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Everything posted by bored_teen

  1. this info is from my dad: my uncle is a math major. he used to explain to my dad how 1+1 does not equal 2. he would go through the steps, but my dad would never see any twist. my uncle lives in california, and i don't feel like calling him in the middle of the night to ask him. so how does 1+1 not equal 2?????
  2. no, 4 chromosomes would fuse. if we have two less, and two fuses into one, we'd need 4 (2 pairs) to fuse. so what'd happen if instead of a 2 chromosome difference, there was a 4 chromosome difference? it would be fertile, right?
  3. note to self: create no more math threads! high school algebra, high school geometry. next year is high school algebra 2. so not a lot. so there's lot's of infinities? or infiniti? either way, i'll be gone for a week or so. bye!
  4. bored_teen


    got it. leave the zeroes and ones to binary
  5. so genes don't fully determine personality or intelligence, but they sets basic parameters.
  6. an example of negative infinity? well if you subtract infinity from infinity, instead of being zero, it would be negative infinity.
  7. yes, but it's not about cutting. a card coming at you at 25 mph will still cause impact, which is why they usually cause stinging welts. if you hit someone at a pressure point at 90 mph, they would probably die, right?
  8. if there's a positive infinity, can there be a negative infinity?
  9. are we all in agreement that you can kill with a card by striking varios pressure pints, nerve clusters, etc.?
  10. i said maybe... and that depends on the type of bone, the condition of the bone, etc. maybe it is a bone from a 2 year old, not fully formed and hardened. maybe it's the bone of a mosquito (do they even have bones?), which would be really small.
  11. huh. would that apply to intelligence as well?
  12. bored_teen


    so 1/0 is the one we can't do? i would think that if you take nothing out of something, you would come up with the same amount of something... so it could equal 1. but then again, we are taking 1 and splitting it into no equal parts. so we have no parts. which means it's zero. so 1/0 = {0,1}
  13. wait, if you're moving faster through time, you age more slowly? why wouldn't you age more quickly? like that guy on Clockstoppers, who kept the watch on to long?
  14. bored_teen


    i've just realised that i messed up on my concept of division. division isn't taking y out f x, y times. because if it was, 20/5 = -5. but it equals 4. division is separating x into y parts equally, then using 1 part as the answer. so 0/1 would be taking nothing, and separating it into 1 equal part. so you still have nothing. but if you take something out of nothing, because that is what 0/1 is doing, then you have a lack of nothing. i think i'm understanding why it can't be done. because it's too frustrating for anyone to figure out. so can there be a negative infinity?
  15. bored_teen


    or if we divide 0 by 0, would we get All as opposed to Nothing? not infinity, per say, because infinity is an imaginary integer that includes all integers and itself as well, not to mention many more of itself. but All as in All? if we divide 0 by 0, we would essentialy be taking nothing from nothing, no times. so it would still be nothing. so if we take 0 divided by 1, instead of infinity, would we get All? All as in all. as in lions and tigers and bears.
  16. bored_teen


    ever since we started learning division God knows when, i have been told that 0/1 cannot be done. but WHY? if we divide nothing by 1, wouldn't it just be nothing? but if we divided it by 2, wouldn't we have a lack of nothing? which is to say we'd have something? and if we divided 0 by 0, would we get infinity?
  17. there's always that saying that "(insert personality trait) runs in our family", but are personality traits really caused by genes? i'm sure our upbringing has something to do with it, and because we are talking about the human psyche, i wouldn't think it would "run in the family". should this maybe be in Psychology?
  18. can you prove that? if there is no true now, yet all takes place in now, nothing truly happens, which i'm now using as a metaphor attesting to the futility of man's daily routines in contrast to a lasting legacy. maybe i should be a philosopher?
  19. a cold flame? my unenlightened mind can barely process the idea. i wouldn't think you could have a cold flame! then again, flame is in itself a chemical reaction to heat... so if you had the right chemicals (ones with a low burning point) you could have a cold flame...
  20. i saw a documentary once about black holes. apparently astronauts were able to launch a clock at a black hole and record what happened to the clock's readings. as it got closer, it took 2 minutes to pass a minute. which means that time does exist, but differently than we think of it on a daily basis. time as a measurement is a convenient tool created to explain concepts that we otherwise couldn't. but on that basis, we are really recording the rotating of the Earth. on a philosophical level (which lends itself to this debate), everything is Now. there is no tomorrow, only a Now yet to come. there is no yesterday, only a Now that has come to pass. what does it matter if you passed through a door at a past Now, you aren't currently in the doorway, and i am able to pass through.
  21. hmm point taken. and looking back at it, it is a rather far-fetched claim. cut bone maybe, but not necessarily cut to the bone. to cut to the bone, a card would have to penetrate the skin, then blood and muscle, to the bone. and a card cutting muscle tissue is unlikely. i retract that statement. Bignose, i concede. i recently rewatched the Mythbusters episode, and the card did in fact spin. the last time i had viewed this episode was the original air date. to me at the time the card looked like it went straight. i don't know why. i won;t let this sort of situation reoccur.
  22. i was just looking for evidence, and it just occurred to me that i'm not sure what it is that needs proving. i'll say it up front, this is not some gimmick to make you forget that i have no evidence. i'll be the first to tell you that. but after re-reading the posts, i'm not sure what it is i'm being asked to prove. that cards can cause cuts? that a card can be turned into a buzzsaw (which is different from a mitre saw, and it also needs to be said that that metaphor was an exaggeration)? or am i proving the reason cards cut skin is because of friction?
  23. i have yet to find any evidence online. so for now, all i have is my experience with throwing cards, and examples such as the knife one. but you already rebuked that one into submission. i have no calcuations, as i'm a sophomore in high school next term. i honestly don't know what your calculations meant, so technically i can only accept those equations as based on your word. but i'm okay with that. i will continue my search for evidence, attempt to come up with various scenarios involving the cutting of flesh due to various factors, and if all else fails, create some sort of experiment to dis/prove this. after all, it's called the scientific method. also, you didn't answer one of my previous questions, being did you account for the card having only 4 edges. by the way, i'm a sarcastic person by nature, i'm sorry if it comes out that way. i in no way am making an attempt at sarcasm. and Rocket Man, a card may be similar to a bur blade on the microscopic level, but microscopic edges only cause microscopic cuts.
  24. how did i move a sign??????
  25. i was gonna change 101-102=1 into 102-101=1. he said move one number, not one digit. last time i checked, 102 is a number.
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