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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. If you would please use your method to prove I have a unicorn in my backyard, I will gladly use your method to prove the existence of god.
  2. Apparently you care enough about science to use its fruits to post messages about how you hate science. Have you donated your pc and smartphone yet, both developed by science?
  3. Space has no border or skin to keep stuff inside. There is only space.
  4. I didn't realize they lived on permafrost. I rather live on more greener land myself.
  5. tl;dr Kindly summarize where your theory/model can explain observations better than the current ones.
  6. Fuzzwood


    Are you confused by a circle vs an oval?
  7. Perhaps they should simply let their children be vaccinated if they are already scared of them contracting diseases from a debilitated virus.
  8. Science is NOT an opinion but only deals in facts and falsifiable theories. If you intend to put your brainfart on here, you better back it up with evidence. Else you simply have no place here.
  9. Nitrogen-rich fertilizer. But you want to inject it in the soil to prevent aforementioned damage. Ammonia is caustic.
  10. Smells like colloidal gold...
  11. Then you first have to understand exactly what the physicists are talking about in the first place. I know, learning is scary.
  12. Because there is not energy present in the rest of the system to keep them in an unstable state. Compare it by pouring hot and cold water together. Eventually the system will reach the same temperature throughout, and then cool down to reach the same temperature as the greater system (the room the container is in).
  13. Cool, kinda like an APU for planes. Drive off of batteries which you can plug in at work or w/e and only when needed use the gasoline to recharge your banks.
  14. The underlying question is why you think you must do something everyone else does. Don't do it if you are uncomfortable with it. Ignoring social pressure is not punishable by law last time I checked.
  15. The opposing CH2Cl site is too far away to really influence coupling, if that would confuse you otherwise. If it would be right next to it (1,3 dichloropropane instead of the current 1,4 dichlorobutane), it would cause a 5-fold splitting.
  16. Symmetry plays a role so that the 4 hydrogens closest to the symmetry plane are the same, ergo they would show up as a singlet if the outer 4 protons were not there.
  17. You do realize heart rate is influenced by things like adrenaline and other chemicals, right? Recognition -> emotional response from the BRAIN -> heart rate is influenced.
  18. Please show what work you put into it already.
  19. Make sure you put down a big enough surface to do this stuff on first.
  20. Well, you are doing a great job at explaining, but you might do a bit better if you try.
  21. 'They' have done no such thing as such a device does not exist.
  22. Paris, London, IS. Yes it matters.
  23. Just as you won't get credits for answers without explanation, you won't get help here when you don't show what you tried.
  24. Very, VERY, rapid expansion of gaseous water due to the heat. That pressure has to go somewhere, hence the explosion.
  25. Because you need something to burn, i.e. something that can be oxidized.
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