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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. Then those people should have their head checked.
  2. Shouldn't a mentor or similar figure be able to help you more on this?
  3. I don't see the point of the entire marriage bullshit in the first place. Either you live together or you don't. As far as I am concerned, it's time to get free from the chains of corruption that is religion.
  4. you, not u, et cetera. Just try to spell out the words.
  5. Fuzzwood

    baba ramdev

    If I remember correctly, I remember people frequently asking you to stop using textspeak.
  6. What deeper significance would there be?
  7. Ask him to stop changing the subject or stfu because you dont deem him worthy anymore then
  8. Simple: to an observer or a physical process the lapse of time would have the same speed as when you put the same observer or process in current timeframe; ie. for the same observer 1 second then would be 1 second now. Carbon dating and other dating measurements suggest a far longer period than 6000 years have lapsed, therefore his statements are false. His fallacity: reference frames.
  9. Yeah but you neglect a purification step in those applications. You won't find those microbes inside your pants. You will find others tho if you aren't that hygienic.
  10. They have potential energy, stored as mass * gravitational constant * distance: m*g*h = E = 0,5 m * v². As you can see, mass cancels out, so g*h = v²/2 remains.
  11. What pressure does tne normal boiling point suggest?
  12. Why do you assume it was created?
  13. The underlying question to this entire discussion has yet to be asked: "Why would you want to do this?"
  14. That works by absorbing and re-emitting the proton, depending on the refractive index of the material.
  15. Go ahead and change them. It's not like they only exist on paper or something.
  16. Cant you split it in several parts? ^H-1/2 is nothing more than something to the power of H multiplied by the same something to the power of -1/2
  17. It has actually been proven: E. coli mutating into EHEC. HIV virus mutations. YES THAT FALLS UNDER EVOLUTION.
  18. I think it involves the relative melting speeds as function of the angle between flame and wax.
  19. The brain itself, among with some parts of the spinal cord, releases hormones and signal molecules like serotonine, adrenaline, dopamine, etc. Those can have a physical and a psychological effect. I.E. adrenaline causes your heartbeat to rise, to prepare for a fight of flee reaction.
  20. Actually none at all, as you miss the "start here" codon which codes for methionine in our bodies.
  21. 36524250 new seconds.
  22. cygideon, because they aren't chemists, but plain idiots.
  23. Thin layers of graphite have a metallic luster due to their conductive properties. And that is going to be right on the surface of those pieces of coal.
  24. 2 words: bull shit.
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