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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. Annnnd, what position are we talking of? There are a lot of isomers of what you are asking.
  2. No. Ammonium dichromate is one of many hexavalent chromium compounds.
  3. The last part might have been the problem. Either TEA sticks to the silica, or your product does. If you still have the column or at least the silica, you could try to get your product off by flushing it with methanol.
  4. What properties are you referring to? Hydroxide is a nucleophyle, sodium is an electron donor.
  5. Doing the last line: you know the MHz of the NMR machine: 200 MHz = 200.000.000 Hz. 1.53 ppm (parts per million) of that amount of Hz = (200.000.000/1.000.000) * 1.53 = 306 Hz
  6. (Offtopic: I like how dividing Fibonacci sequence numbers converges to the golden ratio: x²-x-1 = 0)
  7. Www.google.com . If you want to have specific links, then be specific in your question.
  8. Ah so you are the cause for the ozone hole. Just kidding but this family of organic gases isn't really healthy either.
  9. Apparently not as long as a thread doesn't decay into "LALALALA cant hear you, you are wrong and I am right" kind of threads.
  10. Men are herd animals, and will always flock to someone with a strong character, ergo there will always be some kind of leadership.
  11. Make sure they have enough food, resources and a way to sort out cultural diferences. Look at Africa how one of the reasons they fight wars is the invention of the ruler.
  12. The heat has to go somewhere, the energy cannot simply vanish.
  13. Yeah that was kind of my point there. Jumped the gun there a bit, sorry
  14. Or turn yourself in at the nearest authroities. This is kinda step one of making MDMA...
  15. For instance, a hurricane... oh wait.
  16. That's a bit extreme don't you think?
  17. Hmmz, that is not entirely true. Water/EtOH will separate, but not all EtOH will leave the gasoline.
  18. Because temperature is nothing more than kinetic energy of molecules. A high temperature means the molecules have a high kinetic energy. Ek = 0.5 m v²
  19. Why would the amount of moles change when you dissolve it? Is it any different to dissolve the 42.1167 grams?
  20. Funny, I have no problem separating fairy tales from that which is tangible and can be tested.
  21. Look at basic helicopter design.
  22. Prove it.
  23. How do you recover all the heat loss?
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