Ok I am looking for some answers; see the other day we had a scare with something that happened with my grandma who lives next door to me. My grandpa called me up and said there was something wrong with grandma and he had called 911. I ran over and when I arrived I saw my grandma slouched over in a chair sitting very still. Her eyes were closed but as I knelt down and put my hand on her arm she looked at me gave a slight smile and went back to her original state. When we asked her questions she had some ability to attempt to speak but it was very difficult to understand her, and she had some muscle movement but she was very weak. She was drooling slightly also. As the first responders got there she gave some acknowledgement that they were there, and they put her on oxygen. After a while we helped her to the couch were she laid down, a few minutes later she began to open her eyes and regained her ability to speak and gained back some of her strength. She spent the night in the hospital and came home the next day perfectly normal. At first we thought it may have been a mini stroke, but the doctors could find no evidence of anything wrong with her. This was the first time anything like this had happened to her. Doctors don’t have any idea what caused all this to happen, do any of you have a possible explanation?