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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. For question c, if there is water left over in the burette from a previous washing with water it would dilute each titre and as a result require a slightly greater amount of recorded HCl to be used in the titration. For it to react and reach the stochiometric mole ratio, more recorded HCl, in litres, will be used. You just answered the logic behind my question with this. Ie. not dried means that some water remains. And you answered what happens after that with the above quote. w/e means whatever
  2. What would any extra amount of water do to the concentration of w/e solution you are putting in there?
  3. If it has 0 heat capacity, then yes. Compare it to a perfect black surface in the sun. It releases heat as fast as it gains it.
  4. Stops nicely at x=3 on my graphical calculator. Of course, I do know the trick of alogb = 10logb/10loga to convert logs with different bases into eachother.
  5. ONOEZ people see that other people have sex. What is the issue here again?
  6. 0 != 2 - (1+2) = -1
  7. When you have log_9(x-6) + log_9(x+2) = log_9(1), you can kick the logs away so you remain with (x-6)(x+2) = 9
  8. To help out a bit more: how would you turn that = 1 to something that is also log(base 9)? And yes, you still need to root after that. log(base9)(x-6) + log(base9)(x+2) = log(base9)[(x-6)*(x+2)]
  9. Close your eyes at night, now move your hands in front of your eyes and you can still see them. Same effect. Your subconcious knows where you are or what you are doing at the moment, notices something is missing, and, for the sake of pattern recognition, replaces the missing bits with images from your memory.
  10. No, you only transform the scale in a, well, logarithmic scale. First mark will range from 1 to 10 (but also logarithmic in between), 2nd mark from 10 to 100, etc. It does not do anything with your function itself.
  11. He has the mass of the ammonium nitrate. Not sure if the solubility of that stuff is 50g/115ml tho, you might want to check that
  12. You have every value needed to find T2, which is T1 + deltaT. This is just a fill the numbers-exercise.
  13. It does, it alters conductive properties of semiconductors just like heat does.
  14. Indeed, cooling water down by 1 °C requires the environment to take up 4.18 J of energy. q = mass x specific heat x deltaT
  15. Well it takes 4.18 J to heat 1 g of water by 1 °C. That is sort of the definition of 1 cal
  16. That looks about right, you missed that the square root of the entire thing was also a function of x, for which you corrected in the 2nd post.
  17. Yes but the flame also emits a lot of light, which can also be converted into IR if some of the excess energy is absorbed into the material, which will again be released as heat. Forgot the details of that tho, but it is comparable to the phenomena that heated iron will glow with a reddish white glow.
  18. You would normally do this by using the ideal gas law.
  19. You do realize that your reaction equation is wrong, right? Count the aluminum left and right.
  20. 2-bit dna would be more susceptibel to damage. With 64 possible combinations (each codon coding for an amino acid is 3 bases long) coding for 20 amino acids, you get a lot of redundancy. Even better: if a mutation occured which would code for another amino acid, it is very likely that an amino acid with comparable functionality would be built into a proteine.
  21. Sorry to do this, but: par·a·graph (pr-grf)n.1. A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.
  22. You can also take the 2 outside, and then you can make out h: h = {2kAmg+/-[(2kAmg)²-4k²A²]}/2k
  23. Divide every term by h.
  24. I cannot agree with your last sentence. As species other than us have genders, people can still be andro- or gynesexual, only with another species.
  25. The light will still be approaching at C. You will see the spaceship moving in a distance AND see it flying past you. This might be a bad example to quote some sci-fi, but what I think that happens is in Startrek TNG known as the Picard Maneuver.
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