdc.noaa...stalimages.html I have come to realize that you are easily confused by legitimate science sites... so just for you, here is a Wiki Link http://en.wikipedia....i/Oceanic_crust
  17. IMO: If I had a photon counting clock on me, and one on the ground at my start/end location The clocks would reflect very different times when I return The stationary clock on the ground will say I've been gone for 2 seconds The clock on me will appear to have not even moved, it would have slowed pulse by over 1 year / second. It would appear as though I was time traveling, but it would be a fault of the clocks. I would have still aged 2 seconds in my travel, and my heart rate would still have beat about 2.4 times.
  18. I'm not allowed to answer that question
  19. That is a contradiction, not an argument Time Dilation is completely dependant upon the perspective of the observer, and time it's self does not change. If I attached a super bright pulsating light to myself and then broke all the laws of physics and spent 1 second flying 1 light year out into space At that distance, my perspective of the earth would be from 1 year in the past, because that is the length of time it takes light to travel that distance And then I spent another second flying back... the total time I've been gone is 2 seconds, I would not time travel into the future! The time it would take you, 'to watch' (pulsating light) my trip out into space would be over 2 years Time it's self would not, and can not change around me.
  20. My argument for 'Time is an illusion' is usually used in time-travel posts. Because time does not exist, it's is not something you can ever travel through. In the image you see changing above, you can store a memory of what just happened, and you can predict what is going to happen next. But there is only change, there is no then or when. There is only now and now is always changing. Time is all a matter of persecutive. The average heartbeat for a humming bird is 1,200 beats per minute The average heartbeat for a human is 72 beats per minute The average heartbeat for a blue whale is 9 beats per minute To a humming bird, we move in a pretty much slow motion while they appear pretty freaking fast to us I imagine to a blue whale, we must seem like pretty speedy monkeys, but it's all a matter of perspective. We see the planet taking a year going around the sun, but the sun probably sees it's self as only taking a year to swing around the galaxy To us, that length of time is about 200 million years.
  21. There is also a major serious problem with the way atomic clocks tick that I think is overlooked. They often count passing time by bouncing photons back and forth... I don't know why I'm the only person who sees a problem with this. If you bounce a beam of light between two solid objects, you can determine the speed of light. You start moving those two objects an at any velocity, it will take longer and longer for the light to travel in a strait line from one side to the other effectively slowing the clock, but not the number of heartbeats you will have in that time. Time is an illusion It doesn't exist, their is only constant change, and time is our way of labelling that change.
  22. You have newly opening ocean basin pushing the plates apart completely around Antarctica There is a massive Oceanic Rift pushing the Atlantic and Pacific apart. Rifting in the southern hemisphere is measured higher then the rifting in the northern hemisphere. This results in a largely 'new' (most of it is less then 70 million years old) and oceanic southern hemisphere and a largely ancient (Up to 4 billion years old) continental northern hemisphere. This is why you have your triangle, or S pattern continents.
  23. Both of those words should be hitting in the millions, doesn't seem to matter what you make 'fight' everything is hitting 200's... doesn't make sense... conclusion: broken
  24. Roughly 55 million years ago sea level was 70 meters higher then it is today.... While run off green house gasses are the popular accepted account for this number, I tend to learn towards another unmentionable theory that makes more sense. In any regard... here is a pretty good article on the subject "What if all the ice melts?" http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/environment/waterworld.html
  25. Generally, the more oxygen that gets pumped into the brain, the better brain cells work. Kinda like blowing on the coals of a fire I remember reading an interesting article on the effects of obesity cutting down on oxygen supply to the brain. When the children cut down their wait, they found an increase in clarity and problem solving. I think your project would defiantly be a wake up call to those that take an interest in your project. Good luck with it!
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