Thank you theCPE, I'm very glad that you posed your question regarding proof of the collapse timings. I didn't time grainy videos, which is the popular accusation for just brushing off this type of question. You scientists have an instrument which measures earth tremors, it is called a seismometer. The nearby Columbia University seimometer recorded the tremors as the buildings collapsed, here are their findings:
Now as to the steel in the jet engines not melting, in the last passenger aircraft I flew in (last month) I detected no ceramics at the exhaust outlets, and these weren't melting. And what is the conductivity of ceramics?? I assume that this would have been somehow attached to the steel in the engines, steel which didn't melt or weaken very much (thankfully) in the plane I was in.
Now please also advise me just how hot it would get before a person would be unable to enter a building? Not very hot, red hot, warmish, just how hot? You see, you scientists are overlooking the fact that your arguments assume that all the steel throughout the whole building was raised to such a temperature as to weaken it sufficently for it to collapse at near free-fall speeds. And, of course, this just cannot be so, as people were working high up in those buildings. There are testimonies from some of the fire-fighters who survived, and we also have radio transmissions from those within the building prior to its collapse. Notwithstanding all your arguments, it must also be mentioned here that never before or since 9/11 have steel framed buildings ever collapsed and completely disintegrated as a result of fire, yet that day three seem to have done so.
So please do answer my questions, after all, you are the scientists. Which would you prefer, either the tops of the collapsing buildings having infinite mass, or the lower (and not very hot steel columns) having zero resistance, so resulting in pretty much free-fall building collapses. I cannot continue my understanding until I know which option to use.
Finally, and I know the difficulties some of you may be facing, you have probably never given these questions a thought before, just taking in all the media brainwashing which has been going on for many years now, just as I have until the realisation a few months ago. Visit the website at if you do need to refer to some of the media film taken at the time, as you probably won't have seen it since the day of the atrocities, as the mainstream media chooses not to show it - I cannot think why!!