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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. What's wrong with the quotient rule? Just factor out 3 and use x/(x²+4)
  2. First, make sure the cooling fan on it is properly installed with a right amount of cooling paste.
  3. Like a tinfoil hat? Lol, but seriously, it would be awesome if there was a way to pull this off. However, can you think of a way to become lazier (and fatter) than just using telekinesis to have everything float towards you?
  4. Yup, there is a special breed on lizards only consisting of females. They still need the movements of copulation to conceive, but no fluids are being shared during the act. Saw it on Discovery once as a Valentine's day special.
  5. There is an exact *4 difference between your and the answer in the book.
  6. That is the trouble with creationists, they see evolution as a sentient entity, while science has labeled it as a phenomenon. Get off your high stick that the eye was suddenly there. It wasn't. The very first eye was most likely a simple light receptor to figure out if it was day or not.
  7. That is circular reasoning, and as so fails as a proper proof.
  8. Why should we disprove the existence of god, let them prove he exists. The normal way of science is that the entity that makes a claim, has to prove said claim. NOT the other way around.
  9. Life is a definition, look it up.
  10. Yup, that's the one . You were probably looking for confirmation of your findings.
  11. Google broken? Well it might have with the wrong search term, but it shouldn't be an issue now.
  12. Hmmz somehow all of those numbers give me the feeling light and gravity are linked in more ways than I first assumed.
  13. And for purposes of conservation of energy: they also create an empty antibonding orbital which is higher in energy. This is the reason why He2 does not exist because there, the bonding and antibonding orbitals are filled. There is no energy gain, only a loss of entropy.
  14. To answer your next question, yes at some point we will dunk Earth into the sun.
  15. Good job comparing miles to meters. Not very consistent with units are we?
  16. Very simple: it doesn't
  17. Religious people vulch off our scientific ideas, scientists vulch off religious holidays. Fair trade
  18. Those would hydrolyse in the open air by just looking at it. There is a reason why those are highely energetic compounds.
  19. You are starting in a basic environment, meaning your histidine is fully deprotonated. What charge is it going to have?
  20. Why do you think it will?
  21. Because neutrons can decay into a proton and electron. That has nothing to do with your original question if you were not aware of that.
  22. And now we want proof.
  23. Based on what?
  24. The reaction uses a secret catalyst to transform nickel into copper <-- yeah i cannot see a chemical catalyst and some heat doing that. Substantional proof or it didn't happen.
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