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Everything posted by Fuzzwood

  1. CH5+ DOES exist however: http://www.physicsforums.com/showpost.php?p=200412&postcount=5
  2. Fuzzwood


    I thought this was a serious problem. For inferiority complexes you should see a psychiatrist.
  3. No, you wont get peroxide.
  4. By the looks of it, the virus removed or altered the file responsible for starting the spooler, as stated by "Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified." Not sure how you could reinstall this off my head, but I think searching on google will help you.
  5. Fuzzwood

    Is it rape?

    They are. Obviously from that point on, the female doesn't consent to sex anymore, which is kind of the definition of rape.
  6. I see it like this. Our current evolutionary state is essentially caused by survival of the fittest. What makes you think the same mutations allowing for increased intelligence can't occur in other species? They too will be able to survive better and pass on their traits. So yeah I won't be surprised if other animals start to communicate the way we started to.
  7. You DO realize that poultry is meat, right? It was an animal before you could buy it in a shop. And you ARE aware that you actually need to burn calories in order to do anything right? With all the carbohydrates you kick out, you leave NOTHING for ATP synthesis.
  8. Yeah, any proof to support that claim?
  9. Photons are not heat. Photons are packets of energy. Only interaction with atoms can generate heat but doesnt always have to be the case.
  10. This is one of those questions alike: if a tree falls in the forest and noone is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  11. Who? The flying spaghetti monster?
  12. Fuzzwood

    Bases in DNA

    The text book does not say that. They are saying that each set of 3 mRNA bases (called a codon) can code for a total of 64 different things. 3 stop-codons which are used as a termination signal, 1 start-codon which is both used as an initiation signal and codes for metionine, and 61 remaining for the other 19 amino acids.
  13. So the flying spagetti monster comes and offers us nourishment?
  14. The more cynical reasons are that they used to make a lot of money on all church related things like baptism through marriage to death.
  15. Does the term destillation mean anything to you?
  16. Healthier climate, less fat.... Go Aussies!!!
  17. You do know one of the basis of evolution is just mutations in genes and the ones with mutations that allow better survival in their environments are the ones that will more often mate, passing those mutations? Elementary, it is just chance-based, coupled to selection of the strongest.
  18. Ions do not have melting and boiling points. Only their salts have.
  19. Some kind of mineral oil would be a good idea, like the ones used in oil baths.
  20. Nothing. 1 kg of mass = 1 kg of mass. The effect would therefore be comparable to a package of sugar.
  21. Gogo powerstig!
  22. Religion in its purest form are just moral codes normal people abide to by themselves, ie. do not steal and do not harm thy neighbor. Only If someone charismatic takes advantage of a religion for their own means, religion can become dangerous. But you don't neccesarily need religion for that: look at Hitler.
  23. 3 mins
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